

Let us all mourn the passing of Rolls-Royce into the ranks of mediocrity. Never before has this august company changed the type designation of its products for a few minor changes in body styling. Indeed, in their halcyon days, they never even thought about styling at all, preferring to leave this in the excellent hands of specialist coachbuilders, so many of whom, alas, have passed away or been engulfed by the money-spinning mass-producers, their glorious names being attached to pressed metal conveyances produced within the organisation which devoured them.

Why on earth does any car need four headlamps ? Are these components so bad these days that two of them cannot cope ? Or is it another step in the one-upmanship of out-dazzling the other fellow ? Really, of course’ it is just another fashion gimmick from the land of status symbols. Fancy Rolls-Royce falling for that! I suppose the Mk. IV will have dummy wire-wheel disci,.

Like you, I dread the appearance of a super de luxe Austin iio with a facsimile of the famous radiator and a couple of hundred or so on the price (the b.h.p., of course, being a closely guarded secret).

Penkridge. G. W. SAMSON.