

SUPER-CYLINDER lubrication is now being regarded with increasing importance by automobile engineers, and as a result the number of devices placed on the market for dealing with it is growing. One of the latest, and to our mind most efficient, of these is the Simms SuperOiler, which comprises a glass container divided into two chambers, an upper and a lower. The former acts as a reser voir for the oil, and the latter is a mixing chamber from which the lubricant is fed to the engine through the induction pipe. The lubricant flows from the reservoir to the lower chamber through a constant-level feed, where it is ” frothed” into a vapour. This is obtained by a submerged pipe which is connected to the induction pipe, the partial vacuum in which, causes air to bubble through the oil. The oil vapour percolates through a cotton pad and a needle valve (which is

adjustable), to the induction system, via a sight feed.

The makers claim that the arrangement of the constant-feed in their device, ensums that the density of the oil vapour shall remain unvaried, whatever the speed of the engine.

Priced at £1 5s. the Sinuns SuperOiler may be obtained from Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Percy Buildings, Gresse Street, London, W.