Wood Green & District (cont.).


Wood Green & District (cont.).

Cowley), and Miss J. E. H. Weekes, whose A.C. had carefully balanced wire wheels.

The brake test at the top. of Kop Hill was extremely severe, and the results were rather disappointing, as there were more failures than successes. The competitors were required to coast 40 yards down the hill in neutral and then pull up between two lines of dye. In the car class there were eight failures, and in the motor-cyclists class only ten competitors were successful. From the bottom of Kop Hill the route led straight to the luncheon stop at Princes Risborough, where the competitors obtained a ” fill-up” both for themselves and their machines. After lunch the route led back in the reverse direction, and the comp&itors had to make a slow climb of Kop Hill in one minute intervals. Time were taken on the steepest part and marks deducted for every minute taken under the 7,i minutes allowed. Drivers adopted various methods to ensure losing no marks. One motor-cyclist was seen riding from bank to bank in order to take the longest way possible, while others took the easier parts of the hill very slowly so that they might negotiate the more difficult parts at a good speed. Miss Landon (438 Chater Lea) made a good ascent, being very slow and steady on the lower part, but opened up a little higher up and reached the top successfully. Good climbs were made by Miss Lermitte (346 Royal Enfield), Miss Kerridge (249 B.S.A.), and Miss Temple (348 Raleigh.) Miss Adams (348 Douglas) made a neat climb, also ascending in corkscrew fashion. Miss M. V. Milne (Austin Twelve) was first up the hill in the car class, and she made a very good, effortless climb. The two Austin Sevens driven by the Misses A. J. Randall and R. M. Macintosh, also -distinguished themselves. Other good climbs were made by Mrs. G. H. Harrison (Clyno), Miss J. E. H. Weekes, who carried three in her A.C., and Misses M. Walker (Singer), L. M. Seiflow (Windsor), and P. M. Ingram (Morns-Cowley). The provisional results are as follows :— FIRST PRIZE: Miss K. M. Kerridge (249 B.S.A.). SECOND PRIZE: Miss N. Debenham (249 B.S.A.). THIRD PRIZE : Mrs. S. Cato (799 A.J.S., sc.). SILVER MEDALS : Miss A. G. M. Broderick (348

Raleigh), Miss J. R. Hole (498 Scott), Miss J. W.

Manning (980 Coventry Eagle, $C.).

BRONZE MEI.).11. : Miss C. Adams (348 Douglas). SPECIAL SILENCE PRIZE : Miss A. G. M. Broderick (348 Raleigh).

Ulster M.C.U.I. The above club held a reliability trial, for which a good entry was received. Twenty-six riders out of the thirty-two starters finished the course. The results are as follows : GOLD MEDAL: S. Wallace (98L Brough Superior, sc.)

SILVER MEDALS: J. Kirkwood (348 A.J.S.), T. Hall (348 A.J.S.), H. M’ Kee (498 Scott), T. Stewart (494 Triumph), L. P. Dorman (Triumph), G. A. Savage (Rudge-Whitworth), J. Boal (B.S.A.), N. Dickson (Triumph), and N. M. Scott (Matchless).

BRONZE MEDALS: J. Dubois (Ariel), G. A. Smyth (Dun.elt), W. F. Coates (Sunbeam), W. L. Burns (Sunbeam), and J. W. Shaw (Norton sc.).

TEAM PRIZE: Ulster M.C.C. No. 2 Team : H. 11.1’Kee, G. A. Savage and G. A. Smyth.

Birmingham M.C.C. The results of the sporting trial held recently by the above club are as follows :

AVON Cur: G. B. Goodwin (Sunbeam).

BAKER Cur: J. Parker (B.S.A.).

ENDURANCE Cur: Alan Watson (Sunbeam sc.). BRADLEY Cup: J. P. Lloyd (B.S.A.).

TEAM AWARD: Sunbeam No. 1 Team (A. Watson, G. B. Goodman, and N. P. 0. Bradley).

GOLD MEDALS were awarded to F. H. Brown, E. F. Cope, R. G. Beesley, E. Eschborn, G. Stannard, C. Locke, N. P. 0. Bradley, D. H. Gittins, R. F. Wade, J. Jones, A. E. Perrigo. L. Wiltshire, F. Hayes, J. C. Bayley, P. Blamire, F. Chambers, D. Brandish and P. J. Wilkins.

SILVER MEDALS: S. Jackson, A. Sherwood, 0. Wright, D. Mansell, J. M. Biddle, and C. Lord.

BRONZE MEDAL: L. Wiltshire.

Liverpool M.C. Forty-six competitors entered for a recent reliability held by the club, thirty-five riders finished the course of 250 miles. The following awards were made :—

CUNDLE CUP (Best solo) : S. Doward (348 Velocette). STEPHE’NS SILVER GOBLET (Best sidecar) : H. Kershaw (980 Zenith, sc.).

BEE SILVER GOBLET (Best lady) : Miss E. Edmunds (174 Raleigh).


FrasT CLASS AWARDS : G. Edmunds, Miss E. Edmunds, F. R. Double, B. Granville, L. A. Clarke, V. F. Crostliwaite, C. A. Wylie, S. Doward, W. J. Thomas, Miss N. Marples, C. Edge, C. R. Sergent, G. P. S. Evans, J. H. Kershaw, A. D. Elder, and A. L. Shipton.

SECOND CLASS AWARDS: G. H. Joynson, S. B. Clegg, C. A. Wilkinson, E. Damadian, G. W. Hourd, N. de Larrinaga, J. H. Ruddock, S. R. Cundle, H. V. Lloyd Roverts, C. B. R. Smith and J. Bithell.

THIRD CLASS AWARDS: B. A. Lancaster, J. G. Collins and G. S. Whiting.

Twat AWARD: J. H. Ruddock (495 James), J. L. Braes (495 James), and A. L. Shipton (495 James).

Bradford M.G.

The above club held its annual dinner and prize distribution recently at the Midland Hotel, Bradford. J. A. Watson-Bourne and his bride (Miss Marjorie Cottle) were among the visitors. When proposing the toast of ” The Auto Cycle Union and the Yorkshire Centre,” Mr. H. Payne, president of the Ilkley and District M.C.C., mentioned the fact that Bradford mounted police had now been equipped with rear lights for their horses, and expressed a hope that all cattle drovers should follow the example. Major Vernon, a founder member of the club, responding, recalled incidents in the early days of motor-cycling, especially one when starting on a run to Morecambe he had to mend forty-eight punctures before he reached Skipton. During the evening a gold watch was presented by Mr. Eric Myers to Mr. J. E. Fearnley in recognition of his services to the club as president from 1913 to 1926.