The Wash Speedway.


The Wash Speedway.

Progress being made with A.R.A. Scheme.

IN discussing any undertaking of real magnitude, it is always advisable to remember the quoted period of time in which Rome was not built. This particularly applies to the proposed racing and testing track on the shores of the Wash, which is being undertaken under the auspices of the Automobile Racing Association, who are the proprietary company of this undertaking. Naturally, a work of this size cannot be commenced without very careful organisation, and the actual final arrangement of the various tracks has not yet been settled, and may have to be modified somewhat as those on the spot may find advisable.

Engineers are now on the site, however, and Mr. N. S. Chedburn, who is also a director of the A.R.A., has been appointed Engineer and Surveyor to the scheme, and is being assisted by Sir Henry Maybury and Partners, who will act as consultants with regard to the construction of the numerous roads which will be required. The drainage system, and the construction of the sea defences, will be in the hands of Sir John Wolfe Barry and Partners, of Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.1. The general layout of the whole concern will include roads, both for road racing and for approaches, water

ways for motor-boat racing, and a large amount of work incidental to motor racing, such as an aerodrome and golf-courses. This is to be attended to by Mr. Joseph Emberton, A.R.I.B.A., who was responsible for the extensions to Olympia.

The advisory committee on racing matters will consist of Earl Howe, Capt. Malcolm Campbell, and Col. Moore Brabazon, while other famous racing motorists will also be associated with the organisation and control of the sport.

Capt. Campbell’s recent difficulties with the American authorities about his attempt on the land speed record at Daytona emphasises the great need for a track in this country, suitable for such attempts, and a 15 mile stretch for this purpose is part of the very ambitious scheme on which the A.R.A. is embarking.

Apart from saving the great expense of an expedition to other parts of the world, a suitable testing ground in this country, combined with a good road racing circuit, would attract many foreigners to our shores, while the actual construction would occupy about two years, and employ a huge number of men for that time.