Danish View


Danish View


While I usually sympathise almost completely with your views, Mr. Anthony Bird’s hysterical outburst in the October issue (page 1115) seems not to serve the cause of the enthusiast. Here in Denmark, as in much of Europe, multi-toned horns are used exclusively by police, ambulances and similar emergency vehicles. It may be that all Europe would be better off adopting the quaint bells of the English, but I suggest you would be better served by scrapping your beastly American sirens and replacing them with quaint two-toned Danish horns. By the way, what is a po-face?

A few pages further on, D.J.S. presents us with a very remarkable article of the dying breed, the British Motorcycle. Would that he were more critical, and more honest, like Roger Bacon of Flight, and own up to the fact that many British products are sad examples of the patch-up and make-do stodginess which is destroying British Motors. Fifteen years ago, I was the proud owner of a Triumph motorcycle, when it was one of the world’s best makes. Today I am about to buy another motorcycle, but I cannot sec how I can honestly choose a British machine. If Nor-tons, Vincent-HRD, BSATriumph, etc. are to compete on the world market, they must again achieve the state-ofthe-art superiority which they held in the past, oh so many years ago. And not only motorcycles. Most of the British cars are unspirited and unimaginative. A pity. Bagsvaerd, Denmark GORDON SORBER