

Forty-six British amongst 156 entrants

IF anyone is of the opinion that the adventure of it motor touring ended with the close of the early days of the automobile era, participation in the annual Monte Carlo Rally ought to cure him for all time of this illusion. Unlike most trials, competitors have got a wide choice of starting points and routes to be followed, all of which:converge on the Principality, and as the further the jumping off place chosen, the more marks credited to the original score, the competitor has every encouragement to start from as far away as possible. On the other hand the outer limits of Europe at this time of year are firmly in the grip of stern winter, and the competitor who chooses the North of Scotland, the West of Sweden, Estonia or Greece may well find himself wishing that he had decided on a closer starting point which would have prevented him losing so many of those coveted initial marks owing to the difficult winter conditions encountered. This year no fewer than fifteen intrepid individuals decided to start from Athens, the most distant point, although in previous years no competitor has succeeded in reaching Monte Carlo from this point in schedule time, owing to the fact that the roads in Salonika can be considered such only in name. When, however, it is realised that this section of the competitors included such redoubtable individuals as Andre Boillot, Robert Senechal, Jacques Bignan, Henri Stoffel and Hector Petit, it will be realised that nothing but the most desperate endeavour was suitable for them. Stavanger, the Swedish starting point, attracted an even greater number of competitors who had to face better roads but arduous conditions of a Northern winter, while a large English contingent chose John O’Groats as a jumping off place. The list of entrants with their starting points and the length of their route to Monte Carlo was as follows :— ATHENS (via Belgrade, Vienna and Strasburg), 3,756 kms. Start on 16th January at 6.38 a.m. till 17th January at 6.6 a.m.— Andre Boillot (Peugeot), lug. P. Moccia (Fiat), Jacques Bignan

(Fiat), Henri Stoffel (Chrysler), Count E. Urdariano (Fiat), P. Castela (Mathis), L. Francotte (Minerva), Hector Petit (Renault), C. W. Andreae (Breimabor), R. T. Richards (Morris), J . M. de Gomez (La Salle), J. Mathieu (Nash), Robert Senechal (Delage), lug. Barbu Poenaru (Chrysler), R. Ifolzermayer (Steyr). STAVANGER ,(via Oslo, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Brussels), 3,638 kms. Start from 16th January at 12.19 p.m. till 17th January at 11.3 p.m.—V. E. Leverett (Riley), Mme. D. Jeanne (Rosengart), 1M. 1R.udat (B.M.W.), G. de Lavalette (Peugeot), Mrs. M. Vaughan (Riley), K. Matuschbvsky (Praga), E. de Thuisy (X…), E. Harting Gall (D.K.W.), Lord de Clifford

(Lagonda), Charles-Combes (Delage), J. W. \ alley (Ford), Pieter-Bon C.Z.N. (Graham-Paige), J. C. d’Ali et ze (Chrysler), J . P. Wimille (Lorraine), Lady Eda Jardine (Lancia), G. E. Stott (MG.), A. Hjersing (Marmon), D. Healey (In V cta), Dr. M. de Gusmao (Citroen), L. Chiron (Bugatti), Neter Escher (Bugatti), N. Garrad (Crossley), E. E. V. Kurz (Steyr), J. Blaivie (Lorraine), Frau M. .Seeliger (Mercedes-Benz), Dr. J. Sprenger van Eijk (Graham-P.), M. Schitar (Chrysler), E. Vaumund (Buick), Schell (Bugatti), Mrs. M. M. Edwards (Talbot), G. Ponsart (Ford), J. W. Austin (Ford), Cte. Arco-Simons (Mercedes), E. H. L. Sexton (Ford), A. Johansen (Ford), G. Priquet (Nash), C. Polls (Renault), Dr. M. Jamot (Renault), J. H. J. Brooks (Hillman), H. Stenfeldt Hansen (Ford), R. de Coulare (Delatmay), E. Zeeek (AustrO-Daimler), A. Blin-d’Orimont (Bugatti), lug. J. Olsen (Overland), G. Krabye (Studebaker).

JAssv (via Warsaw, Berlin, Brussels, and Paris), 3,518 kms. Start from 16th January at 10.4 p.m. till 17th January at 8.0p.m.— G. Lame (Peugeot), j. Richard (Delahaye), Cdt. A. Berlesco (Chrysler), M. Klinke (Mercedes-Benz), B. Schiffelers (Ford), M. Bderewska (Citroen), ‘Martey (Citroen), A. Brakker (Ford), D. Merenyi (Steyr), W. Wieczynski (Ford), G. W. Shepherd (Morris), J. Ripper (Praga), P. 0. Cristea (Dodge), Vaselle (Hotchkiss), Mme. Kozierowska (Studebaker), Penczyana (Studebaker). T11,1,INN (Reval), (via Riga, Berlin, Brussels and Paris). 3,174 kills. Start from 16th January at 8.26 p.m. till 17th Janu ary at 6.9 Proust-Vinatier (Sima-Standard), 0. Kroupa (Z.-9), Ing. J. Rechziegel (Praga), B. jakobson (Amilcar),

0. Pochwalla (Ford), J. Perl (Essex), Meerowitz (Marmon), A. Kasperowitsch (Nash), Rogeo (Citroen).

RIGA (via Berlin, Brussels and Paris), 3,034 kms. Start from 17th January at 11.41 a.m. till 18th January at 6.39 a.m,W. Murken (D. K .W .) .

STocKtioLm (via Copenhagen, Brussels and Paris), 2,988 kms. Start from 17th January at 10.38 a.m. till 18th January at 5.18 Carlstrom (Mercedes). JOHN O’GRolas (via London, Boulogne, Nantes and Lyon),

2,956 kms. Start from 17th January at 3.8 p.m. till 18th January at 9.30–J . Hobbs (Riley,) J. H. .13. Samuelson (M.G.), Maj. D. E. r. Douglas-Morris (Triumph), F. Mortimer NIontgoinery (M.G.), J . V. Sutherland (Riley), A. H. Pass (Sunbeam), Alajor C. J. S. Montague-Johnstone (Riley), C. Agar (Morris Oxford)-, T. Craig Eaton (Bentley), C. S. Grant (Clement Talbot), Capt. W. M. Mellor (Chrysler), Major D. Willoughby-Osborne (Lancia), J . J. Cuinet (Panhard), N. Black (M.G.), D. E. Calder (Darra.eq), W. T. Townend (Talbot), H. B. Browning (Sunbeam), C. A. Lundy (Rolls-Royce), S. Harris (Rolls-Royce), A. H. Grubb (Chenard-Walcker), J. B. Bainbridge (Rolls-Royce), C. A. Cochrane (Talbot), S. C. H. Davis (Armstrong-Siddeley).

BUCAREST (via Buda Pest, Vienna and Strasburg), 2,942: kills. Start from 17th January at 4.4 p.m. till 18th January at 10.27 Juca (Chrysler).

KovNo (Kaunas) (via Berlin, Brussels and Paris), 2,920 kms. Start from 17th January at 3.45 p.m. till 18th January at 10 a.m.-Cap. Kl. Martinkus (Oakland).

_KOENIGSBERG (via Berlin, Brussels and Paris), 2,644 knia. Start 18th January from 1.53 a.m. till 6.24 p.m.-C. W. Hans Richter (Opel), J. A. Cellier de Buraine (Peugeot), W. Leinihardt Czn (Hispano), Cte. J . Lurani Cernuschi (Alfa-Romeo), R. Guyot (Omega-Six).

(;I,ASGOW (via London, Boulogne, Nantes and Lyon), 2,454 kills. Start 18th January frOin 6.49 a.m. till 10.9 p.m.-T. C. Maim (Lavinia), Mrs. J. A. Grove (Austin)„ T. M. Best D-alison ( entley) .

BF,I,GRADI,; (via Vienna, Strasburg and Lyon), 2,452 kms. Start 18th January from 3.23 a.m. till 6.42 p.m.-L. Stpigits (Pord).

HELSINGBORG (via Copenhagen, Hamburg and Brussels), 2,380 kms. Start 18th January from 5.38 a.111. till 8.30 p.m.G. Borgstroom (Delage).

Lisuox (via Madrid, San Sebastian and Toulouse), 2,178 kit’s. Start from 18th January at 5.56 p.m. till 19th January at 7.33 aan.–Dona M. La Caze de Noronha (B.M.C.), F. de Ribeiro Ferreira (Morris).

BERLIN (via Brussels, Paris and Lyon), 2,054 kms. Start from 18th January at 10.49 p.m. till 19th January at 11.39 a.m.M. Reboulet (Dotmet), J. G. Van Manen (Amilcar).

BUDA PEST (via Vienna, Strasburg and Lyon), 2,016 kins. Start from 18th January at /0 p.m. till 19th January at 10.36 a.m. –Miss K. Brunch (Bianchi).

HAMBURG (via Brussels, Paris and Lyon), 1,874 kills. Start 19th January from 4.26 a.m. till 4.9 p.-m.-A. de Ahneida Cardia (Hupmobile).

LONDON (via Boulogne, Nantes and Lyon), 1,810 kms. Start 19th January from 2.56 a.m. till 2.15 pan. –K. W. B. Sanderson (Riley), L. Alan Brook (Riley).

VIENNA (via Strasburg and Lyon), 1,746 kms. Start 19th January from 8.26 a.m. till 7.21 p.m.-P. Kraus (Mercedes). BOULOGNi, (via Nantes and Lyon), 1,700 kilts. Start 19th January from 10.53 a.m. till 9.30 p.m.—–R. 011ivier (Amilcar),

L. Hatzfeld (Bugatti), D. Marchand (Chenard-Walcker).

PRAGUE (via Frankfort, Strasburg and Lyon), 1,652 knis. Start 19th January from 11.23 a.m. till 9.42 p.m.-F. Weisz (Praga).

AMSTERDAM (via Brussels, Paris and Ly6n), 1,482 kms. Start 19th January from 2.41 p.m. till 11.57 p.m.-E. de Chateatmeuf (Lieorne).

FRANEFoRT (via Strasburg and Lyon), 1,160 kms. Start 20th January from 3.45 aan. to 11 a.m.-R. R. Rymill (Austin). PAais (via Lyon), 976 kuu-:. Start 20th January from 9.30 a.m. till 3.36 pan.–R. Barr (Riley), Dr. M. Gedon ( Amilcar), R. Beaumont-Thomas (RollsRoyce), T. Belitchkoviteh (Bugatti), M. Harris (Harris-L. Laisue), C. Angeloglou (Citroen), IL S. Vascrtna (Tract a)

LYON, 514 kms. Start from 20th January at 9.9 pan. till 21st January at 3.9 a.m.-A. Meodor (Laffly).

MILAN. 344 knis. Start 21st January from 1.24 a.m. till 7.24 a.m. -Count L. Castelbarco (Talbot).

GEN,on, 190 km-s. Start 21st January from 5.15 a..m. till 11.15 a.m.–1Prau Ingeniore Remde (Packard). . The final results of the Rally were made known on 22nd January, and they were as follows :

First prize (for all classes) of MO, Donald Healey (Invicta).

Second prize, M. Wimille (Lorraine). Third prize, M. L. Schell (Bugatti). Fourth prize, Lord de Clifford (Lagonda).

Britain also won the class for cars under 1,100 c.c., Mr. V. E. Leverett triumphing in a Riley.

Mr. Healey started from Stavanger, and in common with the other competitors who came from that point, was faced with serious difficulties even before the Rally started, for in crossing from Newcastle to Bergen their boat had to battle through a blizzard which caused a delay of eleven hours. Having reached Stavanger at midnight on 15th January, the contingent were entertained and assisted in every possible way by the Norwegian Motor Club. Daily bulletins in English were issued as to road conditions, for example, and very clear and complete maps were distributed free.

It is understood that the “Stavanger brigade” had the toughest time of all the Rallyists, and it is, therefore, all the more to the credit of the English entrants that the premier award and the fourth prize (Lord de Clifford also started from this point) fell to them.

Entrants who made John o’Groats their starting point found conditions exceedingly severe also ; the Grarapisns were snow clad and ice added to the general difficulties.