Cemian M.C. Knowland Trophy Trial (Nov.9th)


This event, with 31 entrants, almost all Ford-powered, took place over familiar mud-tracks in Surrey. Dent’s Delight had been made more difficult by a left-hand turn at the top off the main lane. Nevertheless, excellent negotiations of the new hazards were accomplished by Notley (Cox II), Rumfitt (Cotton II), Dees (Deeford), Brookes (E.R.P.), Price (Price Special), his son (ditto) and Hopkinson (Aus/Ford). One or two cars nudged the trees at the turn. Failures included Lowrey (Ford Special) and Norton, the latter stopping so early that we hasten to add that his Phoenix is not the vintage car of that name!

The notorious Cow Track was used first as a bonus hill, when Turrell’s Turrell Special, Lowrey, Hopkinson and Landet (R.M.) were amongst those who scored no extra marks, although Price, Jnr., recovered well and Spence (Spence VII) was outstanding, good ascents of the steep gradient being made by Harris (M. & H. Special) and Barden’s Cotton IV with its neat four-branch exhaust system.

Lawson’s Lament had proved a good hill in the morning but taken again in the reverse direction proved so difficult that the detour, marked by tapes at the summit, was hardly warranted. Similarly, Cow Track, converted to a tortuous path after lunch, failed every car at the first corner, Cemian having been far too optimistic over the layout of the new route. Chandler (Chandler Special) made a very determined assault and Spence had a good try but everyone dug in on the mould at this right-hand corner and soon competitors were automatically giving the “doctored” Cow Track the go-by. Results follow and there are pictures in the centre pages.


Knowland Trophy.—E. J. Chandler (Chandler Special).

Vice-President’s Trophy.—A. E. A. Day (Spence VI).

Autumn Cup.—R. Chappell (Cotton).

Team Award,—Cemian M.C.

First-Class Awards.—W. H. Waring (Dellow), E. W. Pike (E.P.S.), P. A. Barden (Cotton IV).

Second-Class Awards.—A. E. Rumifitt (Cotton II), D. W. Price, Jnr. (Price Special), H. Hopkinson (Aus/Ford).