
WOODGREEN AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB. THE above club held its first Ladies’ Reliability Trial recently over a very stiff main road course, including three observed hills, and leading over

treacherous slime-covered roads in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. In spite of the severe nature of the trial, a good entry was received, thirty-four out of the forty-two competitors being mounted on motor-cycles.

It was noticed that nearly all the motor-cycles were recent models, and quite a number super-sports machines ; and to glance at them, and their riders, who were all very suitably attired, it might be thought that an ordinary club trial had been arranged for the enjoyment of man.

The start was at Alexandra Palace at 10.30 a.m., and the route led from there to the Three Horse Shoes, where a secret check was held. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that a time allowance of three minutes late or early at each point was made, three marks being deducted for each minute early, and two for each minute late above that allowance. The first observed section, Waterworks Hill, just outside Tring, had to be climbed non-stop. The hill was in a very greasy condition, and required careful negotiation. Several of the motor-cyclists made very good ascents. Most of the cars came up well, there being only two failures. Miss Roper (A.C.) made a very good climb after being baulked further down the hill. The route then continued by way of greasy lanes to Wendover, where another secret check was held, and then to the foot of Whiteleaf Hill through Askett, where a restarting test was arranged. The surface of the hill was in a fairly slimy condition, and competitors were stopped on the steep part of 1 in 6, and were required to restart, their times being taken between two lines marked with tapes. Skids and wheelspin caused the loss of many marks for the motor-cyclists when getting away, and the test would have caused even the most experienced of hill-climbers several qualms. By the time the cars arrived on the scene the surface was well churned by the wheels of the preceding motor-cycles, and their occupants realized that they were “for it.” Good ascents were made by Miss J. Randall (Austin Seven), Miss M. V. Milne also in an Austin, Miss M. Corbett (A.C.), Miss N. Woods (LeaFrancis), Miss B. W. Ramsay (Oldsmobile), Miss R. M. Macintosh (Austin Seven), Miss M. Abrahams (Clyno), Miss L. M. Roper (A.C.), Miss P. W. Ingram (Morris