

IT is generally agreed that the average garage or service station is not capable of taking on any high-speed tuning work, nor for that matter is it fair to expect such specialised knowledge. But no qualms need be felt by anyone taking his car to the Bellevue Garage & Service Station at Bellevue Road, Wandsworth Common.

The Works Manager is no less an expert than W. E. Wilkinson, who has had a considerable amount of experience in that most valuable seat of learning, the mechanic’s share of the cockpit of a racing car. For years, Wilkinson made his contribution to the success of O.M. and Maserati cars in this country, being mechanic to such well known drivers as G. E. T. Eyston (in the Maserati at Phoenix Park and in the Double Twelve), Ramponi and R. F. Oats.

Now, in charge of a fully equipped workshop, Wilkinson is at the disposal of all Sports car owners who want “that little something some others haven’t got.’ As proof of his skill, we need only quote the performance of the M.G. Midget driven in last year’s ” 500 ” by D. G. Evans (who manages the garage). For three kours the little car lapped steadily at 100 m.p.h.—a wonderful show for a privately owned car without ” works ” backing.