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Trials Puzzle

I have recently found a trials special in the Cullompton area of Devon and I am keen to identify it.

The general appearance is in keeping with the dates stamped on the shock-absorbers, i.e. early 50.s. The body is of aluminium sheet mounted on 1/2″ mild steel tubes using pop-rivets. Compound curves have been used, and the car seems to have been professionally built. The mechanical cbmponents seem to have derived mainly from a Ford, the rear axle being ,,f pre-war manufacture and the front axle being

post-1938. There is no engine in the car, but the mountings indicate that it was a Ford side-valve unit. ‘The chassis incorporates Austin 7 rails, but is otherwise totally fabricated. It appears that the car was painted British Racing Green and was registered for the road.

If any reader can help me identify the car, I would be pleased to hear from him. Honiton, Devon A. A. PASSMORE [Letters will be forwarded. —Ed.)