Oulton Park Motor Racing Circuit


We have recently received the following:

The directors of Cheshire Car Circuit, Ltd. have now decided to go ahead immediately with their plans for extending Britain’s newest motor road-racing track at Oulton Park. This extension, which will be well in character with the true road features of the present circuit will bring the course up to a total distance of almost three miles.

Included in the new layout will be an intricate left-hand bend, a thrilling new hairpin turn and two fast straights, one of about three-quarters of a mile, into more open country and running alongside the picturesque Oulton Park mere.

It will be recalled that at an earlier meeting at Oulton Park several of Britain’s leading drivers said that an extension to this circuit would make it the premier road-racing circuit of the country, and would call for more skill and precision than any flat circuit.

This new extended Oulton Park course will not only be to the liking of drivers who, of course, prefer natural road-racing conditions, but also to spectators who will be assured of some keen and spectacular racing.

The new circuit, which the directors hope to have ready for the first meeting in April, 1954, will be ideal for spectators, who will find many natural grandstands in beautiful surroundings at fine vantage points, while the plans for added car park facilities will enable the authorities to cater for increased crowds.

The directors announce, with understandable pride, that an international date has been reserved by the C.S.I. (International Sporting Commission) for an event at Oulton Park. On this new long circuit this date of August 7th will be one to note and remember.

The directors of Cheshire Car Ltd., have also in mind the formation of a Members’ Club, which will provide for a special enclosure and car park at an annual subscription to cover all the Season’s events.