"Look-You" Notes


In spite of two days of rain beforehand, the dry summer cost the VSCC dearly in awards. If driving Austin 7s seemed the way to win, it has to be said that 30 drove A7s, and another car was so-engined (and three more A7s non-started). Alvises seemed very suited to the navigational exercise, the winner here losing only two points. In the trial six points separated Clarke and Stringer in Class 1, seven Baxter and Mrs Reynolds in Class 2. Mrs Tomlinson seemed to have had electrical problems with her A7 Chummy, yet she was “in the money”, after which she changed cars with Barry Clarke for the run home. Not many troubles were reported, but an impressive non-competing Brough Superior was steaming away in the Pilleth paddock. In Class 2 the Vauxhall/Bentley battle was joined by 10 of the former, two of the latter and it was an evenly matched result, as both Mandy Reynolds in her 1928 Bentley and, Jeremy Holden in his 1920 Vauxhall gained First Class Awards. I am reminded that in 1939 this event was won by Clive Windsor-Richards driving his dope-fuelled 30/98 and that Col Clutton covered the greatest Edwardian-class distance, 270 miles. In his 1910 Fafnir.