
Fords in the Alpine Trial.

SIR,—The following fact has only recently been brought to my attention, and I must therefore apologize for commenting at so late a date.

In your September issue, however, it is stated that the V-8 Ford team which competed in the Alpine Trial was made up of 1934 models. As you may already know, this is an error.

The cars were standard 1933 models, having neither the double manifold nor the other less important improvements which characterize the 1934 product. Incidentally, these latter were only announced within the past few weeks.

The error arose, I believe, because the 1933 model had not been seen in England, Dagenham having continued to manufacture the 1932 design. Once again congratulating you on a splendid journal, I am, yours, etc.,


Overlook Automobile Racing Club, Pocantico Nills, N. Y. , U. S. A.