
• 4s * FOUR OF THE BEST Sir,

Very sporting of you to print my letter taking you somewhat to task over this ” Best car in the World” business.

May I say how refreshing it is to read a paper whose Editor, unlike many of his cautious, stuffy, contemporary colleagues, isn’t afraid to express positive, forthright opinions . . . even though he may, occasionally, stick out his neck!

Your opinion of the Volkswagen, as attested by many of your readers is, I feel sure, correct. There is little doubt that, for the man whose motoring is a daily necessity, this is the best value in the world.

There are many reasons why people impoverish themselves by buying motor cars but if they have to do this I would, after forty years of very varied motoring, venture to suggest three cars which will not disappoint them : as a necessity, the Volkswagen; for sporting purposes, the Mercedes; as a hobby, including day-today motoring, the pre-war Rolls or Bentley.

But when summer clouds roll lightly across the sky I still pine for my old ” camshaft ” Norton. Feet on the backrests, chin on the pad, and away after it! Nothing can compare with this. Only by the grace of God am I still alive to tell the tale!

Birkenhead. Jonas C. litscocx.