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The Taurus name has now almost ceased to mean anything to me for the company has had so many changes of address and ownership, that I had rather lost track of this outfit. At one time they were certainly among the leading Mini tuners when BL’s baby was the only car many could afford to convert. We have yet to see the latest Taurus premises at Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne Road West, Stapehill, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7PS, but from the catalogue (20p) description it sounds as though there is plenty of space, and useful equipment, such as the dynometer with adaptor to take readings from a Hewland gearbox—an idea also marketed by Piper Cams in Ashford, Kent.

Apart from a number of useful machining services, Taurus also offer a wide range of tuning equipment for most popular cars comprising such items as camshafts, cylinder heads and carburetter kits.—J.W.