CONTENTS, December 1999




MOTOR SPORT incorporating SPEED and liii BROOKLANDS GA/1 !

The Hill Dynasqy Damon talks about his life, his career and hisfiture. What’s wrong wi Fl today and those qualities he inheritedfi om his legendary father. Page 24

Bentley Red Label On the road in Bentley’s latest colour. Page 58

Pr” i Jean-Pierre Mini& More than just an abnormally gified driver. Page 42

FS000 Why Formula One power on a shoestring budget was a recipefor greatness. Page 52 Historic racing in the US/Gordon Cruickshank 32 The circuit of circuits/Bill Boddy 36 Jean-Pierre Wimille/ William Meams 42 The worst car I ever drove/John Watson 50 Formula 5000/Marcus Simmons 52 Bentley Red Label/Andrew Frankel 58

Technofile/Keith Howard … 64 The Pat Moss story/john Davenport 66 Track test: Solitude/Matthew huney 72 MY GREATEST RACE: David Piper • • • 86 BILL BoDDY 84

PARTING SHOT … 88 ••■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MATTERS OF MOMENT 4 EVENTS OF NOTE 6 FROM OUR ARCHIVES 8 NEXT Mown 10

SIMON TAYLOR: Modem Times… 12

LEFTERS FROM READERS … . 16 NIGEL ROEBUCK: Legends 18 SUBSCRIMONS 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Damon Hill, his father and future/Matthew Fran9, 24

Track test: Solitude Revisiting one ofthe all-dme great tracks, now almostforgotten. Page 72