
Vic Elford
When the Editor was planning his trip to Sicily he rang Elford – former Targa winner, F1 pilot and all-round race and rally star – for some pointers. Afterwards Vic asked how it went. When Damien mused on how hard it must have been to tackle, the Targa Florio winner said ‘Would you like me to describe it for the readers?’. We added pages to make room. When gems fall in your lap you don’t argue.

Nigel Roebuck
What with his Q&A on our website and the steady flow of e-mails asking for Nigel’s opinion on all things racing, our man with his eye on F1’s oil pressure is always ready to respond to readers. And you have the chance to meet him at the Daytona 24 Hours sports car race in January if you enter our new competition (see p124). But it’s not just readers: even Fernando Alonso wants to talk to him.

Andrew Frankel
Not only does Andrew’s position as one of the motor industry’s most respected commentators give him access to exciting cars even before they’re released, he’s also lucky enough to be part of a small private race team with a fine stable of historic machinery. Hence his recent pan-European tour alternating motor show with motor race. Which made up for a less than satisfying Revival weekend…

Simon Taylor
If we said that Simon was recently spotted opposite-locking his brawny ‘Stovebolt Special’ HWM between two houses he might sound a bit of a hooligan. Luckily it was during the revived Bo’ness hillclimb in Scotland. In fact Simon and car were in action eight weekends in a row, so we’re not quite sure when he found time to have Lunch With a Swedish watch-maker. Why? See p68.