Brighton Breezes


The official count gave the non-starters as 35, out of 468 entries, and estimated that some 15,000 gathered in Hyde Park to see the start. Those with problems that frosty morning included a 1900 Pieper and a 1903 Humberette, but both got going. Although this is not a race, there was some Childish speculation as to whether Stirling Moss, on a 1904 Mercedes entered by Dieter Ritter would be able to catch Nigel Mansell, co-driver on Lord Montagu’s 1903 Daimler which had left some 30 minutes earlier. In fact, Moss arrived 30 minutes ahead of Mansell on the Run, as the Daimler paused for more water.

First to finish was Robin Loder’s 1898 Stephens, followed by another of these cars, a 1900 model, driven by Richard Eastmead lust before 11 am Nick Mason came in on his 1901 Panhard-Levassor, the first time he had driven it, and David Sears, With the 1903 Clement-Talbot which his grandfather and father used to drive, also had a good journey. HRH Prince Michael of Kent arrived on the Madeira Drive at 12.40pm on the RAC’s 1901 Mors and said he was looking forward to the Centenary Run next year.

Provisionally, 30 non-finishers were Posted, as follows: S Schotte’s 1897 Panhard, D Hermann’s 1896 Benz, MIRA’s 1898 Daimler, T Steele’s 1900 Clement, P Hoskins’s 1900 Gladiator, J Crump’s 1900 Hoyt steamer, J Bruce Brown’s 1901 De Dion, C Wilson’s 1901 De Dion-engined car, M Sheppard’s 1901 Decauville, M Rothschild’s 1902 Rambler, J Dyke’s 1902 Steamobile, A Hacking’s 1902 Arrol Johnston, P Harper’s 1902 Panhard, P Clancey’s 1903 Humber, R Donahey’s 1903 Oldsmobile, D Burgess-Wise’s 1903 De Dion, I Hearne’s 1903 Stevens-Duryea, L Allen’s 1903 Glide, H Doring’s 1904 Baker 1904 Electric, H Voncken’s Orient Waltham, J Creed-Mills’s 1904 Humber, A Clarke’s 1904 Peugeot, R Hassall Gibson’s 1904 Humber, R Peek’s 1904 Pope Tribune, R Scott’s 1904 Wesley, H Clarke’s 1904 Cadillac, Jill Taylor’s 1904 Oldsmobile, Davies’s 1904 Cadillac, T Kregsaeter’s 1904 Talbot, and R Larch’s 1904 Winton. Never mind; there’s always next year!