R.A.C. News


The R.A.C. Competitions Committee issued the following November bulletin:-

Policy for 1954

Arnong the matters which have been brought to the notice of the R.A.C. as arising from the issue of the R.A.C.’s 1954 policy, urgent consideration is being given to the following :-

1. The provision by the R.A.C. of a standard form of club receipt which embraces the necessary competition licence for “closed” to club events. This is for the use of clubs who do not wish their normal membership receipt form to be over-printed for this purpose.

2. The question of a “British Subject” definition, which will enable clubs to allow foreign members who are resident in Great Britain for any purpose to take part in their closed events.

A meeting was held at the R.A.C. on October 27th of clubs which have promoted International and National rallies. Preliminary agreement was reached on a standard set of regulations to govern the eligibility of vehicles for these events in 1954. Further meetings will be held to complete the drafting of mutually acceptable regulations, and it is hoped to complete this work and make the eligibility clauses public by the end of the year.

Representatives of clubs promoting race meetings in 1954 met at the R.A.C. on November 6th, in order to rationalise the race meeting Calendar. Agreement was reached on a provisional Calendar which avoided serious clashes of similar types of meeting, and the general view of promoting clubs was that despite the great number of events they can all be accommodated by the current enthusiasm for Motor Sport.

Annual C.S.I. Meetings

The International Sporting Commission met in Paris on October 6th, 7th and 8th last, and the R.A.C, were represented by Lord Howe and Colonel F. S. Barnes, the British delegates to this Commission.

The C.S.I. made a new departure in the compilation of the International Calendar for 1951 by dividing the Calendar into four separate parts :—

1. Racing.

2. Hill Climbs and Sprint Meetings.

3. Rallies and Trials.

4. Formula III Racing.

International regulations for vehicles built in series production, both touring cars and sports-cars, were finalised and it was agreed that they should become operative from January 1st. 1954, and be valid for at least four years to run concurrently with the new racing Formula 1 up to Decemberr 31st, 1957.

These regulations also provided for a new departure in the establishment of “Forms of Recognition” for all the models or the vehicles, constructed in series and these technical forms will have to be submitted to and approved by the C.S.I. at their next meeting in December. The R.A.C. is endeavouring to ensure that all British manufacturers who might be affected will have their appropriate vehicles and models suitably registered.

The R.A.C. intend to issue a complete statement of these regulations as soon as possible after the December meetings in Paris.

The Touring Championsilip of Europe

The only category of vehicle which will be eligible for championship markings are the “normal series production touring cars,” though any or all of the championship events may embrace other categories at the option of the promoters.

A normal production touring car is defined as a vehicle of which at least 1,000 units have been built in 12 consecutive months for cars of under 1,000 c.c. and 600 units for cars orf over 1,000 c.c. Cars over 1,000c.c. must have four seats. All cars must have closed coachwork, though a convertible body is acceptable when catalogued by the manufacturer providing the weight is not less than that of the corresponding saloon car.

The International events which will count towards this championship in 1954 are as follows:- 

January 18th/27th XXIVth Monte Carlo Rally.

February 22nd/28th Vth Sestiere Rally.

March 9th/14th IVth R.A.C. Rally of Great Britain.

April 25th/May 2nd VIth Tulip Rally.

June 3rd/6th IVth Travemunde Rally.

June 16th/20th Vth Rally of the Midnight Sun.

July 9th/16th The Alpine Rally,

August 18th/22nd Leige-Rome-Liege Rally.

September 10th/13th IVth Viking Rally.

November 4th/7th Rally of the Snow (Geneve).

December 1st/5th Lisbon Rally.

Competitions Committee

The constitution of the Competitions Committee of the R.A.C. as elected in July last, for the current year, is as follows :-

The Rt. Hon. The Earl Howe, P.C.. C.B.E., V.R.D. (Chairman)  

The Most Hon. The Marquess Camden, J.P. (Vice Chairman)

Mr. S.C.H. Davis

Mr E. Giles

Mr R. Hughes

Mr H.J. Morgan

His Grace The Duke of Richmond and Gordon

Mr S. Sedgewick

Mr J.M. Toulmin

Mr D.G. Flather

Major R. Gough

Major-General A.H. Loughborough, C.B., O.B.E

Mr D.J. Scannell

Mr A.K. Stevenson, O.B.E.

Mr R.L. de B. Walkerly