


It will always cause controversy and debate creating a list of any ‘Greats’; racing drivers especially so. But however you look at it, Mark Hughes has some amazing whoopsies in his selection so far.

Firstly, the list is incorrectly entitled Greatest Drivers. As such, USAC, NASCAR, Cart, Indy Car, saloon, sports car and historic drivers should also be considered.

Re-titling the list the Greatest Grand Prix drivers means Archie Scott Brown should be excluded as he had hardly any GP drives. Brise, Bellof and Bruce-Brown were killed just after their GP careers had commenced and should not be there.

Mario And retti must be closer to the Top 20 than 50. Likewise Ronnie Peterson. Pedro Rodriguez’s 25 ranking must be amended, as it surely cannot be based just on his Fl performances alone. There is no way Reutemann should he above Piquet and I’d back Barrichello and

Coulthard to beat John Watson any day of the week. Keke Rosherg would struggle to make my top 100, as would Arthur Duray and Guy Moll. Torn Pryce and Rene Amoux do not deserve to be above Phil Hill and where are Piers Courage, de Graffenreid, Mike Spence, Mark Donohue, Jo Bonnier, Patrick Tam bay, Mike Parkes, Reg Parnell, Olivier Gendebien, Jacques Lafitte, Clay Regazzoni and Martin Brundle?

How about Senna, Clark, Fangio, Nuvolari, Moss, Prost, McLaren and Banclini, more or less in that order? With Mays, Ireland, Gregory and Donohue added, it means leaving out Bonnier, Spence, Tambay and Mu.sso. Oh dear! Mark Hughes really should have had them somewhere in his Top 100! And should Parnell and Gendebien be in there, too?

/Am, fl )1/RA, Lid. ill iC(II./tt I , LONDON