New Formula III Fuel Regulations


The British Racing and Sports Car Club announce that for the 1959 motor racing season, a change will be made in the Formula III fuel regulations. It was hoped that at the recent meeting of the F.I.A. in Paris the question of changing from alcohol to pump fuel for this Formula would be discussed, but unfortunately, owing to an extremely heavy agenda, the delegates were unable to give this matter their attention.

The Club has therefore decided that in future all Formula III cars entered in B.R.&S.C.C. race meetings and fitted with Norton engines must run on premium grade petrol. For the time being, competitors with J.A.P.-engined machines, who are unable to convert their power units to petrol, will be allowed to run on alcohol against petrol-engined Nortons. It is hoped that at the next meeting of the F.I.A. which takes place in January, the delegates will find time to discuss this most important question upon which hangs the fate of Formula III in this country. The two major fuel companies have indicated a willingness to continue to support this Formula, providing an international change is made to the above effect in the fuel regulations.