

THE aerodrome has been afflicted with fog and cold weather, but in spite of this, work has proceeded steadily whenever possible.

Improvements to the Aerodrome.

The new snack bar is proving very popular, and is more or less besieged during the ” rush-hours “when food is a popular item. It is a great convenience to those who do not wish to spare the time for a full meal, for a snack is always obtainable here at a low price.

The Brooklands Magazine.

Several important changes are announced with regard to the Brooklands Aerodrome Magazine. This has now been adopted by the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club as its official organ. The magazine is thus now the official organ of the

Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, the Brooklands Aero Club, the Brooklands School of Plying, the College of Aeronautical Engineering, and the Cinque Ports Flying Club.

Five Guineas for a Design.

The present cover features the aerodrome only, and obviously is not suited to a paper which includes both the flying and motoring sides, and a prize of £5 5s. is being offered, for a new design, suitable for the magazine in its altered form. Full details were published in the January number, but the results are not yet available.

Arrangements for 1933.

Details of the 1933 programme are still not quite completed, but they will soon be ready for publication. The new plans will be made public as soon as they are completed.

An effort will be made to bring efficient flying instruction within the reach of the man in. the street. Whatever happens, there will of course be not the slightest lowering of the present Brooklands standard, and indeed new ideas are in preparation which mean that in many ways the present service is to be increased and improved.

Rationalised Flying. ” “

A system of ” rationalisation ” is being developed. This is a word which has been much abused, and applied to all sorts of re-organisations, but at the Brooklands Aerodrome it just means running things in the best possible way from the economic point of view. This they are of course all out to do, and any benefit that they can derive from their efforts in that direction will be passed on to their members and pupils. That is all there is to it.