A "Chain-Gang" Garage


Three well-known members of the Frazer Nash “Chain Gang”, Dr. Stretton, Michael Joseland and Ron Footitt, have joined together to run Cleobury Garages Limited, at Cleobury Mortimer near Kidderminster. It would be wrong to suggest that this garage is associated solely with vintage cars in general and chain-propelled Frazer Nashes in particular, because they are Ford agents and look after any good car, for example Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and shaft-transmission Frazer Nashes. Being Chain-Gangsters, however, they naturally have a shop round the back where pre-war Frazer Nashes are repaired, rebuilt, one might almost say re-created. Spares now virtually unobtainable for these cars are manufactured, such as steering box brackets, filler caps, radiator shells, bevel boxes, etc. There is plenty of work lined up, but those in sore need of such things can at least try telephoning Kidderminster 218.

When we were passing through the town of Cleobury Mortimer last month we stopped at the sight of a showroom window containing Footitt’s well-known A.C.-G.N. [The Motor Sport Brooklands Memorial Trophy was standing on its scuttle but as I had called without prior notice, this had not been done for my benefit!—Ed.] and Joseland’s supercharged side-valve Anzani-engined Terror II, with lots or curls won by these cars. In a shop behind the main garage the last-ever side-valve Anzani ‘Nash was in process of resuscitation, even to a new wood-frame doorless body, a well-known ex-Alpine Trial T.T. Replica was being tidied up, and a twin-blower Gough-engined “Shelsley” ‘Nash was being refurbished. It isn’t every day that you find cars like this at country garages.—W. B.