Datsun 24oz Sales


DatS1111 2401 Sales


I am the European Correspondent for the American Datsun 24oZ Club based in Michigan, and close contact with them reveals an ever-growing membership in the States. They have just sent me a copy of the following clipping from Advertising Age, 23 July 1973: “The entire US sports car market totalled about 175,000 units during 1972. Using this as a base, (Chevrolet) Corvette’s calendar t972 sales of 26,652 units would be good enough for about a 15.2%, share of the market. Others vying for shares include Datsun 240/. 28.5’4 ; MG ;all types) 17.6%; Triumph (all types) 1.2.8%; Porsche (all types) 11.9%. Opel GT 11.4%; Jaguar XKE 1.3%; and Pantera o.88%; according to industry estimates.”

Feltham. B. SQUIRES.