VSSC Eastern Rally


VSSC Eastern Rally

ROAD Rallies are ever more difficult and time consuming to organise but the VSCC struggles on with such events, taking advantage of some of the concessions hard wrung from the RAC earlier in the year, enabling the lower speed, navigational style rally for pre-war cars to take place under less burdensome PR regulations than those set for nocturnal road rallies. The Eastern Rally, held one Sunday at the and of October, was such an event covering sorne 80 miles of Cambridgeshire countryside. Navigation on this event is traditionally difficult and this is reflected by a spread of marks ranging from 247 penalties for the unfortunate crew who finished last to a mere 13 for the winners, Roger Collings and navigator David Filsell.


Easter. Troirhy

R. A. Collings, 1929 Bentley Sp.6. lat Class Awards N. H. S. Lees, 19311 Benny atom. M. North, 1931 Invicis:

1,._porter, 1926 AC; P. L. Glover, 1927 /this t2,5e; s, G.

zuttrka:i. A. LT. Jones, 1923 Vauxhall 30,91, F… Neer, 1933 Ralhon, 55e.Yra’xt,’.9977Aaisfvz,80.17″,.;t2;21:113nr4 ‘A% Class Awards

.R. J. Odell. 1923 Ligon& 11.9; D. 1..30.1930 Austin 7; R.