

.a. M R. G. E. T. EYSTON finished off a year of successful racing in fine style, when he secured

. three international records at Montlhrry track with an M.G. Midget car on 31st December last.

The records he attacked were 50 kilos., 50 miles, and 100 kilos, and his speeds for these respectively were :— 86.38 m.p.h., 87.11 m.p.h. and 87.30 m.p.h. The previous records of 83.58 m.p.h., 84.35 m.p.h. and 84.56 m.p.h., were held by a supercharged car, which

makes Eyston’s achievment all the more remarkable. since his M.G. was not fitted with a blower. In fact, it is understood that the car’s engine was a perfectly standard unit, suitably modified to bring it within the 750 c.c. class dimensions. Other components such as axles and steering were perfectly standard parts from stock. According to Mr. Eyston’s report, the record run was made under terrible weather conditions in a gale of wind, which made it impracticable for him to continue for any greater length of time.