Club News, February 1931




HE report of the executive of the Motor Cycling Club, which was read at their annual general meeting, held on Friday last, 30th January, contained, amongst other things, a comparative table concerning entries for the club’s numerous events. as follows :— The table was 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 London Land’s End 334 407 530 527 553 437 400 London Edinburgh 345 370 240 311 344 230 202 Team Trial 132 114 108 180 78 120 144 Sporting Trial 69 70 61 45 — 120 105 London Exeter 380 427 375 377 352 316 299 Land’s End John o’Graats 85 72 49 47 41 45 — Brookiands — 127 214 240 226 197 221

Commenting on the above, the committee states that the decrease, which is noticeable in last year and the year before, is confined entirely to the motor-cycle class, the motor car class having shown an increase in all the events. This fact throws an interesting light on the trend of affairs in the amateur competition world, how, in spite of the ” trade ban” the car class is attracting an increasing number of entries. During the proceedings it was an

flounced, with regret, that Mr. Bidlake who had been associated with the Club for so many years as trials secretary has found it necessary to retire.


The annual general meeting of the Berkhanisted and District Motor Cycle Club was held at the Bell Hotel, Aston Clinton, on January 4th. The following officers were elected for 1931 :—Chairman, Mr. W. E. J. Kentish ; hon. secretary, Mr. A. Paul, 57, Nether Street, Finehley, London, N.12; hon. treasurer, Mr. F. Groom ; captain, Mr. L. G. Jennings; and committee, Messrs. Parrot, Ledger, Culross, Cox, Chirney, Thames, Derrick and Rust.

The Winwood Cup Trial, which is open to cars and three-wheelers, will be held early this month, and, as in past years, will be practically a main-road event, particularly suitable for novices. The regulations will be ready shortly, and intending competitors may send in their names to the hon. trials secretary, Mr, A. Paul.

A. Paul. M.G. CAR CLUB.

All owners of’Al.( sr. cars—of whatever model — are reminded that they are eligible for m nn’.) :rship of th.?, M.G. Car

Club, for which the annual subscription is 15s. The hon. secretary is Mr. J. W. Thornley, 72, Streathbourne Road. London, S.W.17, who will be pleased to supply full details of the club.


The seventh annual dinner and dance of the Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club will be held on Saturday next, 7th February. Tickets, priced at 8s. 6d., may be obtainecl from any member of the committee.


The Ulster Automobile Sports Club held its annual dinner, dance and prize distribution at the Carlton Hotel, Belfast, on January 9th, when the function proved highly successful, with some 200 members and friends present. Capt. R. L. Henderson was in the chair, and the prizes were presented by Prof. R. J. Johnston, M.p