RUMBLINGS, February 1931




” Seven-Fifties “

THOSE of us who really enjoy

• a really good level scrap without any considerations of handicapping mathematics will rejoice at the prospects of the 750 c.c. class in next season’s racing. We have, for some seasons, been treated to a refreshing exhibition of what this size of engine can do, and now Eyston on an M.G. Midget, modified to be 100 c.c. smaller and so come within the 750 c.c. limit, has shown that this class now includes another candidate, and a mighty lively one at that. Conditions have lately been perfectly vile for breaking records, and were so on the occasion of Eyston’s remarkable performance on the last day of last year. His car was unsupercharged which makes his speed of 87 odd m.p.h. all the more creditable. This speed over a mile would be good, but as the records taken were 50 kilos, • 50 miles, and 100 kilos, it shows that this little motor has some real stamina. I gather there is a chance of a supercharged edition appearing in this season in which case there should be some fur flying in the 750 c.c. class !

Snappiness in Sackvilie Street.

Apropos of the description of the Maserati which appeared in our last issue. • I was having a look at the model which was sent over for the B.R.D.C. 500 miles race last year. As it only arrived a few days before the event and was then found to have a porous cylinder block, nothing could be done about that event, but we are likely to see more of this make this season over here. The cars will be similar to the specification of our published description except that R.A.G. carburettors will be substituted for the original instruments. The car is, at the moment of writing, in the showrooms of •Rawlence & Co., the O.M. concessionaires, where the presence of a supercharged O.M. together with a very snappy short chassis “Mere,” makes this spot very refreshing to anyone who, in a moment of pessimism, consider that

the cult of the sports car wants bracing up. Not in Sackville Street at any rate !

Further examples of the unforeseen situations which arise when new motoring regulations are formed, are found in the new rules for the construction of vehicles, which will come into force on January 1st, 1932. One of these says that cars must have wings, or some other means of catching the mud and water flung up by the wheels, “unless sufficient protection is provided by the body.” As this wording appeared to be thoroughly in keeping with the vagueness which we have been led to expect from the august body who control these matters, I got onto the A.A. to see if the legal dept. had any views on the matter. From the wording of the clause one thing seems fairly evident, and that is that stripped racing cars will no longer be allowed on the road when the new regulations come into force. This means we are likely to see some weird and wonderful contrivances fitted to vehicles on the way to hill climbs or the track, to comply with the law. Also the legal definition of a “means to catch mud or water thrown up by the wheels “may cause some trouble.

However, these things are sent to try us, and the regulations have some redeeming features.

The law that an attendant must be carried on a trailer does not now apply to a two-wheeled trailer drawn by a car or motorcycle, so our readers who go in for carting motorboats about on light trailers will still be able to do so.

The consolations:are small, nevertheless, while thelinconvenience of this childish passion for interference is more than considerable. I suppose the next thing will he that the Ministry of Transport will design a standard car which every manufacturer must make. It would be likely to be funny if nothing else !

Brooklands Again.

Sufficient unto the day however, and we can leave off bothering about 1932 for a moment to rejoice

in the fact that the 1931 season will soon be upon us. After all, next month will see Brooklands on the go once more, and if Mr. Bradley keeps up to his 1930 form–and I am sure he will do even more this year—we should have some very interesting sport. I was down at the track the other day, and saw evidence of a bigger attack than usual on the surface thereof. There is a strange atmosphere of unreality about Brooklands in the close season, and it seems hardly possible that the present chaos of concrete mixers, piles of rubbish, red flags, and holes in the banking, will so shortly give place to the familiar scenes and sounds once more.

The first classic is, of course, the Double Twelve. I have just received a copy of the regulations for this which are only changed in minor details from last year, when it has been shown that some advantage, either to drivers of spectators, will result. The course has been reversed, being now clockwise instead of anti-clockwise, as this is considered a safer arrangement for all concerned. Entries at single fees (15 guineas) close on March 17th, while there are the usual reductions for anyone entering two or more cars for the event. All particulars, regulations, and entry forms, may be obtained from The Junior Car Club, Empire House, Thurloe Place.

A Bright Spot.

In these days when everyone is going about with long faces and short purses, it is nice to know somewhere where the atmosphere is a bit more cheering, so the other day I drifted round to the M.G. Department of University Motors in Brick Street, Piccadilly, where things appear to be bright and brisk. These showrooms are really pleasingly got

up, and are quite worth dropping into even if one is not in the happy position of considering a new vehicle. The cheerful impression given by the place itself is borne ont by the genial efficiency of the whole staff. There is little wonder that they are pleased with life when it is considered that last year they disposed of nearly 600 M.G.’s alone.

A Job for Experts.

I have just had a long screed from a west country owner who appears to be having constant big end trouble with a not very new, but still quite good sports car. The motor was quite all right for many thousands of miles but when new bearings were required, and duly fitted, they did not stand up. He has had the crankshaft trued up locally, but the trouble persists, and he was inclined to think it was due to the engine being fitted with splash lubrication. That’s where he is, probably, wrong. If the lubrication was sufficient before, it will he sufficient now, and the real trouble lies in the fact that someone has been playing with the

crankshaft who is not quite up to scratch in such matters. Being tired of cursing the people who did the job (doubtless to the best of their ability and equipment) he wants to know what to do, so I told him to do what I have told many similar cases before, pack up the engine and send it along to Laystalls of Ewer Street, S.I+4.1., tell them the bother, and leave it to them to make a job of it. There are, of course, hundreds of jobs on a car, that an amateur can tackle if he is fairly skilled, but when it comes to crankshaft jobs, balancing, re-boring, etc., it is a waste of time and money to try and do it without the right equipment and experience.

People sometimes think that a firm like Laystalls is rather expensive, but that is not really so. The point is that they do so much to the engine, especially including bench tests afterwards, which simply cannot be done by the ordinary small repair man. This means that the job is right once and for all, and one can look forward to the season’s running without any qualms.