

The Auto-Cycle Union has recently completed a test of the spare part service of Messrs. B.S.A. Cycles, Ltd. All the component parts necessary to build up a complete 350 c.c. Model ” L ” B.S.A. motor bicycle were obtained from stockists at fourteen different points in England and Wales. The components were ordered locally by the Union’s representatives, in accordance with the B.S.A. Spare Parts List, no intimation being given by them that their orders differed in any way from an ordinary retail transaction.

44.11 per cent, of the parts were supplied over the counter at the time of the order being placed.

15.73 per cent, of the parts were supplied within twenty-four hours of the order being placed.

34.42 per cent, of the parts were supplied within forty-eight hours of the order being placed.

5.74 per cent, of the parts were supplied within seventy-two hours of the order being placed.

2.67 per cent, of the parts supplied were, after delivery, found not to be in accordance with the specification of the motor bicycle, and were accordingly exchanged for the correct parts.

The various parts were conveyed to the A.C.U. offices in London, where they were built up into the complete motor bicycle by three assemblers ; the time occupied being 4 hours 44 minutes, only hand tools being used.

After assembly the motor bicycle was driven over a course of 104 miles in length, including such hills as Succombs, Biggin, Cudham, Pebblecombe, and Reigate, no difficulty being experienced in ascending any of them. There were no involuntary stops during the road test, and the only adjustment made was to the clutch operating lever. This was slackened off to allow for the bedding down of the clutch plates, the time occupied in making the adjustment being 50 seconds.