Origin and Development of the Roesch Talbots (continued)/Film Review/The "Daily Express" M.C.C. Rally


Origin and Development of the Roesch Talbots (continued) 

Complete article is shown on page 14.

Film Review

” Observed Section” is the title of the new film added to the Bradford &. D.M.C.s library of 16 mm. sound films, and with humorous commentary by Allan Jefferies this 40 minute film includes some very amusing scenes of the Ilkley Sporting Car Trial and also of midget car racing. It is available for loan to other clubs, and enquiries should be made to C. H. Wood, 282, Manningham Lane, Bradford.

The “Daily Express” M.C.C. Rally (Nov. 12th-15th)

It is highly significant of the current enthusiasm for motor sport that 450 entrants were obtained for this 1,200 mile round-Britain Rally–indeed, the M.C.C. had to turn away many would-be competitors after this limit had been reached. A low speed-schedule was imposed, with early as well as late penalties, and as the Rally just escaped the bad weather, most of the drivers found the road section, which was punctuated merely by very brief regularity tests, easy or even tedious. Secret checks to prevent the average from rising momentarily to over 40 m.p.h. were imposed but we believe the officials sportingly operated this in a downhill part of the Welsh Mountains, where even Stirling Moss wouldn’t care to go as fast.

The Rally terminated at Brighton, which, with its seafront road specially constructed in 1903 for motoring events, is ideal for final tests. These were very well planned by the M.C.C. The first was their popular coast-downhill-and-brake test. Most drivers braked early, to record short stopping distances, but Nancy Mitchell (H.R.G.) with Margaret Inglis as navigator, was an exception.

The second test consisted of driving into a “garage,” reversing out and round a 90 deg. corner uphill, and forward to stop at the finish grid. It was well laid out to strike a fair balance between the manoeuvrability of small cars and the brisker acceleration of the larger. Some drivers were surprisingly clottish, some, like Nichols (Morris) and Eagles (old-school Bentley) broke their motor-cars, Moss had difficulty reselecting first gear from reverse in the XK120 coupe, and Mrs. Allard found the brakes of her Palm Beach Allard inadequate to stop her after a good run. Merrick’s Morgan Plus Four had no clutch, so couldn’t play. Excellent performances were made by :—

Chard (Ford), Watkinson (B.M.W.), Downs (Sunbeam-Talbot), Spare (Vanguard), Turnbull (Vauxhall), Palmer (Vanguard), Rollings (XK120), Wallwork (Vanguard), Broadhead (XK120), Miss Newton (XK120), Lilley (XK120), Coulthard and Chesney (Sunbeam-Talbots), Cunningham (XK120), Holt (M.G.), Crump (Atalanta Special), Dr. Hardman (s/c. Dellow), ), Dr. Cormick (Morris Minor), Newton (Renault), Brown (H.R.G.), Lewis (H.R.G.), Griffin (M.G.), Hardman (M.G.), Threlfall (Riley), Pearce (M.G.), Whitehouse (Austin), Lenanton (M.G.), Foster (Citroen), Perring (Sunbeam-Talbot), Shanks (Marauder), Howard (Morgan Plus Four)—truly excellent—Steel (Morgan), Goodall and Peter Morgan (Morgans), Darby (Austin), Henson, Ferodo technician (XK120), Hercock (SunbeamTalbot), Pollard (Ford). D. O’M. Taylor (XK120) —very fine– Walkers (vintage 4½  Bentley), Smith (Sunbeam-Talbot), Davies (s/c. Morris Minor), Prince (Singer), Murray Frame (Sunbeam-Talbot), Kemsley (Sunbeam-Talbot), etc.

The last test was a go-forward, go-back affair at two lines set between a narrow lane of pylons—interesting but very cruel to the machinery. There were some unusual side-lights. One car had Aspro in the cubby-hole, one passenger had been sick, some cars had names on their bonnets, the Whitfields’ Jaguar had a dancing dickie on its screen, whilst cartoonist Giles hit Sleigh for overshooting the finish in the XK120 and the leather-bound steering wheel of Leather’s Allard possessed a tiny knot by which he wound himself slowly through the test.


1st.- Dr. C. R. Hardman/Mrs. Hardman (1,172-c.c. Dellow, s/c.), 4.76 marks lost.

2nd.- K. Rawling/L. J. Tracey (2,088-c.c. Standard Vanguard Special “Buttercup”), 4.80.

3rd.- W. A. G. Goodall/A. T. Hall (2,088 c.c. Morgan Plus Four), 4.92.

Ladies’ Cup.- Miss Sheila Van Damm/Mrs. F. V. Clarke (2,267-c.c. Sunbeam Talbot), 5.59 marks lost.

Class Awards:

1,100 c.c. Open Cars.- A. C. Westwood/D. A. Corder (995-c.c. Fiat Balilla), 5.65 marks lost.

1,100-c.c. Closed.- G. B. Flewitt/R. E. Lloyd (800-c.c. Austin), 5.71.

1,500-c.c. Open.- J. H. Brooks/Mrs. J. M. M. Brooks (1,250.c.c. M.G. TD), 5.05.

1,500-c.c. Closed.- P. G. Cooper/B. Pybus (1,265-c.c. Hillman Minx), 5.40.

2-litres Open.- H. Sutcliffe/Mrs. P. E. Sutcliffe (1,971-c.c. Frazer-Nash), 5.64.

2-litres Closed.- L. F. Parham/E. K. Parham (1,971-c.c. Bristol), 6.06.

3-litres Open.- W. A. G. Goodall/A. T. Hall (2,088-c.c. Morgan Plus Four), 4.92.

3-litres Closed.- P. H. G. Morgan/Mrs. J. D. Morgan (2,088-c.c. Morgan Plus Four), 4.93.

Over 3-litres Open.- D. O’M. Taylor/Mrs. R. Taylor (3,442-.c.c. Jaguar), 5.05.

Over 3 litres Closed.- Stirling Moss/John Cooper (3,442-c.c. Jaguar), 5.17.

Special and S/c. Cars, Open.- Dr. C. R. Hardman/Mrs. M. Hardman (1,172-c.c.D How s/c.), 4.76

Special and S/c.r. Cars, Closed.- K. S. Chitty/A. J. M. Chitty (918-c.c. Morris Minor. s/c.), 6.39. 4