Club News, February 1933


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TWO R.A.C. closed permits have been issued to the Club, the first for the 12 Hours Reliability Trial to be held on February 18th, and the second for the Club’s annual 24 Hours Trial on June 23rd and 24th.

Regulations are now to hand of the 12 Hours Trial, and a most interesting course has been arranged. The start will take place at the White Hart Hotel, Salisbury, and the route will be via Shaftesbury, Yeovil, Beaminster, Bridport, Asker’s Road House, Maiden Newton, Ibberton, Blandford to Bournemouth. The following hills will be taken in, Capstitch, Chur Lane, Meerhay, Knowle Lane, Black Hill and Ibberton. Probably the worst hill is Knowle Lane, and competitors who enter as novices will not be required to climb this, and will undergo a stop and restart test on Gypsy Lane instead. An unusual test will take place on Black Hill. Competitors will start from a line, accelerate 50 yards, stop, run back 10 yards, stop, restart and accelerate another 50 yards, and come to rest with their front wheels between two lines 2 feet apart. Finally there will be a timed ascent of Ibberton Hill. The finish will be at the Burlington

Hotel, Bournemouth, where a festive evening will be enjoyed.

Any Riley owner who is not yet a member of the Club, and who would like to enter for the Trial should get in touch with the Clerk of the Course, R. C. Porter, of Messrs. Boon & Porter, Ltd., Castlenau, Barnes, S.W.


The Committee of the M.G. Car Club has decided to hold the following events for its members during the 1933 season :—


Sunday, 26t1i.—Scrounging Trial.


Saturday, 29th.—Chilterns Trial.


Saturday, 6th.—Brooklands Rally in connection with the J.C.C. Race. Saturday, 20th.—Speed Trials. Saturday, 27th.—Shelsley Walsh Rally. JUNE

Saturday, 24th.—Night Trial.


Saturday, 8th.—Gymkhana.

Saturday, 221id.—Brooklands Rally in connection with the L.C.C. Relay Race.


Sunday, 10th.—Abingdon Abingdon Trial.


An R.A.C. permit has been issued for the Sunbac’s annual Colmore trial, which which will be held on February 18th.

THE MIDLAND A.C. The Club’s Annual Dinner Dance and

The Club’s Annual Dinner Dance and cup distribution will take place at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on Friday. February 10th.

This trial differs from the usual run of events in that a special trophy, the Colmore Cup, is competed for, enabling drivers to show an individual merit. The present holder of the cup is A. Langley on an M.G.

Entries close on Tuesday, 7th February, and anyone wishing to enter should get in touch with the Secretary, at 10, Warwick Chambers, Corporation Street, Birmingham. The trial, in addition to being run for the ” Sunbac ” members, is. open to the following clubs, M.G. Car, Bugatti Owners, Oxford University, Hornet, Cambridge University, and Birmingham University.