FOR SALE--continued


FOR SALE—continued BENTLEY PARTS. :1-litre radiator, £15 ; camshaft. £5. 4f-litre, set tourer wings, with front stays. elean but unpainted, £10 ; pair cycle.tym: fronts complete with stays, good condition, British racing green, £6 ; bulkhead, £5 ; Autovac and petrol filter., 43 ; fan assembly, ; hand-brake lever and fulcrum, 50s. ; set four con. -rod; ;

big-ends, £6. Iluxharii, Penn Hill Garage Parkstone.

Tel. : Parkstone 2. , 19057 WOLSELEY SPECIAL, 1933 2/4-seater 12.h.p. Good tyres, hood, battery, engine Overhauled. L210. 10, Ridgeway, ltay, Kent. Tel. : Herstiiity 1091. RUNB-AKEN OIL COIL and coin tenser, 75s, ; Eit!i(e)5r4c), screen, 25s.; calorimeter,. 7s. fid. Thompson, Much-Wenlock, Shropshire. _ [1058 WELL-KNOWN A.W. SPECIAL, 1,172.c.c. used every day. Full touring. equipment, large luggage Compartnwnt. Premier award in Scarborough Fir,t tlieneral Classification Morecambe Rally. Winner Kenning Trophy Trial. Numerous other awards in trials and tallies this W year. ill sell or exchange modern 4-seater saloon.Dean, 32, Chatsworth Roail„Hazel Grove, Cheshire. _ [11060 TO new 164n. wheels:; full

tonnean cover, (4 ; two aerosereens, 30s each ; front, back, hydraulic shock-absorbers, (.1, pair ; twin snare wheel bracket, (5 15s. J. C. Larminie. Monksherborne, Basingstoke. Tel.: Basingstoke 11. 1935 29-11.P–. RAILTON,-e-xcelleia condition. Special modified cylinder hind by Ilitilsons. Under 40,000 firilCi Modified Carter .earberetter, 19 m.p.g. New tyres. Seen Londou. Tel.: Welbeek 8361. 10062 SUNBtAM-DAWN, 12.8.11.p. 7,-nortTsnloon. First registered July, 1935. Good condition, o

hydraulic brakes, knck-on hubs. Owner posted abroad. Nearest LI75. Write Stapleford, R.A.F.

Staff College, Bra-knell, Berks. [9064 1950. 2/41SEATER LEA-FRANCIS. Finished grey with red upholstery ; 5,312 miles only. One owner. Immaculate. Offers. keys Motors, Ltd., 73, Albany Street, N.W.1. Tel. : EuSton (1994. [9005 TRIUMPH SUPER NINE, 1932. Extensive overhaul last winter including 1-i:sleeve, new bearings, guides, springs, clutch plate and radiator elteeked over. Fit bid standard 2-seater body with dickey. (120.

Berlow, 40, Innag,2 Road, Birmingham, 31. [9060 FORD —EIGHT ENGINE,X:ifeet. condition. £17. 395, Wake Green Road, Birmingham, 13. [0067 N.S.A. four-cylinder, four-wheel conversion, -£10 tax. TWo new tyres, engine good, 35 m.p.g., quantity spares, suit small family. Offers. 14, -Gordon Road, ChadWell Heath, Essex. [9068 ALVISSILVER CREST, 1038, “16.9 ” drophead coupe. Engine Just overhauled by Laystalls chrome liners, -etc. Very good tyres. Beautiful car. Taxed turd insured. Tcl.: ‘rase Hill 5377 between 8.30 and S. [0009 1932 WOLSELEY Hornet Special gearbox. £4 10s. Menage, 180, Bury Street, N.0. ‘fel. : Laburnum 5890. M070 VETERAN -CAE for sale. Certified 19116 de Dioa Bouton, alt.p. 2-seater, in absolute 100 pi r eeat. condition. Beautifully restored and original in every way except for new paint, hood and tyres.. £250 or mar offer. Norman Reeves, High Street, [0071

Uxbridge, Middlesex. RILEY KESTREL, 1937. One Owner. Recently rcsleeved, rewired, brakes relined, steering and springs In good condition, interior first-class, live good tyres. Lieemed. Nearest offer to (535. Burton, Abbots Bromley, Rugeley, Staffs. tel. : Abbots linnuley 80 (daytime). (9072 VAL. t SPECIAL, S 11.1). sports 2-seater. Black. and Excellent Condition. £195. Beck, Pinter Heigham, Norfolk. Tel. : Potter Heigharn 230. [9073 cc8/20 ” HUMBER, -1925 : 30 m.p.g. Good running order. Taxed, insured. 60. Fortman, 261, Upper Street, London, N.1. (11074 1935 B–.S.A7tiiree.wheeler. V -twin. Tyres and hood almost new, new exhaust ealees,engine genuine u

sond comlition. (ilt) (approximately). Rolmison, 4, Causewayside, High Street, fluslemere, Surrey. toot

1936 MORRIS EIGHTEEN saloon : WOW. ore owner. l’erfect conilition. £250. 1930 Swift Ten utility. Sound, reliable, ceonomical. Peal, 69. The Close, Salisbury. 1923 SUNBEAM. A really fine entlausinst’s (9.°1 car; 15.9 h.p., four.cylinder open tourer, grey. In

stiperb condition, mechanically and in appearance.. Exeellent performer. This car has been a joy to Own. Reason for sale, house purchase. A real bargain at (130. Armitage, Clifton House. Prospect Road, Ossett, Yorks. 0077 FRAZER-NASH tubular front axle complete rind three I6-in. knock on wheels, ” Brooklands ” Riley body. £10. 3.5 to I Daimler rear axle complete, L5. ()Repair Fiat wishbones and spring, (7. 5, Leigh Hall Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. [91)78 LAG6NDA 2-litre tourer. Engine overhauled IMO ago. 11

goomo BLACK AND WHITE glossy motor car photographs. English and foreign. 10s. Ott. flOSSen.

G. A. Fiend, 15, Nashleigh Cheshatn, Bucks. 190s2 19,000 CAR INSTRUCTION MANUALS. SaleLoan. Enquiries stamped envelope please. Also engin manu e als, wiring diagrams. Manuals bought eash. G. A. Final, 15, Nushleigh Chiliani, Bucks, [9081

800 RADIATOR aud car badges. English and foreign. List stamp. Badges bought cash. G. A . Final, 15, Nashleigh Clushant, 10083 30,000 MOTORING BOOKS. Journals, maps, all titles published stock. Immediate supply. Lists shun!). G. A. Final, 15, Nashleigh Chesham, Bucks [9084 ADLER TEN 4-seater drophead coup& Twin spare relied,. £I50 overhaul. Best offer user 1.220 or any exchange, meter 2-seater. G. A. Final, Nashleigh Hill, CheAllani, Bucks. : tint y

SPORTS CAR EQUIPMENT. Gadgets, accessories aparo, new, secondhand, dismantled parts. Singer M.G., Morris, etc. Enquiries stains). Anythim, bought for cash. Cars crashed or incomplete wanted for dissnantling. G. A. Final, 15, Nashleigh Cheshant, Bucks. (9087 ALVIS ” T/G,” ” 12/50 ” sports aaloon. Maintained in original condition. Interior immaculate. Two owners. Stored 10 years. Rewired, new battery, .good lyres. Taxed; £135 or nearest offer. New pair 1-in. bore S.U. horizoutal carburetters, £10. Davey, Broadmoor Road, Crowthorne, Berks. (£10,88189. 1928 CROSSLEY 17-h.p. ti,mrer. Excellent condition. Dynamo overheuled. New hood and paint. £80 engitie overhaul recently. Cruises 50-55. 33, Antblesidc, S.W.16. : Strenthant 5785. (9030 1928 3-LITRE BENTLEY open Vauden Phis. Bigsump engine, 1,800 camslinft, high oil pressure. ” A ” box, pnintwork and upholstery good. Hardy Spicer prop.-shaft. Available about end of December, £375. Reason for sale—owner taking delivery of original :3 litre after rebuild following fire. Brookes, 33, Gordon Avenue, Nornich. Tel. : Norwich 33633. [0090 BUGATTI ENGINE, Type 35C supercharged eight cylinder. Unused slues. 1036. Just had crank rot:Mimed and new Ones. etc., all parts Chromed, complete Tess blower. Genuine liargain. £145. chipstead Motors. 197, Fulleim Road, Kensington, S.W.:1. ‘0100 FOR SALE—continued 1939 AUSTIN BIG SEVEN saloon, just reconditioned. Perfect condition. First reasonable cash offer or exchange good opt% sports. 15, Nashleigh Chesharn, Bucks. : Cholesbury 360. [9085 KG. 1936 ” I’ll” 4-neater. Accounts £135 include new engine, wheels, respray. Inunaculate. £340, ifiorredixc210T4rge ” 12/60 ” Alvis or similar. Tel. : GuildHEALEY, 1947 standard 4.seater roadster. fl-type chassis chassis modilleations alirt txnuplete check over carried out recently at works. Reeelltilosed

green, liPirooll upholstery. Radio, four new tyros, twci spare covers. The whole car is in faithless condition and open to any Dial or inspection. 1930. Apply to Enterprise Garage, Faringdoe, Berks. Tel. : fetringdon 2237. 01092 AUSFORD. Tuned Ford Ten, raised contlins.. sion, i.f.s., two unused sparks, good hood, excellent mechanical condition. £180 or nearest offer. 5, Bridge Street, St. Ives, Huntingdon. [9093. E.N.V. CRASH GEARBOX, four-speed, remote Cuttrot for M.G., £7 10s. Austin Eight Itl-in. disc wheels,

each. SaWiley and Souls. 7S, lAiStOn Street. HighWycombe. [9094 1938 MODEL CORD eight-cylinder drophead. Magnificent condition. Ontside exleinsts. Plunograph available. (350 quick sale, Apply _Jones.

,,s..te:),iiittnna, 21611(21., 47, Dale Street, Liverpool. Tel, ALVLS, 1927 Carbodies 2.—-diresi-sTii-s-its saloon. 1-9N0e9W73 battery, very nice leather interior. Quite orbenal with no mods. by enthusiastic previous owner. L115. Beavis, The Folly, Wheathampstead. [9096 TRIUMPH GLORIA six.cylintier Vitessa engine, eomplete with starter and dynamo. Good condition• (13. Stolo., Sycienhams, Bisley. Glos. 1933/4 Sill IAOITAR 1641.p. saltion. .Grey metallic 7

finish and in good condition. £275 or near offer. Neal, 50, Wickstead Avenue, I,uton, Beds. [9098 — RILEY, 0-tsp. Falcon, 1033 4.-iloor sports saloon. tb:2i}v19e. new oversize retreads, aluminium body soine attention. Chassis, engine and transnlii:::: kolund : 35 m.p.g. Price 6165. To. :Cunningham SMOAING BADLY ? won’t pnti ? It needs Conk piston rings. we sell and recommend them. Ole Minable from. Macey and Smith, 17, Lancing Road, West Croydon. Tel.: Thornton Heath 4503. 01111 TRUMPET—FANFARE ! Censininie ” Sparton ” 12 v multi-horn. Immensely powerful. Distinctive. Only 35 guineas. J. Rymer, Skeyne, Pulborough. HILLMAN MINX, 1949. Green, leather trim. iti,11. ” Robin Hood,” Luton. Tel. : (9103 1931″ 12/50 ” ALVIS ” T.j.” 2-seater. Bodywork or but mechanically excellent. £100 or nearest

offer. K. W. Exley, 9, Gandy Street, Kendal. [9104 1935 31-LITRE TALBOT with duo blue (trophy:id (Carlton Carriage Co.) hodv in beautiful condition. Williams, 51, Dumbleton Avenue, Leicester. 19105 1931 ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM II 4-seater. Allweather body, splendid all-round condition. £500• K. Hutehisou, Headley Grove, Epsom, Surrey. 10196

Tel.*: Headley 14.

1047 SINNER NINE roadster 4-seater. Excellent condition. (500 of offer. de Gelsey, 59, Ennismore Gardesis, S.W.7. Tel. : Knightsbridge 1412. [9107 Du/mom-to-CUSHIONS, 32 by 16 by 5 in. Also slightly risked to 4 in. Very suitable car upholstery, caravans, boats, etc. ‘,dec.:. according to quality, 30.s., 25s., 203. Postage Is. 01. each. Cash with ,..irder, payable to Twit ten Orchard, NI:alumni,. Pullstirough, Sussex. ALYIS—” 12/50.” 1925, 4-seater (wire wit:e0ells”)4. Original polished aluminium In ely virtually unmarked. Engine, transmission first-class. New battery. Additional wheels, lynx’s. Car unmodified except wiring. Used daily in Cambridge Where it may be tried. £160 or exchange Riley. Box No, 384-0, MOTOR SPOUT, 15, City Road, re.C.1. [9121 TWO OWNERS. 1924 Mein Fourteen tourer. No oil, 10 m.P.g. Good tyres, two new. Nets’ hood, battery. universals, handbook. Remarkably good inside and out. Ideal touring. £150. Box No. 3841, Mown SPORT, I:), City Road, E.C.1. 19122 3100 BUYS INTERESTING ” SPECIAL ” ; 8-1t.p. M.G. engine with racing 1.110?IS., twin carburetters, Ltd., M.G. 12-h.p.-type gearbox, light continental sports chassis, large outside exhaust system. Needs general attention .although in running order. Two. seater trials body. S.A.E. for photograph and Delivered U.K. free. Licensed. Box No. 3842, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.e.1

BENTLEY 27-h.p., 1932 Mulliner saloon, in faultless condition. £260 or exchange open car. Box No. 3843, Mbrost Sewn-, 15, City ItOad. E.C.1. [9124 RILEY SPECIAL, sty:et:R.1M recent trials and sports car races. Iiight alutniniunt body, all-weatber egnipntent., fitted hale-type Merlin large crank engine, two complete sets of wheels and tyres, 19 and 16 in. Many spores including atternntive axle ratios.. 4325 or near offer. Tel. : Laburnum 502..8 after 7 or Box No. 3848, Mirrox SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. ;01214 FOR SALE–continued 07 10s. RILEY NINE. 1028. Runner. Chassis exeellent, body dreadful. tyres good. ;night exchange Austin Seven Cha.,st… Dos No. 3844, moms

SP-0)0. 15, City Rood, E.C.1. 10125 B.M.W., 1036 Type 45 drophend. Reuter body. Complete engine overhaul. Rebored. New pistons. Crankshaft reground. New bearings. Clutch and brakes relined. ‘ New battery. New Michelins. Really delightful car to drive. only 4325 because new hood might be an improvement. Write first place to private owner. Box No. 3845, Moron SPORT. 15, city Read, E.C.1. 19126 1950 BURLINGHAM SPORTSMAN caravan for sale, Two-berth, Caine gas lighting and cooking, ” Ottest ” heating. Weight 11 ewt, unladen. Insulated throughout. Offers. Box NO. 3849, MOsCra Snorer, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 10130 1929 TALBOT 1445 h4). ” AG ” weVrflaml eouPd; Taxed and inrsured. A weatherproof vintage carriage. Exchange open vintage Of considerable potency or sell. 05 or nearest offer. Box No. 3651, Mdrog .Seora, 15. City Raid. E.C.1. [9132 SINGER MANN,” 941.p. sports 4-seater. Com pletely rebuilt, now as now. Kartuayed maroon/ pale blue. New : clutch, starter, hood, to:mean, screens, carpets, battery. Engine completely over. hauled bearings ream:toned, rebored, eminkstiaft reground, new pistons, valves. Twin Bosch horn4, excellent tyres. bright parts actinium& Pills for -over 000. ‘A strikingly attractive car in absolutely perfect order, combining performanceand economy. /265. Box No. 3855, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E•c.l. [9130 TALBOT .75 saloon. Gmml mechanically and In aPPearamee. Rewned, rebored, new battery, shock,sorbent, coOlant pump, radiator, Frani filter, I HI. brakes relined, gearbox overhauled. /255 or aest offer, cfo Cuff Motors, Littlehomplon, susses. [0137 ALVIS ” TL 12;80,” 1932 ” Beretlebrtek ” ‘2-seater. Twin St’s, knock-off ,Ateels. /230. Also 250 u 11),10-51. What offers ? lanolin’. s.W.2. Box No, 3857, Moron SPous, 15. City Road, E.C.1. 19138 RENAULT TWELVE saloon, 1938 model. Coin. pietely renovated regardless of cost. Engine over main). Brakes relined, new back axle, ReeellulOsr81 silver grey. New roof lining and Carpets, exterior roof and sunshine slide recovered. Entire interior leather and woodwork renovated ; also all parts rechromcd. This is virtually a new car. With tremendous performanCe and 35 m.p.g. consumption. I7nused since reconditioned, Owner has delivery, of new ‘car. Accept /350 (renovation (-end over /269). Dealers invited. Write 7 BOX No. 3858, MOTOR SyMer, IS. City Road, E.C.1. [9241 CITROEN, 1936, Lwat, 12.11.p., in excellent general foliation ; no trace of rust. /235. Box No. 3850, MOTOR Snows, 15. City Road. E.C.I. 19212 THREE FIAT BALLILA sports lightened eon-rods and four special high compression pistons. Box No. 3860, Mott-at Sealer, 15, City ‘Wad, E.C.I (9243 HISPANO.SUIZA 37.2-h.p.’ 11121, Unique and near ivrfeet cOndition. Limousine body. To tiathustast or collector only for reasonable offer Box. Nec 3305 MirrOg SPORT, 15. CRY RoOd, [0246 DOUGLAS, 1901,. 350 c.c.! -90 m.p.h. Racing type, road equipped. Pool, /205, Box No. 3864, Moron

Spoor, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (9246 AUSTIN HEAVY TWELVE 4:seater tourer. Very elean coalition. Good tyres and battery, rebored. 8.E, Berkshire. Will definitely sell ‘for best offer. ‘fry i45. Box No. 3865, Morok SPORT, IS, City Road,. 19247 £110. 1930 2-litre AC. 213-seater sports in good conditi011 thronglunit ; 24 m.p.g. Recently fitted all new liners and pistons. Taxed. Brix No. 3866, Merv:in Sower, 15 City Road, E.C.1. (0218 RILEY NINE, 1931, saloon. Engine good. Everything else Solind. Seen Cheshire. /100, or near offer. Box Itio. 3867, Moron Spoor., 15. City Road, [0249 ift-a-WER BENTLEY, dorphead coupe. Very tine specimen. (Inc of the last few chassis built, having all the Inter Mods., reinforced crankcase ond Sump. Rib blower easing, .55 carton steel drums, etc. A large sum of money has been spent on the car. Engine rebuild, including all new bearings and crank grind. Ilckit mtgs. reconditioned, new plugs, new battery, etc. flood recovered ; earb Zeisa Jena Mad, fog and spot lamp. Very goal body -work and tyres. Inlet manifold, etc.. for running in unblOwn form. Any inspection or test. Price /490 for quirk sale. Please tel, Derwent 7388 (Surrey), Or write Inix No. 8870, MOToR SabouT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. j92.52 1938 VAUXHALL FOURTEEN saloon. Completely reconditioned throughout. Appearanee as car. OW Write Box No. 3871, Mown SPosiT, Ili, City Road, E.C.1. 925:t AUSTIN CHUMMY just rebuilt. New

cellulosed, fourspeed box ; two new tyres. •-•• Or near Offer. Bateson, 40. Sinclair Drive wall, Liverpool, IS. FOR SALE—cont inued 4i SUPERCHARGED BENTLEY, black 2-seater. Recent Lawrence rebuild, ex.Remp-Pkiec, hood. Screens, P.100’s, in beautiful condition. /900: clo Alick Pitts, Streetsbrook Road, Shirley, Birm ingham. Tel. : Shirley 1251. (9130 TWO NEW 6.00 BY 20 RETREADS with tunes; three part wOrn 5.50 by 20 tyres. Wanted three tyres 5.00 by 20, also manifold with three S.U.s complete with controls and pipes for 1929 Silver Eagles. Fairhurst, Sholidon, Leominster. (9140 SPEED SIX BENTLEY B.A. 2950 shOrt chassis. Special service engine, 8.1itre suntp. Recently decOked, new drain tubes, fitted new toitring. body, 1048. Twin electric petrol pumps, 1949 iffrirchal ” Strittm ” head lamps, fog, two spot and twin Mil fights ; all new tyres. Previous Owner until 1939, Bentley director. Must be sold -bought 8-litre — reason:1111e offer accepted, or swap for Bark II Aston.Mzirt in. J•imes Coutes, ‘Voiding House, Stangrove Road, 1:Ambridge. (0142 1935 HILEY-XESTREL g-litte. Suit enthusiast. /230. Webster, 16, Hempstead Road, Wutford,

Herts. Tel. : ‘Watford 2440, after 6 p.m. [9113 M.G. “F” MAGNA 2-seater. Taxed. /155. or offer. ” Bliendford,” New Stilts Farm Road, Shore. hant-by.Sea, SussexTel. : Shoreham-by-Sea :WIS.

0141 CARBURETTER 8.U. Type 11V 5 I g in. bore. Racing plugs. Five Champion type LA 11. Steer • Mg Damper. Andre uniyersal. All lino:tic:illy new. Offers to : J. B. Crowther. Spring Ceattnge, langley. OW,

1937 TRIUMPH CONTINENTAL sports saloon, Very good throughout. /275. 90, Brighton ROA, Brensteml, Surrey. Tel. : Burgh Heath 1520. 19146 BENTLEY SPEED SIX. -Needs rebuicring71100, or near. Stevens., Nur:stead Avenue, Lcinglield, Kent. (9147 1935 AL-V18 -SPEED TWENTY. The rare And Is:ant:Rut fonmome fixed head coupe in fine order. Enthusiast owner, paned abroad, has lavished a great deal of tithe and litOtlf:y On thiscar. Details and photo available. Any trial Lemellat, near: C.O. Bryant, Staff College, Cantlierley. Tel. : Camberley 305, After Dec. 12111, PS.A. Mt,s.s, N1;148

001. Nearest 1435. 1

GOOD Bra. SPARES, Out pMr -MTG. shafts and hubs, mils. ” “-type M.G. erauk.shaft, bearings and liming gear:, /7 las. Magna Odell plate and 30.s. Austin Teri, 1932, (Town wheel, only 15s. I tornet. 1!133, crankshaft, /10. Hornet, 11133. ,,ylinder head. /7 Bk.. llornet special, 1933; oil …nine tank, /2. Scott, 14, Orchard Way, LIAM,

Beds, [9149 YOUNG LADY TINDER DRIVING AGE wiShe’s to know of grounds, nerealrome or level tield where she tan practiSe driving. POteat )alopie available. Adequate remuneration offere,t f.,r iv II 11,4, of site within ‘fifty miles tit-S11,,l1111:111 ,

Lodge, Farnham Common, Bucks. 11151) 1940 BALA. 10-11.p. drophead coupe. Exeepti,Z1 example. Beautifully maintained. /375. Carrolton, -Brumley Fruit Vann, Brontley, Surrey. Tel. B 1romley 2219. 9151

acurdAN reeontlii Mind.

New king-pins and hushes, new springs. brakes relined. /300, or excltango for sonwthing spoi I y Wright., 10, Stouefall Drive, Harrogate. VAUXHALL, 1023..1938, Smind. Dse,t Various models. . Altuad everything 192. Nothlugfor ” 30,,98.” libson, West way, With, • fiyerton, Devon.

FOR SALE—continued 2275. OR EXCHANGE LARGER CAR. 1936 Cabriolet. New crankshaft. Genuine 45,000 miles. Taxed. Also Marshall supercharger

Type 1.V. ex-341tre Bentley. S.U. carb. Perfect. /16. Two almost new 700 by 18 retreads. NCR’ tubes, 8 Acre Lane, Carshalton, Surrey.’ 19152 ao comas MOTOR SPORT, racing and text books. Stevens, 42, Old Chester Road, Bebinglon, Cheablir5e. i m CLYNO saloon, 1930. Tip-top order througl:out. Best offer. J. Legg, 1811, linglislicOmbe Lime,

Bath. ‘91511 RILEY “-LYNX ” TOURER. French blue, silWr wings. Body, engine, CbasSis in excellent condition. Any trial. Nearest /245. Bagninl, 20. Dombey Road, Poynton, Cheshire. AUBURN, 1936/37, 21-11.1). -foursome :In:: head. CompRte but less gearbox. Body and interior %build ; big 1.,,,x:kheed brakes, overdrive

R. axle : 16 In. easyelean wheels, A modemlook Mg car, or would consider selling partsserntrately.

A. 3: I). Nicholls, Church Wharf, LondOn, WA. : Chiswick 2327. 1932 AUSTIN SEVEN saloon for spares. All mai for sale including luny, A. & D. Nicholls, Church Wharf. 1.mnlon, W.4. Tel, : Chiswick 2327. [9155 E.G. TA -MID. GET (late type 1938). Complefe

engine assembly with dynamo, starter waterpump and ignition. Engine No. MP JG 2553. Price Gearbox complete with remote control for ;thoye .ertgine. /15. Donald Pitt, Rodborough Crest Cottage, RaidborOugh Common, Stroll& t;loucestoshire. Tel. • Amberley 2243. 1015!) RILEY 12-h.p., 1934;35, salOon. Taxed. Respray1r5):4 1 tareerublaek. New roof. rebored, rods, main, reined:died: new clutch plate, new starter ring gear ; new beitrings, hack axle, etc. All this year. 090. o.n.o. Tel. : (9-5) Clissold 1102. 19.100 RILEY NINE, SIX-CYLINDER AND 11-LITRE SPARES. CoutpreliensiVe Stocks of nete +Ind used. including the’following : New replacement valves, ltd. etch. Guides,. 5s. each. Valve springs_ : single, 8s. Out. set ; double, 15s. 041. set. Damper 6pron, 3s. pair, Tappet securing screws. 15., damn. Gaskets, 175. set. 1.1.j. hushes, 5s. each. Speedo, meter cable’s. inner mind outer, 25s. complete. King’ Ormond. bushes, 00s. ‘set. Small end banns, 3s. tkl. each. Brake cables, 17s. 11,1. each, Fan belts, 7s. 6d. cacti. Magneto pinions, 25s. each. RecOinlitirined exchange universal joints, magnetos: brake shoes. cluteli plates. complete overhauls. cylinder boring cunt deeving and general repairs. We are always interetted in six-n-6 for sale. Stamped addressed envelope, please. 1935 Falcon “12;4 ” saloon in nice condition throughout. ryas:lector gearbox, Scintilla magneto, demister, spot lamp. Very quiet engine. Uses) no oil. Taxed, /285. 1931 Monaco :saloon, Fitted with 11132 engine. Fobrie coriehwork in excellent eondition. Good tyres. New kingpins and bulMes. Even the -petnal gauge works. Taxed. ;,135. Wetford Brqs,, Opal Street, Leicester. Tel. : Leicester 05903. (9160 AUSTIN SEVEN “CRUMMY,” 1927. TWO new tyres. Seat covers. Repainted green. Just rewired. Taxed. Good running order. Owner

purchased more nialern var. COO. Enfield. 5357, after 10 o’clock Sundays. [WW1 LAGONDA, 1952, 2041.p. saloon. 3947 P. 1.00s. Mechanically very soiled; bodywork poor. Re. painted lately. /100. Major du Donkey, Stone Street, Shelling lffituals, Canterbury, [9162

SUPERCHARGED 747.41.0. AUSTIN” trtsna (lmt at preSent running unblown). Recently fitted new Martlet pistons and liners, new bearings all round, new king-pins. Racing magneto. Massive crankshaft: Large section rear wiled% Good tyres. New heron. Bodywork excellent. A really fast car. 750 enthusiast’s dream. Nearest /220 A’CLUVS, ‘let. : Epping 2418. or call 5. Hen101;31 Street,’ Epping, Essex, weekends and evenings.

BUGATTI. Two II in. S:1;..s from Type 55, with linkages, pipervork ‘and Bugatti manifolding. Offers. C Purnell, 30, Lower Belgrave Street, London. [9164 VAUXHALL “30/98.1’ 1927, towing • body. Spare

S. V. eagine. Money has been :if/CM Oil ICC(Tillg car it tirst -elass condition. flood require:4 reCoverhig. Owner would sill at about /250. or woald exchange tor t Or 2-litre open vintage sports motor, providing condition lirst-cluss. HolnicS, titn.L Lawrence :KOMI.

W.5. TO.: PeriV1111! 3311, day E,ding 5658. evening, [9105

3-LITRE BENTLEY SPARES, Bulkhead, early type bonnet and side plates. Screen fmme for Vanden Plas open body. ReSct springSi all brake operating gear. Spare wheel mountings. Rebuilt dynamo • track tod nnd drag link with hard chromed ends and caps. Four-speed Singer gearbox suitable for Ford Ten engine. Wanted : 1,100-c.e. Alta chassis frome. springs and .1xles. Mooahead, Fmk: Brune, Fads Lone, WCFA Byfleet. Surrey. 9166

RILEY NINE axles, frOnt springs. Manifolds, ittagavto, whe.els, tyres, etc, St. Broontlent Road. Parnimm. j11174 FOR SALE-continUed ROLLS-ROYCE, 1929, 7-seater saloon, 21 -114)• Fur-wheel brakes. GoOd tyres. Privately-Owned. R.A.C. inspection welcomed. Trial. 6195. Walsh*, ham, Botesdale. Tel. Suffolk 18. [9107

BENTLEY 3-LITREREDL.AWE-1. cellent condition throughout. Body in B.R. green. New hood and sidescreens, New battery. Zeiss headlamps. Mrirchal spot and fog lights. 6295. LindSay Hatchett, ” Petersfield,” Lytteltou Road, Drodwich, Tel. : Droitwich 337$, day ; 3318,

evening. [9108 DELLOW. 10.000 .miles. -Scintilla mail. The’ controls. Reconditioned engine recently fitted. Twin spares. Whole car as new. 6445, or near. Weston, g75, Lordswood Road, Birmingham. Tel. : BRA 1595[9169 115-COPIESM MOTOR SPORT,” Jan., 1041, tO Dee.. 1951, inclusive and complete, less five copies for 1943. Offers ? M. E. Reid, 201, St. Benedicts Road, Small I bath, Birmingham. [9170 TEE RARERILEY 14-LITRE KESTREL-0-light aerodyntunie saloon. One Owner. MechaniCally Perfect. Crankshaft regrottatt, cylinder liners. 0.00 just spent to rebuild aluminium body. Sprayed, rewired, chromium, etc., as new. A smart fast car. 6580. 18, Hervey Road, 8.11.3. Tel. : Greenwich 2616. [9171 MORRIS COWLEY SPARES. 11.9-11.1). engine complete, overhauled, 1:33. Steering box. 64. Propeller shaft with races cold pinion. 56X in. overall. f,3. GE. wheeled garage jack, 2 tons, overhauled, 00. Buyer collects the above. Also Routes type

blower with all fittings for ” J ” type M.G. ; lbs.

boost at 5.000 r.p.m. Will also fit 1′.Q.1,..N. types.

O.N.O. Metcalf, ” Redrwts,” Barton Rom!. Wisbech. : Wisbech 414. (017,: MARSHALL SUPERCHARGER 4.1)h-te

fittings, including (suitable litres New NO 11141.11. Smiths speedometer. 64 in. Ravdot lamps, black and chrome, 1,3. Riiei 4. Leicester Road, Wigston. ,9i73

DELAGE D8 DROPHEAD COUPE, 1931, 29.4-h.p. Mechanical condition excellent. Bodywork good. Tyres good. 4150, or mar Offer. I,yon, 14, Green Street, Stevetrage, Herts. Yel.: Stevenage 480. [9183 ROVER SPEED FOURTEEN, 1935. Suitable for spares breakdown. Front end damaged. Engine good. Offers ? Williams, -Southend Airport, Essex. [9184 ALFA-ROMEO, T.O.C. 1,500 80 ENGINE. tom miles, emteh just replated, gearbox, prop shaft, cliff., axles lied wheels, brakes, etc., in very good condition. All contained in Zagato two-scat body which is slightly bent but easily repairable. The whole car completely rebuilt and registered 1050. Must sell, need space. Price according to what you require, but very cheap anyway. Also stacks of Alfa bits and pieces. Guildford House, St. Mary’s Road, Hayling Island, Hants, 19180 NOT FOR SALE, hut Would owner of any TA M.G. (condition unimportant) exchange with 1038 Morris Twelve saloon 1 The rare Series III o.h.v. 14-litre. Excellent condition. Fast, quiet, seats five in colic

fort ; 31i m.p.g. 1/e Luxe model, slidingdoi’t. jackaff jacks, large opening luggage boot. Valued approx. /.425. Any family man interested 1 P. Nicholas, 44, Jasper Road; S.E.19, or Tel. 0im Hill 2270. )

TWO-LITRE IiIKERIALL ,BLOWER s, suni..-ain. Practically unused. Complete wiiil I NU:I/Sion shaft for drive Nearest to 620. Itosn; ltrook House, Taunton Road, Ashton-under-Lyn,. Tel. : Ashton 2714. [9170

BENTLEY RED LABEL Chassis No. 1, engine No. 17. Open 4-seater. British racing green, with chrome radiator, hub clips, etc. New Diudops.

spotless condition :aid a perfectly kept example of this Minnie. .4.375. John Jordan, Sandy, Beds. ‘Tel, Sandy 04. 0177 STANLEY” STEAMER, 1914. Completely re‘ built. Running beautifully. Ford Ten Gifting front axle, less wheels, 110. Alvis Eagle engine, 1930, [7 10s. Alois t.w.d. instruction book, 61. Pair ” 12/50 ” half-shafts, / 2. Rectory, Bally gaily, Co, ‘Antrim. 1;9178 1923 BENTLEY 3-litre tourer. Green. Rebuilt rear wheels, with new 0.00 by 20 tyres. Good condition throughout. Best offer over 6270. Carlyle; 164, Allerton Road, Liverpool, 1$. 19179 SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR CAR. Talbot Or similar 18 foot, last cabin Launch. Mahogany throughout. Meadows engine. Perfect, 1,250. Dr. Lyons, Grntvenor Sanatorium, Ashford, Rent, 19180 AUSFORD. 033 c.c. Winner /951 Illackwater, with 1,172 c.c. engine also available. Numerous refinements and spares’, 45 m.p.g. at 45 111.1,41. Inspections weekends, or after 6 p.m., at 39, Rydens Road, Walton-on-Thames. Offers ? 9181

1948 M.G. TO. Raised eon!), Large curbs., ports, valves. Scintilla, Newton.: ; seven wheels, new tvren Tonneau cover, nem screens. Spares include clutch plate, new, two final ratios ball races, etc.

Further details Wtlkie, Dovedale, Brumley. Surrey. ‘3152 FOR SALE-continued

MERCURY ENGINE with Scintilla, 12v. starter, 12v. dynamo but less heads, split front axle with Spring, hubs, Lockheed brakes, radius arms, 3.5 crown wheel and pinion, six wheels, and tyres, new type LOckhmd master cylinder with brake pedal, snare half-shafts and radius arms also other bits. All suitable V8 ‘spcend. Offers for lot, or will split. Roe, 6, Byng Road, Tunbridge Wells. Kent. (918.5 EARLY LEON BOLLEE front axle assembly. Complete track rod, wooden wheels, 815 by 105 tyres, track 50 in. Almost new condition except paint. 65 10s. Very large Ltteita bra.; oil Side light 35s. Pole iBrick HOUge, Duton Ifill, Minnow, Essex, [9187 TYRES, TYRES, TUBES. 5,000 in stock. New, realoulds, used. Obsolete and beaded edge. No junk. Express Service to anywhere in U,K. Hamiltons, Tyre specialists, 22-24, Vicarage Street, Yeovil. Tel. : Yeovil 927. [9188 BENTLEY 44-litre, 1928, saloon, Engine good, body fair. 6350. Harman, Northaw, Wychlat9)

Lane, Woking. Tel. : Woking 2035. co CYTANDER HEAD, gasket, plugs and Sulex Carburetter for FIAT 500, also Ford Eight ZemulictHh) carburetter. Offers. 52, Harford Drive, Watford. RILEY STELVIO saloon 14.7.11.p. Engine rebored, crank reground recently. Swop for Riley Nine Monaco, or sell. 6150. Write : Penny. Stoke Prior, tVorcestershirv. 0191

AERODYNAMIC RILEY NINE 2-seater. Built and regislenal 1048. 1937 Merlin engine. Just lilted new crank (large), new mains and big-ends, new Siths 30 M.p.g. Fold flat and riero si7rcens. 050, or near. 318, Strathirolce Grove, Ilford, Essex. ;9192

M.G. ,T2. Three excellent tyres, HOW. hood antI sidescreens, oil coil, Smiths clock, etc. Perfect chrome. Extremely good condition throughout. T.P.F. & T. insurance until Oct., 1952. [235, (‘.n.o.

Tel. : Kingston 1Surrev) 9714. 101931927 CITROEN TWELVE tourer. Taxed. lduiIy use. 635. Exchange smaller cnsh adjustment. Oakley, cio G.P.O. Sherlxwne.

CYCLE WINGS (domed and beaded). 5 in.. (S in. and 7 in. 10s. each fronts, 12s. fid, rears. Packing and carriage 4s. N.V. 0. Ferguson, Bath Road Garage, Nailsworth, Glos. SWIFT FLEET WING 10-11.p. saloon.-9 m. 0r1′..;i1nZ I; bodywork ia good cOndition. Hide tipholStcry as new. New 12.v. 60 lottery, new valves. Engine 1st class. All accessories working. NeOils windows replacing. Ecxmoinical mut /..:1 Apply : 110, St. Georges Road, wanasey, [I tOO ALVIS-FOURTEEN FIREBIRD drciphead 1930. Sound txmdition throughout. Sale or ex chant. sports ciark, 20, West Park, 11,i)27, gate, Yorkshire. s

AUSTIN SEVEN. 1927. Being broken tip. zos,st parts. What offers ? Holbrook, 8, Stmunerland Lune, Newton, MUMblen. Swansea.

WOLSELEY-HORNEI-2-seater sports. Smart appcaraine. Just complettal 670 overhaul. 6195Tel. : Amersham 744. MEADOWS 4 ED., dismantled pair. Auto Roche head lamps. Bosch sports horn. 12v. battery. Best offer. Tel. : Flagman 21104. ;2003 FOR SALE-continued CAMBRIDGE ENGINEERING. The Austin Seven specialists offer new Girling type brake drums from stock, dropped axle and spring sets, 2-saiter sports body shell for long and short chassis, swivel end arias to convert Screen to fold flat, polished hub caps, combined inlet and exhaust manifolds, high compression alloy ‘cylinder heads, fOur-speed remote gear control units, long brake levers, Bowdenex front braking sets to increase braking effect, light type flywheels, droparm to couple early type brakes, wedge shaped rear petrol tanks, straight through type silencers, reconditioned radiator blocks, dynamos, starter motors, exchange, 15 or 16 in. wheels exchange, four new 450 by 17 Dunlops, mtir IS in. Austin wheels fitted 400 Michelin tyres, 1936 modified and lowered chassis fitted 2 Is Lockheeds, 4.9 rear axle ratio. Hardy Spicer, founspeed box remote control, blown Ulster engine unit, small wheels modified late type steering, new spring wheel radiator instruments, completely reconditioned to new .sports body shell available and rear tank if required ; suit enthusiast to Maid up into fast road -or competition car; every assistance given to buyer to complete. Or will complete to requirements. S.A.E. for parts lists. Open up to 7 p.m. daily, 5 p.m. ,Satardays for callers. Repairs, overhauls, Pic, at short notice. Strict rotation. Personal supervision on all work, Candaidge Engineering, CaMbridge Road, Kew Green. Tel. : Richmond 2120. Nearest station Kcw,Gardens. 19200 STANDARD THIRTEEN 94x.p. 4-seater tourer. Registered Jure, 1924. Original paintwork and excellent chassis. Nearest offer to [75. Gates Engineering Co.. Ltd., Brockeuhurst, Hants. : 1trockenhurst 3337-3150. [9201

NEW COVERS FOR SALE. 32 by If. 820 by 120.

30 by 30 by 4. 30 by 525.30 by 500,1)20 by 120.

1:0,13. 21 .y 5.50 by 20, .750 by 23. W.B. /-ttenx Bros. Tel. Clerkeuwell 1070. [9.202 RILEYNINE saloon, 1932. Engine splendid. Coathwork terrible. 6100. or offer. Martin, 21, Reynolds.,.Close,,L.ondriu,_IV.W.11….____… [9204

SINGER NINE LE MANS 4-seater. Nice cOnditimt, including tyns. Engine excellent. Weather equipment. Taxed Dee. Insured Jul’.’ [225. Si), Pinewood Avenue, New Ilaw, Aadlestone, Surrey (717 Green Line route). ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM ONElimousine. 1-1/92e(rc.’ good order. 695. 1910 Talbot 10-h.p. 2-seater. [10 tax. Excellent runner. Good tyres. 675, 1910 It -It chassis with wings, etc Good tyres. Very grid performance. 05. Would .exchange any of the alcove lor PlifilltOin With truck body. CaSil adnistment. 0. A.Brooks, Ltd.,

Lingtield. Surrey. Tel. : Lingfield 275. _ FIAT MODEL 501, 1924. •Superb condition. •Engine reringed. lilectrios completely overhauled. New upholstery. Weather protection. Paint, With spare engine, carburetter, dynamo. Inspection eoVentry or London. Leslie, 12. West Heath Close,

London, N.W.3. [9207 UNIT FOUR 9.11.s. Absolutely -complete IT Riley Niue, 1.* in. bore. f 7 10s. Green, 55, Cdrosia tion Road, Aldershot, Hants. [920 1950 BELLOW, supercharged, 8,000 miles, New clutch, crown wheel and pinion and battery. Reasonable for quiek sale. R. B. James, 128, Daventry

Road, Coventry. [9209. B.T.H. MAGNETO TYPE G.A.-4. Suitable Riley Nine. Hardly used. f,6. 1, Dean Close, Wilmslow, Cheshire. (9210

44-LITRE IISVICTA 4-seater sports. VC, 100 M.p.h. model. Recently eontpletely overhauled. New tyres and batteries. New tonneau and carpets, Will exceed 100 m.p.h and does 90 m.p.g. at -60 m.p.h. [350. 1935 15-lip. Daimler with 2-cater racing type body. Mechanically eery good. 80 m.p.h. Appearance rattler like 11.R.M., but t.tOes ! 6100. 19.16 14 Jaguar saloon. Radio, etc. 6$65. 1950 2-litre A .C. saloon. 21,000 miles. As new. 6:(512,45275.. ;tones Garage, System, Leics. : SyStOn [939. 14-litre drophead. Wholecar in (1”llititis class order throughout. Nearest 6485. Andrew,

llohnedette, tS.osuvhill, Marple, Cheshire.

LAGONDA, 1935, 34-litre tourer. 55 mpg,, 17 m.p.g. New tATC-A. Exeellent eOndition. Rapidetype chassis, HI in. Girlirg brakes. 6885. Fast Motor Cabin Ccuisrc, Chris craft 27 ft., two berth. Gray Fireball engine 241 KTS. 6075, or would lit Diesel Or Snlitlier petrol to :Mil jaircinter. 40;1271 I tennis Lodge, Heronscate, Rickniansworth.

chmieywo.d ‘277. “DAILY EXPRESS” NATIONAL RALLY. CharleS Dunn has photographs take-it at controls, tests. comours, etc. Enquities Green’s:ayes, Send,

Woking. (9215 BENTLEY SPARES. 3-litre rear axle parts; fif litre spares ; 8-litre frame material. Rover aircooled-twits sixtres. Open 2.-seater Cluley. LorraineDietrich saloon. S.A.E.., Moue. Dale, 14% Chester.

ton Road, Cambridge. 19210 LANCIA AUGUSTA 4-dwr ,a10011. Good order. Well shod. 6245. Owner misted U.S.A. Seen: 93, Park I.ane, Basingstoke. Tel. : Brssingstoke 298. [0218 FOR SALE—continued

THREE CHEAP CARS I I 1935 Sunbeam 204i.p. saloon. Could be termed Immaculate. New front tyrks, centre gear change, synchronash, leather interior. But! ! There is no Cylinder head. Ilenee the price of 4100 or offer. Also Alvis, 1931, 20-lip. Silver Eagle saloon in good condition throughout. Cellulose(‘ green. (110. Also 1929 Austin Seven Saloon. Later type. Engine partially built, new. Body reconditioned. Steering. (35. Exchanges. RunnersMonduntiers. Anything considered. Hackney repair works, 435, Hackney Road, London, E.2. Tel. : Shorediteli 8209. …. f 0429 LA40.14DA 2-litre, 1929, high

Engine rebuilt last. winter. Late gearbox, rebuilt 4.2 back axle: Hood, sick-screens. 4250. Large quantity -2-litre spares. Blower and standard cranks,. dynamo starters, eamsludts, etc. Offets for otherwise perfect 14114 11.1 LugUinta Cabriolet With broken worm wheel. Fisher, Apsley Cottage. Kingston Blount. 19431

_ 1932 RILEY NIa. Reconditioned front stein to stern. Part rebuilt body. Offers over (59 to : 17, Mereland Road, Blackpool. 19433 STEVE Sit p., 1.114.7 Slteamhiled 4-setter saloon. Recelitilosvd manna). 1.111 steering. Independent four wheels. (200. Cash, or would part exchange anything suitable for rebuild into special. Write : Pamtley, 44, Hill Village ROad,HPH C””fs’Id* 19434

“12i50” ALVIS drophcnd rainpe. .cared for. Four tyres. battery and ‘mod recently renewed.

4105. Tel.: Dement 5056. (9435LAGONDA 2.11tre, 1931,.2-seater. Front end bent. Recently Overhauled. Engine undamaged. PractiatIty all spares required included. (100, or offers.

Lieut. Lewis, R.N.A.s., Ford. SIP+9,:N.

li 1928 min TEN saloon. taid-up during war IYat:i1t1′ 1048-51. One change ownership. Five excellent tyres. All extras perfect. No oil. First -class throughout. Private, Tel: : offers : 1-lounSloui 5=12.

(0437 RAILTON 20-1t.p. P:,,..wer Dome engine drophead coupe, by Berkeley. Coachworks. black. Red upholstery. Three new tyres, heater, spotlight, teledraidies, windtorie horns. Taxed and insured. Nearest (295. Hancock, 24, Pelltrun Court, S.W.3.

Tel. : Knightsbridge 1786. [9438 FORD V8 dropheacl cca7q7Z, 1935; Black. Two new Lyrist.insured, Nearest (14)(1. Hancock, 24, Pelluarn Court, S.W.3. Tel. : Knightsbridge 1786. 9l’3 HULLNOSE ENTHUSIASTS are offered a bargain. 1)126 2-Seater Winer. Taxed anti insured. Body and Hotchkiss both in superb condition. Windscreen needs new triplex. Offers around (55. For particulars write ; Owner, 22, Akiennoor Road, Pur brook, Portsmouth. 19440 M.G. MAGNA ” 12/70 ” 2/4-seater. Mast be sold. Best over (140. Engine 460 Overhaul. Moore, 12, North Road, Stevenage, Herts. (9441 LAGONDA 2-litre, 1032. Engine and gearbox dismantled and cormActe. Offers. CrrItsstrott44u41z,

’28, Grove Hill Road, Tuubridge Tel. Tunbridge Wells 1250. FORD TEN SPECIAL. 90 per cent, new parts. Professiondly built body, hood, etc. (345. Take Saloon part. 395, Wake Green Road, Birmingham,

(9443 13. ARMSTRONG TWENTY 4-door sports saloon. 6/6/34. Ciiat (585. Really excellent throughout. (11i0. Tel. Greenwich 0772. 10, Eastbrook Road, Blackheath. (9444

ALFA-ROMEO “17/50.” Moura cowl, front and rear axle for sale. Offers; ” Ainslie,” New Rigid. Worthing Road, Horsham,[9447

FOR SALE—continued

BUICK SALOON, 54-11.p., 1926. Taxed. Insured. The lxx.13. and roof in excellent condition. The car has been well preserved. Six good tyres. Cylinders in splendid condition. New valves. Desirable. 4100, or good offer. Trial run. Apply : 374, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London, S.-W.9. (94-15 ALFA-ROMEO, 1028. If 4itre twin cam unblown. Young of Bromley &opium(‘ 2-seater with dickey Recently rchooded, new curb., coil, distributor, shocker% brakes relined. Within last three years complete engine strip. New radiator block. Coachwork presentable, glass poor. (225. Kramer, 47, Sheen Court, Richmond, Surrey. Tel, : Prospect 3)65, evenings. (0446

230. ROLLS-ROYCE, 1921, chassis and bonnet Good runner. Lavers, Merton Road, Watford. Tel.: Watford 2302. (9448 SET DITRAL con-rods 13rooklands 4ED Meadows. Normalised, unused since. as acquired steel oneS• (4 las. R. Ashley, The Lodge. Glastonbury, Somer set. (9450 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY, 1)132. Utility body. Sound mechanically. Good tyres all round. A snip for enthusiast for rebuild. Nearest offer to (75 secures. L. Boydell, 18, Hubner Road, Sudbury, Suffolk. (9451 VALE SPECIAL 8-H.P. Attractive bodywork. (155 P Hinder, 13 Wrsteru Elms Avenue. Read ing. Reading 4580. (9454 AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL. Alloy body, rippy suspension, two carbs., 4.9 ratio, 3-Speed remote control. 11;C head, tyres, electric new. Mechanically sound. Nearest (13.5. 47a Palliser Road, Baron’s Court, W.14. (9458 FOR SALE—continued BENTLEY, 1930. 41-litre open 4-sailer. New hood, tonneau and radiator block. Brakes skimmed and relined. Entirely resprayed and II:chromed. £150 recently spent. Very fast. Firlc class record holder 1950-51. (500, or nearest offer. Sutcliffe, Ascham, Carlisle Rout), Eastbourne. [9452 LAGONDA 2-litre. First registered Sept, 1933. TYres, battery; hood and weather equipment all good. Big-ends remetalled, flex rings fitted. Ecentouncal en with .goodpeitorrnauce. Instruction, book. (365. Write .25, Caterham Avenue, Mord, Essex. [9453 8165. RILEY NINE 2-seater special. Doorle,A alloy body, Cowled scuttle, low radiator ; leather upholstery, new -hood, two new tyres: excellent cellulose, t;attery, appearance. Twin S. Us, Mechanically excellent. 31, Cloisters Avenue, Broinley, Kent. (9456 21,0„ 1934, Super condition. Buttonwood oyerhaul. Rad.M. (225. 40a, Heath Road, St. Albans. ;9457 AUSTIN SEVE,I, 1933. Completelyrebuilt. Lowered ebasiis. 2-scater body. Five good tyret. ‘Taxed and insured. Ohs. Tel. : Ruislip (1062. [9459 FORD V8 39-11.p. and Mercury 324-11.p engines, gearboxes, :Oats, special bits, etc. Orislow Bartlett,

1: (Bournemouth), Ltd., Wharfdrde Road. Tel. : Westbourne 114497. 10460

. . TRIALS SPECIAL. 1937 Ford 8-h.p, engine and chassis. Registered June, 1950. Good tyres. (165. Onslow liartlett, 130.1$. (flOurnemouth), I,td., Wharfdale Road, Tel, : Westbourne 64497. (9401 M-TYPE E.G. chassis, springs, front, rear axles, starter, radiator. Ford Eight engine pm:litany complete. 38, Sydenhant Park, 5.E.26. Tel. : Forest Hill 57744. [9462 1930 AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL, underslung, type 2-seater. New battery, hood. (175. Part exchange 1933-36 4.seater. Barnard, 34, St. Story’s Grove, Canonlmry, 5.1. [063 RILEY NINE SPARES, 1937 series 66M engine (51 1349) and preSelectOr gearbox. Both completely ossouditioned. All other spares for this ringlel except -chassis. Manning, 86, Of tchl N.W.8. Tel. ; Maida Vale 1992. [9464 RACK AND PINION STEERING with pover wheel. I() su8., or steering box (new) with wheel and drop. tine, (7. Twin S. U. pump mid three S.U. carburetters 114, (1(1. Hayes. 38, LOndon Road, Staines. (9465 BENTLEY 3-LITRE. 1926, sports 2-seater. Also ” C ” type six. Box No. 3918, Moron War, 15;

City Road. E.C.1. (9466 8-LITRE BENTLEY, 1935. Blue Label s:iloon. Repainted. Good tyres. Engine, back -axle, brakes Overhauled. Offers. 43, Rusthall Avenue, W.4. 19407 ALFA-ROMEO RL$S ” 20/90″ open sports by Barker. New hood and side screens. (10 tax. Engine recently overhauled. Good performance. Very reliable. (135, or near offer. Evans. 32, Crestent Grove, Clapham, S.W.4. Tel. : Macaulay 4951. (946$ LAGONDA, 1922. Almost completely restored. Engine not mum in since rebore. Plaitograph and discovery of this car described April MorOtt SPORT, page 160. Brown, 14, Mountfields Drive, Lough borough. 1,9469 CITROEN ROADSTER. Overhauled. Perfect condition. (5154. Oak Lodge Garage, Ilrun Corn’ ,non, Rh:Mari:id. (9470 CHASSIS READY FOR A BODY. 1935 Singer Nine sports, Well shod all round. New battery. downdraught SAL New silencer. Over hundred pounds spent on her 4,000 miles back. 030. Neal, 48, Iberian Avenue, Wallingtom.Surrey. (9471 FOR SALE—continued HOODS, SIDE SCREENS, tonneau covers, roofs, upholstery and carpets repaired or fitted new by specialists. Materials also supplied, including 1,/cloth from 7$. lid. per yd., rani topping 14e. 98., 44.) in. rubber backed pile carpel 37s., fruiterers, etc. Complete bucket .seats, Cl 17s. Croystan Motors. Park Street, Croydon. Tel.: Croydon 3952: (9217 M.G. “N “—tYFE 2-seater, 1935. /260. 80, Pie torie Road, Edmonton, N.18. [9219 M.G. MAGNETTE saloon, 1935.30, ,12.11.p.. Ex.ectleut condition throughout. Taxed. 4265. Morrison. 48, Lemetexl Grove, Orpington, Kent. Tel, : Orpington ‘732.3. (9220 M.G. ” 18;80 ” MARX II, Condition much above average. Tonneau, weather equipment good. Red celhdoee and chrome excellent. Appearance to be proud of. 43,25, or reasonable offer. Kevau, Shag brook Lodge, Reigate Heeth. (9221

THREE-WHEELER SPECIAL CHASSIS. Ford Eight in B.S.A. f.w.d. chassis. Many extnts, in. cludieg new tyres, Morria Minor front, etc. Ounu, .Jesunnul, Beeches Drive; Farnham Common, Bucks. (0222 EXCHANGE 193)3 jaguar 4-door sports saloon, /140 overhaul jest completed. Five new tyres, for open 4-eenter te.S.100, Mete Speed Twenty or similar. Must be full 4-sester. Good hood, sideecreens, tyres, and very fast. Photos sent Will be returned. Mitchell, Blue Pencil Cafe, Crawley, Sussex. Tel.: Crawley 169. [9254 .GRECOIRE 8-LITRE, 1912, open 2-seater 15.9-b.p. Green with red upholstery. New hood. Original ceutre-loek wire whet-Le with 880 by 120 tyres, including spare, electric and oil liOting. In perfect running order. Taxed and hi regular nee. Offers -over 4100 considered. T. A. Barber, 70, Hervey Rend, S.E.3. (9265 O.M. LATE 1929 TOURER 2-litre S. valve. Rebored, rewired, new battery, hood, toriniu cover, screerm, brakes, clutch relined, ball races renewed throughout. Good tyres. Taxed. Fast. Absolutely 4240. Major 1-lalf0td, Army MT. School, Bordon, Hants. [9250 1989 FIAT 1,100 pillarls saloon. Meehanitmlly good. Body fair. Taxed. 1,225, or near offer. Terms. Exchanges. William Auto-Sales, 38, Withtun, Hull. Tel.: Hull 33488. (9250 2195 OR NEAR. 1-hp. B.S.A. 2-seater sports, red, 1935 4-wheeler, f.w.d., liv. Mechanically very sound. Bodywork, hood, etc., excellent. New battery. Well shod. Oldham, 32, Lynton Road, .Southport. Tel. : Southport 07133. 111260 FOR SALE—continued MICHAEL SHEPPARD, 11, Vincent Avenue, Stratford.on.Avon, offers 1924 Morris Cowley tourer. Two new Dunlops. Taxed. Insured. 175. 1926 Morrie Cowley Coupe reconditioned engine throughout. Taxed. Insured, 475. 1035 London type taxicab ‘Austin. Low loader. Many pounds spent on it. j100. Austin Ten tourer. Taxed. Over hauled. 4160, or near offer. [9257

1913 NAPIER 30 -35-h.p. model 44, 3-speed box. 4-seater. Torpedo body, hood and sidesereene, Amster tear sereen and apron, luggage carrier and detachable boot. Recently tnrriage painted; lined and varnished Napier green body, cream panel, blaek wings. Total mileage believed approximately 35,000. Preseot 09.21 sec. Winner Of several Edwardian Class • awards in V.C.C. Rallies. Winger of over 3,000 c.c. Own Claw in Plymouth MC. Standard Production Car Rally, beating two 41litre Bentleys and -en Allard. 1550. or offem. Address : Dick Barton Wynderoft,” Church Park, Newton Ferrers, S. Devon, Tel : Newton Ferrers 309. 19258 MORRIS SPECIAL TRIALS CAR. Lockheed brakes, 0.11.V. Minor 1:11:1S*IS SATN engine overbored and fitted with TC/M.G. valve gear, con-rods and 60 thou. oversize piston (TC) ,300 e.c,). Ashley Cleave tuned cylinder bend, Special Trials 2-seater body, cycle-type wings. Full weather equipment, including ho.od and sidesereees, twin spares, slab tank, very potent. Price 1360, or offers. Address : Dick Barton, ” Wyndereft,’• Church Park, Newton Ferrers, S. Devon. Tel. : Newton Ferrers 309. (9258

— _ .

LAGONDA .2-LITRE. Rebuilt 1948. 410 tax. Mechanically excellent. Radiator, front Axle, chassis, frame, skit:member damaged in smash. Towitbk. 470, 92, Osborne Road, Newcastle, 2. [9201 LAGONDA, 15)25). 2-litre :Wive. Body shabby. Chassis sound. Oil, Lewis Leo, 58, Floltepur Top

Lane, Ileneortslield, Bucks. (9202 1930 ROLLS-ROYCE 40. Pl.tted 1935 IVevmann sports saloon body by Laneefichl. Pure leather unmarked interior. Engine, brakes and clutch just overliaukd by R. R. specialists. All fittings re’ chromed, immaculate car. Photo available. 4895, or smaller (petite car accepted in part exchange. F. Dinsmore, Kells, Ballynteria, N. Ireland. (9203

1927 3-LITRE BENTLEY Illuegalbel Weymann saloon. Iuctedibly good coadition throughout. Wilson box. 20 m.p.g. Negligible MI cortsumption. Probably the best specimen ii, existence. Nityne. Caletock, Cornwall, Tel. : Genniskike 134. ;9264 FOR SALE—continued FIAT 509A SPARES. Cotsmlmlctc ogine arid gearbox. Good order. Sparc head, valve, gear, sump. Also host of teher parts for the model. James, 14, Remptown Place, Brighton. (9206 SUNDRY ” 32 ” SPARES AS UNDER. Crankcase, with jacket plates. Bell housing. Front auxiliary chive housing. 13 Con-rods (7 pinch bolt, 4 fully floating, 2 bigrend waisted). Oil pump, complete. Inlet manifold. Exhaust manifold. Set oil pipes, with end ratings (3). Sump with lilter. Dynamo. Oil filler neck. 4 lwake drums (rusty). 2 dye:heels. 2 front skew drives.. 3 Auxiliary bevel drives. Bottom half front camshaft beating hewing. Dip stick. Steering bracket (Mar161 Weller). Front engine mounting bracket. Clutch toggles and action .plate with lining. Pair front Hartford shock. eletorbers. Overhead camshaft drive housing nut, piniou shaft and yoke. Pair front cycle-type nitre stays. 3 ” N ” camshafte, tasty lent tumble. ” N” dynamo with bevel. Price list available by request from Douglas Garage, 211b, Northdown Road, Mnrgate, Tel. : Thanet 20030. (9286 RILEY NINE cylinder head, 1933,13 ; 3 ditto *he-as, 4t each. Dixon; 29, Sherifoot Lane, Four thakti, Sutton Coldlield. ‘19207 FOR RILEY NINE. Pair 164n..eplined wheels and 500 covers. 35 gallon fuel tank, specially made. ‘• Gamecock,” Windscreen, newly chromed and Riat’Sed• 6, School Lane, Kenilworth. (9208 PAIR P100 —HEADLIGHTS. New, 115. Sutton, Bull’s Head, Brinklow, near Rugby. (9289 RILEY “MPH” CRANKSHAFT–niains –rods. Quantity of 14)1 spares. Wanted 1084 9-h.p. helical -emelt box, Pair k.o. front hubs, 9 big crank, 34, Constable Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex. (0270 _ LANCIA DILANBDA. .114, 1937, Farina 4-door pillarless saloon in blue with excellent blue leather upholstery. Receipted bills for approx. OM of work in Inet 16 menthe. Faultlees condition. New tyres. 4475 for quick sale. Ring Kensington 0955, or write Robin Richards, 02, Princes Gate

Mews, Loudon, SW.?. (9271 ALFA-NASH. Gran Turismo 1.750 Alfa chassis With fixed head coupe body. Fitted recently with 27-lip. Nash engine, clutch and gearbox, 20 m.p.g. 4325. Ring Kensington 6955, or write Robin Riebards, 02, Princes Gate Mews. London, S.W.7. (9271

1933 LAGONDA, 3.litre saloon. 1226 or offer. New battery. Well shod. Engine overhauled and checked last summer. Cleaver, Ciardvil Cottage. Dunehurch, Warwicks. 19279 FOR SALE—continued VINTAGE BENTLEY HUB-DRAWER, 3-litre engine and parts, bonnet, hubs ; 44-litre flywheel and plate clutch, bonnet rails. Pair C.P. Zeiss lamps. I3Ox No. 3887, MOTOR SPORT, 15. City Road, E.C.I. [9366 US-ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER GHOST 1925 chassis. High-compression engine, f.w.h. Box No. 3888, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. [9366

PRAZER-NASH-B.M.W., MODEL 329, 2-litre closecoupled drophead foumrtme. Fast, economical and lines equal to any post-war car. Black cellulose, grey mohair hood with inner lining, and lxide upholstery. Maintained regardless of cost : 4300 spent in last year, including engine completely reconditioned A.F.N. 7.000 miles, new tyres, hood, battery and wheel hearings. Clutch and brakes relined, reconditioned radiator, carburetterS, water pump and starter motor. Many extras, including sprung steering wheel, tailor-made radiator muff and remote control gearbox. Perfect in every respect, and probably the finest example of this rare model in existence. Any inspection invited. 4675. Clayton, 15’2. Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey. Tel. Richmond 4479 (business) ; Richmond: 3446 (private). (0375 QUANTITY SPARES for 1929 Austin Seven. Engine, chassis, gearbox, front axle, two wheels, radiator, Instruments. Offers. please. Dickinsor , Wheal sheaf, West Lavington, Wilts. [9201 TYRES. Unused, new two 500 by 19 ; unused remoulds : one 5.50 by 19, one 6.00 by IS, two 5.25 by 20. All list price. Part worn one 5.00 by 18, two 5.25 by 18. 411 the three. 1937 Riley Nine reconditioned starter motor. 45. Manning, 86, Clifton llill, NAV.8. Tel. : Maida Vale 1992. 19292 ALMS SPEED TWENTY. 1934, Charlesworth saloon. Good condition. 42:35. 1933 Speed Twenty gearbox, cnotLease and sunip. 410. Manning, 86, Clifton N.W.8. Tel. : Maids Vale 1992: [9292 2375. 1937 M.G. ‘I-TYPE 2-seater sports. Really excellent condition. Mechanically above average. Any trial. C. P. Hialltam), Ltd., 2c, Bantam Hill, S.W. 12. Tel. : Ilatten.:ea 1107/8/9. (9293 _

2325. 1934 ROVER SPECIAL 4-sc5ter open sports 14-11.p. 1936 replacement engine fitted 1951. Super condition externally and mechanically. Any C. I’. (Bantam), Ltd., 2c, Bath= Hill, S.W.12. Tel. : Battersea 1107/8i9. [9293 ENTHUSIAST OFFERS FOR SALE 19:36 super sports 2-seater A.C. ” 16/80 ” model, in truly magnificent condition throughout. Swept wings, fold-flat screen. 25-gallon slab tank., twin spares, luggage rack, etc. ‘I’d. : Nottingham 31286, after 6 PM., please. [9294 SPEED TWENTY ALVL5 Charlesworth saloon, 1933. Taxed. Bodywork fair. :Mechanically good. 4150. 82, Ilarrow Raul, Middlesbrough. Tel. : Middles brough 89800. (9295 BRITISH SALMSON ” 20/90 ” sports saloon, 1038. 22 m.p.g., AO m.p.h., quality sports-car. Offers around (350. Conn, Battery Lane, Portishead, Somerset. (9206 AERO MINX 10-h.p. Sportsman’s coupe. Remote control, rev.-counter, big lamps, knock-ons, mellowtones. Good looker. (195. 131onet, ” Burford Ray,” fl itchin. [9297

10-H.P. TWIN O.H.C. SALMSON GRAND SPORTS, 1930, 2-seater sports. Completely rebuilt last year. 4135, or exchange low h.p. saloon. S.E. London. Box NO. 3875, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. [9208 AUSTIN SEVEN, 1937, cylinder head, 14 mm. high comp. (2. B. Brennan, 37, Biding Avenue, Rainham, Kent. (9300 TALBOT 75, Oct., 1932, original cellulose, lamps, radiator rechromed, upholstery perfect. Mechanic. any excellent. New battery, valves and guides. Lucas sports coil. Pour good tyres. Uses no oil. 4225, or swop open M.G. or similar. 84, Link Lane, Wallington, Surrey. Tel. : Wallington 6929. [9301 -TRIUMPH DOLOMITE. 1938. 12-11.11. de I,uxe saloon. (375. or vintage chassis part exchange. Wood, 163, Hills Road, Cambridge, until Dec. 9th ; after 12, Kepstont Road, Leeds. Tel. : Leeds 54958. (9302 PAIR SEMI-DOWNDRAUGHT RACING S.U. CARBURETTERS. 1 -in. bore. (15, o.n.o. Currie, St. Peters Hall, Oxford. (9304 1938+ TALBOT TEN drophead foursome eottpi.. Mechanical and bodywork condition good. Nearest 4325. Evans, 1, Lytton Road, Rosuford, Essex. [9307 RILEY SIXTEEN sports saloon, 1938. Excellent condition. Very fast. 4450. Smaller car con sidered. 17, Wharfe Street, Leeds, 2. [9309

ARMSTRONG-SIDDELEY, 1927. 1541.p. for sale as spares. Riley Fourteen, 1932. Excellent. nearest 4200. W. Smith, Netherwood, Tenbury Wells. Worcs. (9310 FOR SALE—continued HUMBER, 1930, SNIPE. Rebuilt 1950 with 1938 Wolseley saloon body. Metallic grey with green upholstery, re-shod and in excellent order. One family excepting few mmths 1946. 4350 o.n.o. 1, Wyatts, Tinsley Green, Crawley, Sussex. Tel, Pound Hill 3213. 0, AWLS “12150 “CHASSIS with bectleback body. Pitted but not painted or wired. Chassis done nominal mileage since complete engine overhaul. Complete with seats, wings, valances, screen, etc. Sensible offers invited ; also 1934 rare model Firefly 2-seater with dickey. 4250, or near. Foulger,

Daleside Road, Riddlesden, Keighley, Yorks. [9311 AMTLCAR SURBAISSE. Excellent condition. Also spare engine, gearbox, back axle, two new tyres. 4130. Wright, 97, River Meads Avenue; Twiekenharn. [9312 ” 12140 ” LEA-FRANCIS, 1928. 4270 rebuild 1948; 2/4-seater. 33 m.p.g. (M. 81, Wickham Road, London. 19313

JOWETT TOURER, 1929.—CoMplete1y rebuilt. 400 or near. 1929 Austin Twenty saloon. Good running order. 440. Almost complete 192$ Humber Nine tourer. 410, or will break for spares. J. Natt, Fairview, Lyminge, Kent. Tvl. ; Lyntinge 87292. [9314 A.C., 1935, ” 18/70 ” AERO saloon. Excellent conilition throughout. 4285, or exchange smaller car, cash adjustment. Fletcher, 31, Thornhill Road, Lutists, lie,Is. 0315 FRAZER-NASH-B.M.W., 1937, tYPe -319 2-seater sports droptwad. Cream with red leather. Excellent hood. Interior very clean. Leather and mats perfect. Rear shock-absorber conversion fitted. Exchange for 4-seater saloon, or sell. 4405. Sutton district. Box No, 3870. MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. [9318

SPARES. TYRES. Alvis ” 12/50 ” Laystall reconditioned engine, gearbox, chassis, relined shoes, TelecOntrols, etc. Sell lot or separately. Offers. Tyres : 21 -in. new, under list. Retreads’, 14.45 retread. Richard & Brown, Ringers Road, Bromley, Kent. Tel. : Ravensbourne 7487.[9319 H.R.G., 1947, AERODYNAMIC. :38,000 Miles. One owner. Girling hydromechaniiTil brakes professionally fitted to maker’s specification. Andre Telecontrols, front and rear, Scintilla, new Inod. Many extras. Excellent condition. Tel. : Keighley 3307. (9320 HUMBER NINE, 1928. tourer. 50,000rnilee by only two ownerS. Repainted green. Two new, three good tyres. All-weather equipment. In sound condition. Instruction book and eXtraS, 4115, or near offer. J. Austin, 17, Orchardleigh Road, Shanklin, 1.0.W. Tel. : Shankhn 2294 or 2119. [9323 “MOTORS.” Jan,, 48(51, Autos-ports, Vol 2, No. 2, to date. Also Aivis 25 and Vauxhall Big-Six hand)stoks. Best offers. Parkinson, 10, Burns Avenue, Lytham Lancs. [0324

MINERVA, 19:30, 24-tip., six-cylinder sleeve valve. Saloon body, Servo brakes, handbook. Any offer considered. BarrowbY Garage, Selby Raid, ceeds. [9325 M.G. PA 2-seater sports. Red with silver In beautiful condition. Fast and economical. Engine recently overhauled. Offers over 4’270. Harrogate or Manchester area. Box No. 3516, Moron SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. [9326 1925 V.D.P. BENTLEY RED LABEL. -45 miles London. Not taxed ; around 4230. Two 4.75 by 19 retreads, hardly used. Box No, 3879, MOTOR SPORT,

15, City Roul. .

195. MORRIS 8-H.P. SALOON: i934 SAY. engine. Goal tyres. New gearbox, clutch, front springs ; 50 m.p.g. Instant starter. Absolutely retila11. Taxed. Tel. : Great Missenden 468. 14 1940 TALBOT TEN COUPE BODY. (15Ford V8/32 engine, 415. Douglas 500 twin engine, 410. Incomplete. Ileatts End Service Station, Farulli3t3n2, Surrey. on FOR SALE—continued H.R.G. “1,100,” 1950; 13,000 miles. Black. Maintained in first-class condition by G. A. Ruddock,

well-known exponent. (895. Appointment onl)’. 9, North Street, Havant. Tel.; Havant 803. [9320

LEA-FRANCIS, 1930 “12(40 ” saloon. Mechanically overhauled by enthusiast. Brand new battery, two new retreads, petrol pump fitted. 4110, or near offer. Eastwood. 12, Sterry Drive, Ewell, Surrey. Tel. : Ewell 5345.

[9331 8th SERIES LAMBDA fitted 5th engine. Nice l looking fabric saloon. Four new tyres, spare head, etc. (1.50. Box No. 3880, Moron SPORT, )4.C.1,15,(9C3i3ty4 Road. .C.1.

AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL. Fully modified. 4125. o.n.o. Garner, Chalet, St. John’s Road, Ascot. [9333 RILEY NINE AND FOURTEEN ENGINES and G.11. and diffs. 22-11.p. V8 Ford engine. 1938 V8 for dismantling. Old type M.G. parts. H. and P. Dyntunometer. Box No, 3917, Moroi’ SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (9336

A 1921 12-H.P. PHOENIX 2-seater/dickey. Running order. Original condition. Belies-eel only one of its type in existence. 4100, o.n.o. Smith, East Cross. Tenterden, Kent. 19:337 HEADSCARVES. The original, featuring leading British and Continental racing and sports car motifs in appropriate colours, 30s. Vintage selection, 35s. Finest quality. E W. J. Rich, Steelgreen, Cumberland. [9338 1932 RILEY NINE chassis parts, etc. Sanded, primed emjine (internal oil syston) worn maims, • spare crankshaft, 425 ; gearbox, ; excellent clutch, 45 ; frame, 410 ; perfect back axle, crown pinion, ,415 ; front, new pins, 45 torque tube, shaft, 43 ; reset rehashed springs, 41 10s. each ; 14 new phis, 43 las.; radiator, 44 ; dynamo. 43 ; starter, 42 10s. ; wheels, 41 each ; steering, (2; tank, (t Lot 470. Essex. Box No, 3883, Moron SPORT, 15, City Road, PCI. (9330 A.C. 11.941.p. 2-seater, 1924. Recent engine overhaul. Brakes relined, new dynamo, well-base wheels, lieen.sed, insured. Spare engine. 470. Stiles, 17. Elsley Road, Tilehurst, Berks. Tel. : Reading 67402. [9340 1949 M.G. TC cream. Red leather. Many extras, including Windtone horns, three spotlights, reverse light, 11.M.V, press button radio, arm rest, Brooklauds wheel, two gear ratios, mohair hood. Mechanically 100 per cent. Bodywork in very beautiful condition. 4845, o.n.o. Taxed end of year. Any reasonabl trial. Open A.A. inspection. Dear Bros. (West Moors), Lbl. To.: Ferudown 160. Open Sundays; on main Rin,:wocKI-Bournemouth Road. (9341 ASTON-MARTIN,. 1939, 2-litre sports saloon. 50 miles only Sillee very extensive (200 overhaul, including new block, crankshaft, pistons and all bearings. New windscreen and all chrome partsreplated. Exterior paintwork and coachwork excellent. Interior immaculate. New tartan covers. Five unworn tyres. Will require no expenditure for thousands of miles. (750, or nearest. Rutterford, 36, Cook-ridge Street, Leeds, Tel,: Leeds 27152, office ; ;38897, residence. [9342

FRAZER-NASH Meadows T.T. Replica. Recent complete rebuild, superb condition. Offers, or exchange open 4-seater if in equal condition. ” ‘Avila,” Church Lane, Pinhoe, Exeter. (9343 SINGER SPARES. Complete be Mans 8.9 std. size engine, spare head, gearbox, half shaft, crank case, complete clutch, one Bantam engine. Offers wanted. Snowdon, 19, Edale Road, Sheffield, 11. Tel. : Sheffield 61500. [9344 M.G. 1938 VA 14-litre 4-seater tourer. B.R. green. thoroughly good condition throughbut. Good tyres. Recently overhauled and renewed where necessary. Selling for family reasons only. 4500 o.n.o., or exchange for drophead. Box No, 3884, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. (9345 3i-LITRE light sports StraiAht-eight 1)•imler. 1937. Coin dete. but ConTe and rear Of Car badly damaged by tire. Ilcst offer over OA. or would sell individual units. Stevenson’s Garage, West Port, Forfar, S. Ott ‘nil. Tel.: Forfar 014. [9514 AUSTIN SEVEN, 1951 registration, professional body, fully equipped. Splendid condition, perf.rmance. Remote control, dOwndraught, malitied brakes, excellent oversize tyro. 1;I140, or would exchange for ” Nippy ” or Something larger. Tel. : Staitus ‘254. [9346 MORRIS MINOR o.h.v. cars being dismantled. All units tout issrts for sale. Cams we help yon ? Shepperton Garage, Shepperton. Tel. : Walton-on-Thames 2:322. 19347 149-1923 BMCK roadster, 27 lip. Faultless chassis. Uses no oil, starts on Use button. Lighting, etc., perfect. Hood, sidescreens, excellent. Complete clown to instruCtion book. Open R.A.C.. A.A. inspection. Goode)’, 35, Leigham Avenue, Streat ham, S.W.16. Tel. : Streatham 3129. [9353 FOR SALE—continued FB.AZER-NASH II-LITRE ANZANI. Fimt registerot 1926. Recently completely rebuilt. Good condition throughout. Iligh performance. No weather equipment. Reaant for sale addition to

£1135. Lyne, 101, lAniclon Road, SeVernaak.s. [9474 RILEY “126” -MENTONE Saloon. Prmelector box. 480 recently spent engine. ResleeYed to standard. CraukShaft ‘ground. etc. Good eraidition. Would consider -exchange 7-10 h.p. car. Cash either way (engine repairs not objected to), or sell. ,(.1.70, or near. TO. : Hearten 1671. (9476 _ — —

MOTOR SPORTS. November, 1943. to date. One missing. Few covers soiled. Best offer. 15-, Park. Road, thrildford. [0477 BUICK SPECIAL, Completely rebuilt by engineers. This car is now fitted with 2-seater aluminium body, rind full read equipment. Its amazing per, formance snakes it ideal for sporting events. 410 tax. Photograph available.. £295. D. Rough, 0