

C. W. G. Lacey–A Correction.

The Editor, MOTOR SPORT. Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 19th January, enclosing a copy of a letter from a Mr. Sidery, complaining of a mis-statement in the article written by Mr. Arnold Radclyffe, which should have read: Kop Hill was again the scene of his victory in 1923, where he retained the open 350 c.c. class, winning 1st award in the Essex Club Meeting, October 6th, 1923. The A.C.U. meeting mentioned previously in the article

was on April 23rd, 1923.

I am very sorry to have troubled you and thank you very much if you will insert this correction in your next month’s issue, which will no doubt give Mr. Sidery the correction he asks for.

Again thanking you for your kindness and wishing “Motor Sport ” every success. I beg to remain, Yours faithfully,


Frazer-Nash Replies.

The Editor, MOTOR SPORT.

Dear Sir, 22nd January, 1926.

In your January issue, under the heading of “Editorial Notes,” there are two remarks which cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. You ask, “When will the home manufacturer succeed in pulling off the 1,100 c.c. category in the Two Hundred Miles Race ? “

You also state it is distressing to notice how few really fast moderately-priced British-built Cars are available to members of the public. I should like to reply to both of these points.

The 1,100 c.c. of The Two Hundred Miles Race was won by myself on a British built machine, in 1921. In 1922, when I was leading by more than a lap, I unfortunately broke a piston, but, even so, our team finished complete, as I was able to change the piston and resume the race in time to finish before the time limit expired.

Regarding the second point raised, however, there is at least one British machine which completely fills this bill. The standard two-seater Frazer-Nash has a definitely guaranteed speed of 75 m.p.h., and costs under 000, fully equipped. I believe I am correct in stating that there are very few Continental machines at this price that have anything like this performance, and even the Boulogne

Model Frazer-Nash, with a guaranteed chassis speed of 95 m.p.h., is still listed at a lower figure than the car named in your article.

It must be remembered that owing to legal restrictions and the unsuitability of many of the roads in this country, the demand for cars of really high performance is not as great as it is abroad. Also, the necessary knowledge and experience to produce a really fast car that will stand up to hard work and maintain its tune, takes a considerable time to acquire : in view of these facts it is not surprising that the majority of light car manufacturers prefer to concentrate on their standard production, and, I think it is an accepted fact that the modern British light car stands unrivalled for quality and price over the whole world.

Amongst large cars, the British again hold their own ; in spite of the adverse conditions under which British manufacturers are working at present, the Continental rivals of the Bentley, Phantom Rolls and 30-98 Vauxhall are in no way superior, nor are they appreciably cheaper than these representative British examples of large, high performance cars. Yours faithfully,