From an Owner of "Chitty"


From an Owner of” Chitty.”

SIR,—May I take this opportunity of correcting Mr. Christian, manager of the Efficiency Garage Co., Ltd., whose letter appears in your issue of last month. He is mistaken in thinking that he has

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang I. at his garage. My brother and I happen to own this famous old car, and as the Editor said in his footnote to Mr. Christian’s letter, it is at present in London. The car which Mr. Christian mentions is not Chitty-BangBang IL either, for she happens to be in Dover. It is possible that Mr. Christian’s car is one of the smaller Chittys, of which there were two or three built. Incidentally, my brother and I are pre pared to sell Chitty-Bang-Bang I. Apart from its interest as a landmark in motor

ing history, its gigantic 23,000 c.c. engine should be suitable for a powerful speedboat. Wishing your excellent journal every good fortune in 1934, I am, yours etc., DENIS P. S. CONAN DOYLE. ” Windlesham,” Crowborough,
