Blower me down



I read the article on GMC blowers with some interest, but was disappointed to see the car in the photo of the fire burnout was not sporting a blower. It wasn’t even a Top Fuel dragster.

From what I could see it appeared to be a front-engined Pro Comp/Sportsman class alcohol car. My credentials for this observation are that I have raced both Top Fuel and Funny Cars and, back in 1976, I defeated reigning Top Fuel world champion Don Garlits with the first five-second run outside the USA, in my dragster Stormbringer.

I should also point out that fire burnouts were banned many years ago, although I was one of the drivers who really enjoyed providing the spectacle!

Anyway, it was a good article and refreshing to see Motor Sport broadening its view of motor racing. Keep it up!

I am, Yours etc,

Peter Crane, Wych Cross, East Sussex