Round the Clubs, February 1926


Round the Clubs


In 1925 several members of this Club made good performances in various Open Trials. The O.M.C. were runners up in the M.C.C. Inter-Team Trial held on June 27th. This Club are also the holders of the Morris Garages Challenge Cup which is competed for annually in-competition with the O.U.M.C.C.


In the super-sporting trial on January 3rd, out of thirty entries, twenty-six competitors faced the starter in a torrential downpour, at 11 o’clock, at Nag’s Head Inn, Thornton. Up to the first check, a distance of 13 miles of real Colonial going, earliest competitor arrived 10 minutes late. McGowan (498 Scott), Gabriel (499 Triumph), Cunningham (348 Cotton), Green (348 Raleigh), Miss Foley (494 Triumph), Cohen (748 A. J.S.), Parton (499 Rudge), Gregson (348 A.J.S.), Caldwell (348 O.K.), Wood (348 A. J.S.), Wright (348 A. J.S.), Lazars (347 Sunbeam), all retired either before or at this check mostly with their machines waterlogged through skidding into ditches on the moss. From this point, the course consisted of more greasy lanes of really choice quality up to Watchasteppe (an unobserved hill) whose length of a quarter of a mile up a clay lined path took most of the survivors about half an hour alone to climb, after this ” Willetslype,” causing the failure of all surviving competitors to the great amusement of all onlookers. Turner (499 Triumph), and Rogers (346 O.K.), both retired here. The course was then diverted to a particularly slushy descent, nominated as “Don’s Delight,” which caused some hair-raising skids, then on to the tit-bit of the day, namely, a hill with a gradient steeper than 1 in. 2, nicknamed, “Yule Konk.” Donnahey (348 Cotton) made the best attempt on this slippy and sloppy gradient, all others either retired or had to be hauled by the onlookers to the summit. Another mile brought the surviving gallant riders, numbering seven, to a half-way control at which they were an hour and a half late. Returning over the same course in the reverse direction, the four harassed gallants underwent further gruelling tests and were successful in checking in at the finish, at Nag’s Head Inn, looking very much the worse for wear, and looked as if they had been dragged all the seventy mile mud course on their faces ; anyhow, their very plucky and determined efforts, although two hours late at the finish, won them the following awards :

Sportsmen’s Silver Cup C. Hornby (348 A. J.S.).

Silver Medals F. Stevens (348 A. J.S.).

B. Donnahey (348 Cotton). Bronze Medal••. J. W. Barton (499 Rudge). Best ..—x4 m.p.h. average. (Nobody qualified for Gold Medals.)

Organisation was excellent, and the severity of course was equal to Scott scramble. It is practically impossible to express in writing what faced the competitors.


This Club claims to have the largest and most valuable collection of Motor Trophies in the British Isles. Its membership is nearly 500 and it has the finest Club House outside London. Sir Walter de Frecce takes a keen interest in the Club, and recently presented a very fine Challenge Trophy.

Mr. Hindley, who is the Honorary Secretary, is also a Director of the Blackpool Football Club.

Mr. Jacob Parkinson has again been elected President this year, and the Club are certainly lucky in having such a keen President. Mr. Parkinson personally attends practically every executive meeting.

We are informed that the biggest event of the year is the Annual Dinner and Prize Distribution, but we know that the sporting events organised by this Club are equally popular.

Mr. Thomas Sharpies, who is the Press representative for the Club, is also the proprietor of Rawcliffe Hall, a very famous and beautiful house which was built in 1154. Motorists who are visiting Blackpool or the district should not fail to call and see Mr. Sharpies as he is a very enthusiastic motorist.


The “Tortoise Trophy” races consisting of three laps of about three miles each over a “Wild and Woolly” course were held on January 10th.

The up to 350 c.c. class produced seven starters, and the fun commenced at a patch of deep mud near the ” Hovel ” where most needed assistance.

“Bally Rain” (a flooded ditch) also proved troublesome, while a house side gradient called “Governor’s Ridge ” at least scared the new hands.

At Craig-na-Bay the tow rope gang rendered valuable assistance, at the end of the first lap Allen (Douglas) led, followed by Eaton (New Imperial) and Williams (A.J.S.).

Lap 2 saw Eaton with a lead which he held to the end, finishing minus among other things one shoe.

In the over 350 c.c. class, eight started and Payne (Arid) was soon leading, but, at the end of the first lap, Barker (Rudge) was first followed by Chetham on a sister machine. These positions were held to the end.

After about half an hour’s struggle, Payne (Ariel) managed to get his machine unstuck from “Bally Rain,” and finished off with two lightning laps, treating all obstacles with little or no respect, but did not catch the leaders.

At the Annual General Meeting held on January 11th, it was decided to continue the Club on very sporting lines.

The new Hon. Secretary is H. G. Horrell, 36, Waterloo Road, Bedford.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Brighton and Hove Motor Club was held at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton, on January 12th, the President, Mr. W. Chater-Lea, being in the Chair, supported by a record attendance of members. The reports of the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer, showed the Club to be in a flourishing condition, both financially and numerically, and the coming season promises to be a red-letter one in every way. Mr. Laurence Clayton, the popular and able Hon. Secretary, stated in his report that no less than sixty-two new car and motorcycle members had been enrolled since the last General Meeting, the affiliation of the local Club to the R.A.C., and the newly designed mascot and medals undoubtedly enhancing the attractions of membership. Mr. Clayton mentioned that a most comprehensive programme was being arranged for 1926, with at least one event, either sporting or social, every month throughout the season ; and that a number of new Trophies and Silver Cups had been generously presented, the donors including the

Mayors of Brighton and Hove, who, together Twith Mr. Harry Preston, are now Vice-Presidents of the Club.

Mr. W. Chater-Lea was unanimously and enthusiastically re-elected President, while the Captain, Mr. W. H. Bedford, the Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. Laurence Clayton, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. G. J. Schofield, were again elected for another year’s term of office. A vote of thanks to the Chair concluded the proceedings.

The sports programme opens on February 28th, when a reliability trial will be held.

For further particulars apply to the Hon. Secretary, 10, Prince Albert Street, Brighton.


Herbert Le Vack, the famous speedman, has now joined the Technical and Racing Departments of New Hudson, Ltd., and will be engaged exclusively in the production of real sporting machines for competition riders.