Vanwall Transporter


We have commented previously on the new Leyland transporter used to convey the victorious Vanwalls to the circuits, which made its debut at Rouen this year. Now, through the courtesy of The Leyland Journal we are able to give further details. On its return from Casablanca, this Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster had covered some 11,000 miles in the service of Vanwall — and David Yorke reckons that this is equivalent to about 33,000 miles of normal commercial-vehicle usage.

This Vanwall transporter is based on a Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster passenger chassis fitted with a rear axle which has a ratio of 3.87 to 1. With a capacity of two cars, it has a 30 ft.long 8 ft. wide body built by Maskells (Brixton) Ltd., 297, Brixton Road, London, S.W.9. The overall height has been kept down to 10 ft. 10 in. by fitting 10.00 by 20 in. Michelin Metallic tyres all round, an important feature since the vehicle is often requited to negotiate low bridges and tunnels in its travels throughout Europe.

The Worldmaster’s normal speed on the Continental roads is not less than 60 m.p.h., and it takes Alpine passes, including the notorious St. Gothard Pass, in its stride.

The Worldmaster is not so elaborately equipped as many of its Continental counterparts, the Vanwall team not considering it necessary to carry about with them what is virtually a factory on wheels. Inside the ash-framed body the racing cars are carried one above the other. Resting in aluminium-channelled ramps, which hinge on short uprights, the top car is inclined at an angle of about 30 degrees to the horizontal so as to achieve the most compact loading. The aerodynamic body of the Vanwall incorporates a high tail, and the bottom car is therefore stowed nose first. The top car is loaded first, with its tail towards the front of the van. The ramps are then winched up until the nose of the car is within 8 in. of the roof and immediately over the position that will be occupied by the tail of the lower car. The ramps incline to the near side to enable mechanics to move about inside the Worldmaster while it is travelling.

Spare wheels for the Vanwalls are fastened to the offside wall, extra wheels and tyres being accommodated in the Luton compartment. The only repair equipment carried is a small workbench. There is a door to the car-carrying compartment just behind the front axle on the near side. The roomy cab has, in addition to a separate seat for the driver, a double seat at the front and a bench-type seat for four persons just behind. The Luton does not extend the full length of the cab, so that there is ample headroom at the front.

The van has an impressive exterior appearance, the main colour being black with cream relief. The word “Vanwall” appears in large gold letters on each side and, below it, the gratuitous legend “Supplied by Leyland Motors Ltd.,” evidence that Leyland’s pride in their association with the world-beating Vanwall car is reciprocated by its makers. — W. B.