


Road Racing in England.

TIIF fascinating subject of the possibilities of road racing in England was touched upon once again by Earl Howe, in a speech at the Hammersmith Rotary Club, a short time ago.

Lord Howe asserted that the time had come when the authorities should permit races to be held on the highways, and suggested that many suitable routes might be found for the purpose in the Salisbury Plain area.

In the course of his address, Lord Howe, also spoke of the future development of car and internal combustion engine design. In his opinion the coming type is the compression-ignition or Diesel motor.

A Veterans’ Occasion.

THERE was a distinguished gathering at the Royal Automobile Club recently when the Nineteenth Century Motorists’ Circle met for

their fourth annual dinner. About one hundred members were present, and the guest of honour of the evening was the Earl of Cottenham.

During the proceedings, Mr. E. M. C. Instone made the interesting announcement that Mr. Henry Ford, who first motored in 1894, had been elected a member of the Circle.

Bidlake Presentation.

pROBABLY no figure in the motor competition world is better known than Mr. F. T. Bidlake, who for twenty-five years has worked for the M.C.C., and was rarely absent from any of that club’s events. Now he is to retire, and as a mark of esteem it has been deci

has been decided to present him with a suitable testimonial. There must be hundreds of trials competitors and ex-competitors who came into contact with Mr. Bidlake, and who will not readily forget his charming and helpful personality, so that t h e opportunity n o,w afforded is especially welcome.

Subscriptions, which are limited to half-acrown, should be sent to t h e President of the M. C. C., Mr. J. Van Hooydonk, Brampton, Creighton Avenue, Finchley, N.20.

Price of 41 litre Bentley.

IN an article describing the 4i-litre supercharged Bentley, which appeared in last

month’s MotoR SPoRT, the price for the complete car with open four-seater body was given as E1,720. Actually this was the listed figure up to some months ago, but the current price is, of course, £1,395.

Rover v. Rail “Down Under.”