

rirl-M influential position that this journal now “L occupies in regard to the sporting activities of the motor world would be incomplete without emphasising the activities of the premier Racing Club which holds its monthly race meetings at Brooklands.

By arrangement with the proprietors it is intended to record the monthly happenings and matters of general interest, so far as it is concerned with Track Racing, which will be of interest not only to the members of the Club, but also to the average Sporting Motor Cycle enthusiast who has a leaning in this direction.

The British Motor Cycle Racing Club is famous in name all over the Continent and jealous eyes of crack Continental riders view with respect the striking badge of its wearers.

The Club was formed in 1909 for the encouragement of Motor Cycle Racing on the Track, and has so progressed that, at the present time, its membership now consists of all the British riders who are holders of the principal World’s Records for speed. The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on January 25th last, when an enterprising programme for the season was agreed upon and consists of nine meetings, the dates and principal events being as follows :

Extracting from the Annual Report of the Club it is recorded that during the past season 58 races were held with a list of 928 entries, and a total prize value of a sum approaching 000. ‘The surplus Funds belonging to the Club amount to over 0,000.

The meetings held by the Club are of the most attractive nature and some of the finest racing ever seen can be witnessed by those attending these fixtures. A much debated question occupies the minds of the spectators at these races regarding the best means of clearly identifying the many competitors. The arrangement of colour combinations appears at first sight to meet the difficulty, but, owing to the immensity of the track, it is very doubtful, as only a few of the most vivid colour schemes would be suitable or effective. The importance of this matter has received the attention of the principal members of the Club but discussion

did not solve the problem. Perhaps a few of the riders would bedeck themselves and by a gradual process a practical solution may be arrived at.

For a machine to lap at 100 m.p.h. was the question at the commencement of the 1925 season. Mr. H. Le rack settled the argument by lapping for two consecutive laps at 104 m.p.h. and 101 m.p.h.. respectively, during a record ride for five miles, a week previous to the Championship Meeting, and again lapped at 100 in the race for the 500 c.c. Championship. It is now a question what will the 350 c.c. machine do before the end of the present season. Following the offer of last year a Cup is up to be claimed by the first rider on a 350 to lap at 100 m.p.h.. during a record ride or during a race.

Concerning the 100 m.p.h. for a 350 c.c. engine, W. D. 1VIarchant first succeeded over the kilometre distance with a flying start at 100.81 m.p.h.. What a sensation was made when Davidson on the big Harley accomplished this speed, and improved upon a little later by Le Vack, on the big Indian, with a capacity of 998 c.c. compared with Marchant’s little 348 c.c.

Now that the vexed question of using only commercially obtainable fuels in the forthcoming T.T. Races has been settled, it is wondered what effect this will have at the track where it is generally the practice of the manufacturers to test the engines that are to be used. Will the track pumps deliver the required formula.

During the coming season arrangements will be made for silencer devices that conform to the Bmoklands specification to be stamped and so save the irritating examination that precedes each race. Silencers will be submitted with drawings, and on verification a seal will be issued.

Some of the long distance classic records are at present held by Continental riders with foreign-built machines. Providing that one or two riders will bestir themselves after the winter’s rest, these records should have disappeared from the list when next in print, and published in the programme of the first meeting to be held on March 20th. To the rider who is first to recapture these records will be awarded an amount of publicity that will be a record in itself, Who will that rider be ? (No prizes for the correct prophecy. —ED.).

The death of Mr. H. Locke-King, the genial founder and proprietor of Brooklands, is a great loss. He took a keen interest in Motor Cycle Racing, and it was largely to give comfort to the public who supported the Motor Cycle Races that the Grand Stand was built at the Fork, where the Motor Cycle Races are usually held.