

ENTRIES for the R.A.C. Rally now number nearly one hundred, although the actual date on which entries close is not until 13th February next. Intending entrants are reminded that the maximum number which can be accepted as starters from any one of the nine Starting Controls, is one hundred, and that the entries first received will have the preference of starting from any particular Control, should the number received for any one place exceed the maximum number.

Judging by numerous enquiries received by the R.A.C. the following information may be of interest to entrants.

(1) The routes given by the R.A.C. in the regulations and the route card are the shortest distance between the various Controls, but competitors need not necessarily follow these routes. In many cases competitors may find it advisable to take a slightly longer route, as giving better roads and opportunities of maintaining a higher average speed. For members of the R.A.C. these alternative routes are available in the ordinary way through the Club’s Touring Department.

(2) The entrant of a car in the Rally need not himself be the driver. (3) Two drivers must be carried as a minimum. Additional drivers may be

nominated at the discretion of the entrant.

(4) Entrants and drivers must be in possession of Open Competition Licences.

(5) Only cars that have completed the Road Section of the Rally are eligible for the Coachwork Competition Ample time will be available between the conclusion of the Eliminating Tests which take place on Friday, March 17th. and the Coachwork Competition on the following day, for cars to be washed and cleaned.

Regulations, •Entry Forms and all information regarding the Rally may be obtained from the Secretary, R.A.C., Pall Mall, London, S.W.I.