The Grand Prix Drivers


A friend of mine has a simple saying which is “The name of the game is WINNING” and there is a racing team who used to say “Winning isn’t everything, but it’s a lot better than finishing second”. Results are the things that count in the long run and in the days when drivers used to be paid starting money on ther values, the driver who could present a list of victories collected during the previous season was the one who commanded most money. Nowadays starting money is paid to “union” rates, irrespective of previous performances, which is a good thing for some of our Grand Prix drivers. America and Canada have started paying on results, which makes results all the more important, but the main thing is that in ten years time we shall have forgotten most of what happened in Grand Prix racing in 1969 except for outstanding feats, though there were not many of those. The results book will be our only recollection of who did what; how he did it, or why, will be forgotten.

There follows a list of 1969 Grand Prix drivers and the results they achieved from the fourteen races held for Formula One cars to Grand Prix standards. Local drivers who only took part in one or two events have been ommitted. Stewart won the 1969 World Champonship for Drivers and a glance at his list will show that he was undisputed Champion of Grand Prix racing, with seven victories. At the other end of the scale Oliver should win some sort of Championship with his record of eight retirements, though he was closely challeneged by Rindt with seven retirements.
D. S. J.

Jackie Stewart
Matra MS80

1st : S. African Grand Prix
1st : Race of Champions
1st : Spanish Grand Prix
1st : Dutch Grand Prix
1st : French Grand Prix
1st : British Grand Prix
1st : Italian Grand Prix
2nd: German Grand Prix
3rd : International Trophy
4th : Mexican Grand Prix
9th : Gold Cup
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

With the Matra MS80 he set the pace from the beginning of the season and was the man/machine combination to beat.

Jackie Ickx
Brabham BT26

1st : German Grand Prix
1st : Gold Cup
1st : Canadian Grand Prix
2nd : British Grand Prix
2nd: Mexican Grand Prix
3rd : French Grand Prix
4th : International Trophy
5th : Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

Not the complete driver as he excels alt some circuits and not others. Proved that the Brabham chassis is not as out-dated as it may appear.

Graham Hill
Lotus 49B

1st : Monaco Grand Prix
2nd: S. African Grand Prix
2nd : Race or Champions
4th : German Grand Prix
6th : French Grand Prix
7th : International Trophy
7th : Dutch Grand Prix
7th : British Grand Prix
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

Achieved the remarkable feat of winning at Monte Carlo for the fifth time. Had a serious accident at the United States G.P. Now recovering well.

Jochen Rindt
Lotus 49B

1st : United States Grand Prix
2nd: International Trophy
2nd: Gold Cup
2nd: Italian Grand Prix
3rd : Canadian Grand Prix
4th : British Grand Prix
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, French Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired Mexican Grand Prix

The only driver to challenge Stewart seriously throughout the season. Looked as if he would win more than one race. British GP battle was a classic.

Jack Brabham
Brabham BT26

1st : International Trophy
2nd: Canadian Grand Prix
3rd : Mexican Grand Prix
4th : United States Grand Prix
6th : Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix

Can still show a remarkable num of speed when he feels like it. Missed the middle part of the season due to a bad accident while testing.

Denis Hulme
McLaren M7A

1st : Mexican Grand Prix
3rd : S. African Grand Prix
3rd : Race of Champions
4th : Spanish Grand Prix
4th : Dutch Grand Prix
6th : Monaco Grand Prix
7th : Italian Grand Prix
8th : French Grand Prix
Retired, International Trophy
Retired, British Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

An unhurried driver who lacks sparkle but reliable and rugged. A real professional “driver” rather than a spontaneous “racer”.

Joseph Siffert
Lotus 49B

2nd : Dutch Grand Prix
3rd : Monaco Grand Prix
4th : S. African Grand Prix
4th : Race of Champions
8th : British Grand Prix
9th : French Grand Prix
11th : International Trophy
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix
Retired, Mexican Grand Prix

A hard and courageous driver who takes a lot out of a car, could do with the support of a factory rather than that of a private racing team.

Bruce McLaren
McLaren M7C

2nd : Spanish Grand Prix
3rd : British Grand Prix
3rd : German Grand Prix
4th : French Grand Prix
4th : Italian Grand Prix
5th : S. African Grand Prix
5th : Monaco Grand Prix
5th : Canadian Grand Prix
6th : International Trophy
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired, Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix
Retired, Mexican Grand Prix

A good, steady, reliable driver who knows his limitations and will always be just behind the “fast boys”.

Piers Courage
Brabham BT26

2nd : Monaco Grand Prix
2nd : United States Grand Prix
5th : International Trophy
5th : British Grand Prix
5th : Italian Grand Prix
10th : Mexican Grand Prix
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, French Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix

In his first serious season has shown splendid improvement, driving with fire and determination. Needs experience to add to his ability.

Jean-Pierre Beltoise
Matra MS80

2nd: French Grand Prix
3rd : Spanish Grand Prix
3rd : Italian Grand Prix
4th : Canadian Grand Prix
5th : Mexican Grand Prix
6th : S. African Grand Prix
8th : Dutch Grand Prix
9th : British Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

A rather timid driver but consistent, as his results indicate. A good supporter to a team-leader.

John Surtees

3rd : United States Grand Prix
5th : Spanish Grand Prix
9th : Dutch Grand Prix
11th : Italian Grand Prix
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, British Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, Mexican Grand Prix

An unhappy driver whose real ability has been overshadowed by his involvement with business matters. Has lost the care-free ”press-on” characteristics with which he started racing.

Jack Oliver

5th : Race of Champions
6th : Mexican Grand Prix
7th : S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, British Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

Rated by some people to be the “wonder-boy”. Showed no signs of it throughout the season.

Chris Amon

3rd : Dutch Grand Prix
10th : International Trophy
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, French Grand Prix
Retired, British Grand Prix

The Italian approach to racing seemed to get the better of him during the season. One of Ferrari’s worst years that reflected badly on his driver.

Pedro Rodriguez
Ferrari & BRM

5th : United States Grand Prix
6th : Italian Grand Prix
7th : Mexican Grand Prix
5th : International Trophy
Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, Race of Champions
Retired; Spanish Grand Prix
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, British Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix

An uncomplicated driver with good ability that was not used as well as it might have been.

Silvio Moser
Brabham BT24

6th : United States Grand Prix
7th : French Grand Prix
10th: Gold Cup
Retired, Monaco Grand Prix
Retired, Dutch Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, Mexican Grand Prix

A private owner/driver who tries his best but lacks support. Is rare in that he owns the car he races.

Vic Elford
McLaren M7A

5th : French Grand Prix
6th : British Grand Prix
7th : Monaco Grand Prix
10th : Dutch Grand Prix
12th : International Trophy
Retired, German Grand Prix

Driving reliably and consistently for a private team his season ended abruptly when he crashed in the German GP through no fault of his own.

John Miles
Lotus 63

10th : British Grand Prix
Retired, French Grand Prix
Retired, Italian Grand Prix
Retired, Canadian Grand Prix
Retired, Mexican Grand Prix

Used by Team Lotus as a development driver for their 4-w-d project. Is a very smooth and unruffled young man who has yet to have a chance to show his real ability.

Mario Andretti
Lotus 49 & 63

Retired, S. African Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix
Retired, United States Grand Prix

American Champion co-opted by Team Lotus with disastrous results. Deserves a better chance but USAC racing has first call on his time

Johnny Servoz-Gavin
Matra MS84

6th : Canadian Grand Prix
7th : United States Grand Prix
8th : Mexican Grand Prix

A young Frenchman with the right racing outlook. Drove the 4-w-d Matra as a development project.

Pete Lovely
Lotus 49

6th : Race of Champions
7th : Canadian Grand Prix
9th : Mexican Grand Prix

Wealthy young American who bought an ex-works car and raced it for the sheer fun of the thing.

Derek Bell
Ferrari & McLaren

9th : International Trophy
Retired, British Grand Prix

A promising driver who just did not have the opportunities to drive in enough races. A waste of good talent.

Joakim Bonnier

Retired, British Grand Prix
Retired, German Grand Prix

As President of the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association he felt he had to stay in GP racing. Bought an ex-works Lotus that turned out to be a disasterous move. Crashed in practice at Oulton Park.