The Things They Said...


”We have always understood that it is illegal to transfer a number from one car to another. The only transfer allowable being from one owner to another on payment of a small fee.” — From a 1916 issue of The Light Car & Cyclecar.

Now the swapping of number plates is big business. . .

”As a method of punishing a chauffeur who took friends for a ride in his employer’s car, he was charged with stealing half-a-gallon of petrol, value 1/6d (7½p), and sentenced to 21 days imprisonment by the Marlborough Street magistrates, who thought it should be an offence to drive motorcars without permission.”

From a 1917 issue of The Light Car & Cyclecar. A reflection on how much more viciously joy-riders were treated in those days. . .

”All will be well if we keep a strong Air Force to defend Great Britain and the lands beyond.” G Grey writing in The Aeroplane in 1936 — which has a topical ring to it at a time when the Government is contemplating cuts in our defence weapons. W B