VSCC Bakewell Meet


The Light Car & Edwardian Section of the VSCC looks after the lighter vintage cars, (and those comic cyclecars which are at last emerging from their bolt-holes) and the great dignified Edwardians, when these motor-cars are not engaged in the general run of the Club’s events. Thus it was that the LC&E division held driving-tests at Bakewell, with the following results. Tim Hallam won the Trophy for best showing, the Edwardian prize was secured by Marcus Croome, who was seventh overall, and Mike Bullett guided his cyclecar into 12th place, to win that class. Six had non-started out of 40 runners, but only the retirement was Caroline Marsh, after she had completed six of the dozen driving frolics. Apart from the other award winners, Julian Hallam and Peter Gledhill got Firsts, Mike Kippling, David Crossley, and Andrew Marsh Seconds and Paula Thorpe and David Marsh Thirds. The cars? Well, like some F1 broadcasters and the old-time dirt-track-racing commentators, the Light Car Section has become coy about them. Its new Competition Secretary is Tim Jones. W B