Southsea M.C. President’s Trophy Trial

The President’s Trophy Trial, organised by the Southsea M. C. took place at Longmoor, Hants, on November 14th. Weather conditions were ideal and, with twenty-five entries, an exciting day’s driving was witnessed by a large number of spectators.

The course was extremely convenient as all nine hills were situated within one square mile which, from a spectator’s point of view, was very successful as in some cases three hills could be witnessed at once.

The trial was won by a Southsea M.C. member, Ron Faulkner, with R. B. Cannon second. This entitled Mr. Cannon to the Southsea M.C. Cup for the second-best performance of the day. The Ansell Trophy was won by F. P. Faulkner.

The first stage of the trial was in the morning, when the competitors were required to negotiate nine hills. Each of these hills was difficult in as much as the ground conditions were soft, the surface extremely rocky in places and most of the hills more than usually steep.

For the second round, after a lunch-time break, the course on some of the hills was altered and it was generally agreed that it was an improvement. On Hill 2, for instance, the course was laid round a tree and then over a steep, rocky, bumpy gully. This hill was climbed by practically every competitor and was most spectacular to watch.

The trial finished with a special test section. This consisted of stopping astride a line, reversing, flying finish, etc., and terminated a day which could not have been better enjoyed anywhere. — G. S.