

Some Activities of H. R. Godfrey Motors Ltd., at Richmond.

THE business of H. R. Godfrey Motors Ltd., of Vitesse Works, Manor Road, Richmond, Surrey, is principally devoted to giving service to owners of G.N. and Frazer Nash cars, for being controlled by experts with both these makes, a very large amount of practicalexperience is available to all who take advantage of the special facilities offered by the firm. Mr. H. R. Godfrey, who is known to all our readers as the original designer of the G.N. car and formerly the technical director of the G.N. concern, is the principal director and with him is associated Mr. H. J. Aidington whose long experience with the G.N. and Frazer Nash cars, both on the commercial and technical side, qualifies him as an expert. Mr. Aldington has for many years been a successful competitor in speed events and reliability trials on Frazer Nash cats and is, therefore,

fully conversant with all the finer points in securing the maximum efficiency from cars about which his advice is required.

The works at Manor Road is equipped with the necessary machine tool equipment for effecting all repairs and provides accommodation for about fifty cars. A large stock of spare parts and replacements is carried for all types of G.N. cars and at the present time a considerable amount of business is done in re-building and overhauling machines of this type of which there are still some thousands in daily use. It is interesting to note that all the second-hand cars of the two above-mentioned makes are entirely re-built before being offered for re-sale and various detailed improvements are effected, so that the company are able to give definite guarantees of the mechanical condition of the machines sold. In addition to the ordinary process of overhauling Godfrey Motors Limited specialise in “hotting up” G.N. cars by fitting special cylinder heads and careful selection of gear ratios whereby it is

possible to increase the maximum speeds of standard models to 70 m.p.h.

During our recent visit to the Vitesse Works, we took the opportunity of examining several of the jobs in progress and noticed with satisfaction that a high standard of workmanship prevailed, particular attention being paid to the all-important details upon which so much depends, but which are so often neglected. We were informed that the staff of mechanics comprises men of long experience on G.N. and Frazer Nash work, all the work being carefully supervised at all stages. The fact that the whole of the repair work is done in one large and undivided shop renders the supervision a comparatively easy matter.

High Efficiency Tuning.

Much of the work done in the Vitesse works consists in tuning cars for well-known competition drivers, besides which several quite interesting speed machines are in course of construction, amongst these being a special modified type of chain driven chassis with a British Anzani engine which when complete will turn the scale at 10 cwt. and be capable of something very interesting in the way of acceleration and speed. The company also specialise in the construction of

plank” cars, which may be described as” speed irons” pure and simple, with little or no pretensions to comfort, but having most astounding performances.

Tuning and overhaul work is not confined to the makes of cars mentioned above and very satisfactory results have been secured in” hotting up ‘! other types of sporting cars for racing and competition events. Controlling a small and self-contained concern of this class, the principals are able to give their personal supervision to the work undertaken for customers, who naturally benefit from the wide experience possessed by Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Aldington.