

The Automobile Association has received a considerable number of enquiries in connection with the renewal of motor car and motor-cycle licences for 1926.

For the benefit of those motorists who are not well acquainted with the more important points in the present system of licensing and registration, as affecting the owners of private motor cars and motor-cycles, the Automobile Association is issuing a booklet entitled : “Your Motor Tax at a Glance,” which shows the amounts due for quarterly licences, licences for less than one quarter, and licences for more than one quarter but less than one year, also whole year licences.

Full information is also given concerning the allowances on old cars, refunds for surrendered licences, and the necessary procedure for renewing licences. Copies may be had, gratis, upon application by motorists to The Secretary, The Automobile Association, Fanum House, New Coventry Street, London, W. 1.