Fafnir Formula Junior


Fafnir Formula Junior

The Fafnir was one of the rarest of all Formula Junior cars created in the late 1950s. Only two were designed and built by Paul Moeller. and one of them returned to racing this summer for probably the first time in four decades.

The former German prisoner of war was naturalised in England when peace broke out and built his first racing car in 1959 at his home in Buckingham.

That is the car now owned by Keith Blanshard, while the second car, owned by Moeller’s grandson, remains a rolling chassis in storage. From photographs. It looks identical to mine,” says Blanshard.

The first car, possibly named after a mythical German dragon. was raced by Moeller for a couple of seasons without great success and did little more after that It runs a Ford engine and a VW ‘box and is a neat, well-constructed car.

“He built his own adaptor plate to couple the engine and gearbox.” says Blanshard. “He must have been quite a skilful engineer. Moeller did a very good job when he built it and the car handles beautifully.”

Blanshard bought Filin 2002.1t had been largely restored by a previous owner, but not raced and had probably not run since the1960s: “It had been stored in a barn and needed stripping down, cleaning and rebuilding. The gearbox oil had turned to jelly but it was complete. The chassis was sound. just

needing repainting. and I fitted a roll-hoop.says Blanshard.

The Fafnir returned to racing in July. but the project was centred around Goodwood in September. “That was a huge incentive,says Blanshard, who was pleased with its performance there despite a slipping clutch.