CONTENTS, February 1931



The Way of Things

LAND. Racing Prospects for 1931 The Boyd-Carpenter Wolseley ” Hornet ” The Wash Speedway Campbell’s “Blue Bird” The Sport Abroad—Continental Notes and News Rumblings The Humble Sparking Plug Veteran Types Motoring in the Early Days Club News The Owner’s Workshop The Humber “Snipe” Saloon Items of Interest The Monte Carlo Rally A Racing Repair Shop

Letters from Readers … Here and There …

AIR. A New Aero Engine Slipstreams Gliding Gossip and News

WATER. The Sport Afloat “Miss England’s” Return PAGE 151 152 ••• 155 157 158 ••• 160 ••• 162 ••• 105 ••• 167 ••• 171 • -• 174 ••• 175 ..• 178 ••• 180 ••• 182 ••• 184 ••• ••• 1136 194

••. … 187 … 189 190 … 191 … 193