Reports of Recent Events


Reports of Recent Events


On August 6th the Singapore M.C. held its sebond road rake meeting in Johore Bahru town, Malaya, which included the 1950 Johore Grand Prix. The circuit is just over two miles in length and contains is variety of twists and corners including five right-angle bends. The starting intile straight runs along t he edge of the Straits of Johore. This meeting was very successful and attracted a large crowd of all nationalities estimated at over 30,000. The start was delayed for half an hour to allow the thousands of spectators from Singapore to reach the course, for there was a three-mile traffic block on the Grand Trunk Road to the North, bandits and Conmutnists notwithstanding. Among the notabilities present were the Commissioner Gel ral for Far East Asia, Mr. Malcolm Macdonald, the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, H.H. the Regent of Johore and Service Chiefs: The meeting opened in brilliant sunshine which held for the voiturcttes race and for three-quarters of the Junior motor-cycle race, which finished in the midst of a tropical downpour. The storm continued for the opening lap of the Johore Grand Prix. The course IVIIS reasonably dry for the Senior motorcycle race in which the fastest laps were achieved. An excellent running cornxnentary was given during the races, and was broadcast by Radio Malaya. Before the starting of each race, the competitors did a parade lap, led by the Clerk or the Course in his vintage 4A -litre Vann I en I’las I tenI ley. Oliver Ilertram, Viees Presiden I of the Bentley Drivers’ Club, tt-as again 11(.A.(. Steward, and was

itleasei I will It Ow excellent organisation, spectator control arrange, InentS and tile general stand:it’d Of driving.

The wife of the Prime Minister of Johore State presented the troithies and prize money after the meeting, and Mrs. Hodgkinsott, the wife of the British Adviser, garlanded the winner at the conclusion of each race.

There were two minor incidents, but none of any account, except for that in which J. N. K. Monerieff, in his mohoposto Kink-In:ay V8 racing car, was forced off the road in the first few hundred yards of the Grand Prix, wreeking the car completely Monerieff was miraculously thrown clear and was only I irilised and serat cited. Results :

Results : Race No. I. Cars under 1,500-c.c, un/s.c., under I,000-c.c. S.C. (31 miles-15Iaps)

Of the 14 entrants. 12 were lined iip on thit ,,,tarting grid, position being draw’,

of the ilag K. L. :timmeton immediately took the haul (FIAT I ,50o in 1.1(i0 chassis), i•losely iollowcd bY VIP Pttng Vitt (FIAT 1,500) and J. A. Stone (Mu.). ” “). Niel( Jennings (highly-tuned special bodied Mn. •”fc “) lay ilfth at the end of the first lap, but then worked lip I ‘,neigh the held to take the lead la. the hogimang of the fourth

Affililleton regained (he oil Ow fttp, hut overdid Zoo unmet ott t eighth, hit Mg the sandbags and fraeturing his steering box. Freddy Pope in au A mutt,blown FIAT I, toil wits Collie very well, And looked as though he would get a place until his exhaust pipe came adrift requiring two pit. stops. Lint Peng Han (supercharged 1,

blew up on the third lap and Putra (M.G. ” “) threw a rod on the ninth, Koh Kum NVith (Singer 1,074-c.e.) was slow, steady And displayed excellent driving manners, actually stopping once to let faster Mrs past. At lap 5 Chia laig gage (1.20.e.e. L.A. Special) came in the pleture and it was then a closely fought haute tit the mash, Jennings winning by only a car’s length. Rooth was third, 2 min. 25 see. behind. Rae,averavte 53.8 m.p.h.

Fast4.%t lap, Jennings (MAJ. 50.01) m.p.h. Jennings won this rare last year in the came car muned ” The Itlaek Draught.”

Johore Grand Prix, Cars 4,500-c.c, and under un/s.c., 1,500-c.c. and under s.c. (41j miles-20 laps)

Eleven starters lined up for this, the big race, and Fattinson (Arnett-blown 51.6. “) drew the inside berth, with the XK 120 Jaguar and Kutlensity VS of Ferguson and MOneried respectively in the back rey; this was to have a tremendous bearing on the result of the Mee. Pattinsen leaped into the lead letthe fall of the flag and Moncrieff shot up through the field; just it.9 he neared the front he was etlged onto the, wet ia-ass verge., the car skidded, and LO avoid the rest, of the field Monerieff over-eorreeted to plunge down the bank, the tar turning three C0110 plete somersaults and being totally writclasi. M011crieff Was mirandowly th.rown out and only badly bruised. This inehieni,. uadouhteilly :As Kik n so of the other drivers, and was probably the canse of Lim Peng Han crashing his 1,.A. Special 151asentt i chassis, alditre Jaguar engine) at ‘Zoo ‘corner on the first Pattinson drove beautifully and never Moked like losing his lead. Ferguson was baulked by Johns (Jaguar Special) for several laps until the latter was red flagged. C. P. Pope (supercharged FIAT 1,100) drove well and certainly earned his fourth place. Laws (PAL Special) blew up and Johns itrashed on the 15th lap, breaking his ann. Middleton (FIAT) Was finding Ids steering heavy, and Milne had great (literality in controlling In short .1.1). Special (FIAT cl,,,i1,0,,Oieritlia,,t(Sitittl, ae,n.egirangee). 7,11111;itli.s11 rerots.111 was .scoond and J01111111t:S third. Fastest,

Imp of W.:18 done by Fergust,o lit lila Jaguar .N.K. 1211.


1St Frank oltitrati (Marti, light I 2tal, equal : Peter Pullmans! (11.1,t and l’aL 1(t.tolt• Speekil); -It It : V. Mectiesney ; 5th : I’. Thomp son : (Rh : Emberton ; 7th : F, Newton ; Silt : Colte : 9th : E. J. Oakley ; itgli ;

R. Brabant.


STAvrottn(*),,;;K? t 1();11,o;A, lc Chap,K. I I (Delovt: FIRST-CLASS A iv.cEt st. Rtuntitt (Allard),

F. 6. Not ley (Mercury), A,. W. 12iefiltrtitt (Ford spot-hil).

SuooNn-CLAss A watch tIC. lay (Dollow).


Final Trophy markings for the 1950 season are now available and are as follow : n-EssE (Ratting (ars): E. II. Ashton,

31 points. V tri..sta.: TinicitY (Sports Cars): Riehardsen,

it points. 1’F:1U:0101AM-1: TILORIIV : Mrs. N. blunts, 65 poila$:

VINTAGE ti1,01LTS CAR : .1. D. Radford, 14 points.

‘run sant:0DR TROPHY : F. Dalton.


II Iwo )A.K U. I.. Bold 0,020-e.e. Bold

ESTON (1,1(u11.c.e. I ti-now).

REgottAig TR011.11v.-1,1, NIOSI)y (1,172-e.e. Ird).

: A. 1:. link01 (1,172.e.e. Imhof); : A. W. FrIllicis (3,917-c.c. ILIt.1.4.-Nlercury) ; Gilt : ‘1’. I. Harrison (1,172-ve. Far(ord); 71.1i : M.

Wilde (1,172-vat. Fatima); : l. 3. Oliver ((.172-c.c. Oliver); 0th : C. corhishley (1,446-e.e. C.C.S); lOth : .1. D. sits-man (1,172-(*.e. Mecum-ID.


Jr»ni JJUm,l, Tkociii, K. E. O. Burgess (Burgess), lost 5 marks.,‘ss AWARDS.It. S. Roberts (Robros).

25 Milt , M., It. Matlock (Attsford), 30 marks Met.

M.C.C. SPORTING TRIAL (October 24th)

1SEST F. D. Dent (3,622-c.e.

A Ilard). IlesT VISITOR. –J. D. Sleet/Sail ( I ,172-C.ti. Sleen1311 S. )

NI.–A. W. Lilley (1,172-eat. A.W. Special, s,); It. Bailey (1,442.e.e. Bailey); C. Corbisliley I,412-c.e. C.C.S.).

Fi1isr.CLA83 ANS’AIMS.-B. W. Phillips (1, .Fairley); It. E. C. Brooke’s (1,172-e.c. E.R.P.). A. M. Beardshaw (1,172-c.c. A.M.E. Special); 0. Wotid (3,6(u(bc.e. C.W.8;); W. H. Waring (1,19(1-e.e. Bellow, ti.); II. F. Bray:Maw (1,185.e.e. Brayshaw Speeial, 51); M. Wilde (1,172-c.c. Ford s.); A. W. Utley (1,172-cat. A.W. Special, s.); Dracup (3,922-c.c. Ford); J. II. Marshall (1,172-e.e. Ausford); W. L. T. Winder (1,172-e.e. Austin); F. Dean (1,172-e.e. A.W. Special); C. It. K. Niclioll (3,522-cat. Ford) ; W. F. Mead (1,817-(t.e. Allard, s.); A. Itunditt (4,325-c.c. Allard); R.. C. Willis (3,917-e.e. Allard); Miss D. E. Store (1,172-e.e. Austin): C. It. Hardman (1,172-c.c. lielh,uw, s.) ; P. M. Ooodall (1,172-ex, Ford); It. Clare (1 h79-‘-.c. Clayton Special) : B. F. II. Cotton (1,172-c.c, Cotton Special); F. A. Rhodes (1,911-e.c. Friver-Niosh-13..M.W.); K, B. Burgess (3,917-c.e. Allard); A. E. Frost. (1.172ese. A.P.S.); Miss H. B. Kernble (1,172.c.e. Ford Speeitit); E. B. Wadsworth (.1,172-c.e. Pansy Special, s.); I). W. Price (1,175-cAt. Priee S.pecial); A. E. Jacknum (1.172.c.e. Dellow, s.) : K. It. Bailey (1,442-c.e. Bailey); C. (torbisklity (I 441)-i.e. C.C.S.); Miss 1). Corbishley (1,172-c.e. C.( t.S. it) J. it. Barrow (2,275-c.c. Barrow Special) ; R. E. Heft (3,(122-e.e. Ford VS); (I. It. Holt

( I , I 72-c.c.(1. Special); J. C. Wsliwurk (1,770.e.c. Standard); E. It. A. Mame 0,172-e.e. Ford ; .1. 1). Slecman (1,172.e.e. ‘teem.-on Sports, s.); 1′. A. Atkinson (1.194-cat. Austin); It’. D. Dent. (l,622-e.e. Allard); C. lo. critssby

(1,203-eat. Special, s.); It. A. Hopkinson (1,172-e.e. Bancroft Speeial); E. G. Spence (1,172.c.c. Spence) ; .1. Readingti (1,781-e.e. Regent, SPettial, IL); Id, V. Todd 0.172-ex. .Denow, it.); 0. D. C. list rotintoff (1,172-e.e.



This serni-sporthlg event, W’iis run among the hills and dales of Derbyshire, starting at the Dore Moor Inn and finishing at the Miner’s Standard, NV inster.

B. A. Hopkinson (7l.G.) was the only entnint to retain a clean slut’ I, therefore -winning Itis ONVII ettp for the second year in succession. Results : It.olcisses ct.r. tc. A. Hopkinson (M(1.) tikeosn-ri.Ass AWARDS.R. l’Imthy (M.O.), K. 1:,

wingnem (I. S. Malik) (M.O.), E. It. Howard (M.O.).

BRISTOL M.C. & L.C.C.JOHN BULL TROPHY TRIAL (October 28th) ? •1,,,,,1 to Hill) John 131111

? •1,,,,,1 to Hill) John 131111 Trophy Trial served as a useful loosening-up event for competitors and cars on October 2Stli and for ()nee special tests, of which there were Iii,,, flit! not figure in deciding the restilI. There was Ito rigid section in the aceepted sense and all observed hills were in fields on the slopes of Dundry Hill, near Bristol. Ken lIurgess in his Special Jupiter only railcd in one section on Hill One and this climb proved the most. difficult of the lot, but Hills Three and Four also claimed failures of half the entry. Len

Parker in his very Special and C. C. Evans in Dacy had a really bad day out, grassy sections beating them every time. However, Malloels (Ausford) had bad luck in net figuring higher up in the awards list, for in the first part of the event he was clean throughout. Results :

JOUR BULL TRopitY.-K. B. 0. Burgess (Burgess) marks lost.

Futtyr-cLass Awstias.-It. a. Roberts (Bobros), 25 marks lost ; Capt. A. M. It. MuBeek (Mulford) 30 marks lost. Sfamtuf-tsass Awanas.-0. Best (MSS), 35 marks

lost ; IL. C. OuStrotimoll (Bellow), 45 marks lot.

S.U.N.B.A.C. VESEY CUP TRIAL (November 4th)

BEST PERPoRMANCE (VssEY CDs): C. Corbishley

MST OVER 1,500 0.0. (CARLESS. CUP): K. E. 0. Burgess (3,917-c.e. Allard). BEST csopER 1.500 0.0. (WATSON (1WYNN’S BOWL): J. D. Steen= SI.172e.e. Sleeman), mem plum : Candidi Provocatores,

Fan CLASS AWARD::: C. I.. Bold (1,080-e.c. Bold), lt. W. Phillips (1,480-c.c. Finley), L. 0. Evans (1,172-c.c. Bellow). (*. [trough (1,172-e.v. Bellow).

CITROEN C.C. NIGHT TIME TRIAL (November 4th/5th) PREMIER Awsais-JoimMartin. Teddington, Middx.

PREMIER Awsais-JoimMartin. Teddington, Middx. FIRST-CLASS Ayala*: P. Caroline, Singapore, Malaya ; J. Goodman, Reading, Berks. fiscoan-ClAss Awsaus: V. Rowans, New Malden, Surrey ; 0, Wallis, Cambridge; 0. Gale, Black heath, S. I.3 E. 4.410101s, Ilannistcad,

CHELTENHAM M.G. TRIAL (November 11th)

PLAVRR Bowl. (for lnA performance irrespo,tive of class). -44. Mosby, Ilkley (1,172-c.c. Ford), marks let.

BEsT or To 1,500-0.0.(unsupercharged).-8.Bargess, Portishead Blirgost), l) marks lost.

BEST UP TO 1,500-0.0. (supercharged).–.7. Clegg, Ithinrow, Lanes (Clegg), 4 Marks !oat.

BEST Ovitat 1,600,0.0..(numpercharged).-O. It, L. Nicholl, Bristol (Ford), 22 Marks lost. (N either of Me two *Wants in the class far 1,500bca supercharged canipleted the mum.) Roams) Saaso TRAM cur.-Sheffield and Milan

shire Motor Mb (A. A. Butler, Clegg ; IL O.

Thompson, Wharton ; and J. Clem Clegg), . total marks lost 29. SpIHHAL AWARD Pon BEST Pankutinapen ok TO

1,000.0.e.Atkinson, Birmingham (unsupercharged 747-c.4. Austin), 43 marks Mat. HORACE Pout.Ton CUP FOR BEST C.M.C. MEMBER itRSIORNT WITHIN 15 MILES OF CHELTENHAM. C. Broogh (Bellow), 30 marks lost, FIRST CURS AWslins—(‘lass A Sup to 1,500-c.e. un,..a.C.): C. L. Bold ( Itold), B. K. Thompson (Wharton), C. Corb1shicy (C.c.s.), a. W. amps

r”airay), J . Doctor (Cranford), J. Bullivant Ifitza-Ford “). Class li (up to I,500.e,e, If. H. Brown (Bellow), V. S. A. Biggs (Ford), A. A. Naar (Clegg), L. 0. Evans mellow), s. Clegg ((iegg), A. 13cardshaw (A.M.11. Special). Class C (over 1,500c.c. un.-s.c.): A. W. Frances (R.11.0.).

(R.11.0.). THE DAILY EXPRESS la)00 MILE RALLY (November 8th/10th)

the first long-distance 4-.) -War Rally, attracted no fewer than 470 cot ries :tad 429 starters. An average of 26I m.p.h. had to be maintained Over 1)511701) miles, then 24 m.p.h. for 423 miles from Chester to Torquay, including ascents of Bwlch-y-Groes, Lynmouth and Porlock. This shouldn’t have been difficult for modern cars, but BwIch was in sour mood and stopped some cars, delaying Others, while rain and mist added to the difficulties. That not a single serious aceident was reported in some 500,000 combined miles of such purposeful motoring merely shows what a safe vehicle a misair car is in experienced hands. Actually, the entry was composed mostly of novices, although Moss and Macklin had a 1)11 II Aston-Martin, Ian and Pat Appleyard the XI: 1211 Jaguar, Wharton the M.G.-Cooper, Imhof an M.6., Mrs. Allard and Mrs. Wood, out for the Ladies’ Prize which they duly colleeted, an Allard, While the Press boys naturally turned Out—FOthergill

Wisdom (Sunbeam-Talbot) Grant (M.G.) and Twelvetreta (Citroen). There WM a tiny home-built Hazel, two Austin taxis, a 1929 Standard Nine, some ” specials,” including the Mercury-cit. „Med Triumph Chapman that was So sensational in the special tests, and It vintage Bentley and Invieta. At one time taxis were banned by the M.C.C., incidentally.

Forty-seven cars retired, a further forkfive were excluded by being late at the controls Harris-Meyers, who owns Chitty 11, had to do the Welsh mountains on front brakes only, because the back ones had packed up and his 1950 Jaguar broke down altogether going home from the Rally ; Fot heri ngham -Parker’s Hillman had no brakes at. alt ! The final tests Otat decided the Rally were restricted because Of the eta* proximitrof ordinary trallb: and involved driving skill rather that car-ability. However, drivers took II Lem might, away on arrival and were not told what to do, having to rely on printed instructions handed “tit at Chester. There was some criticism that they were not even given time to take stock of the hazards, being waved off at once by an over-zealous starting marshal: This Wharton forestalled by stopping short of the actual start line I The downhill coast-and-brake test was an old M.C.C. favourite; we saw Patchett (Wolseley) and Taylor (Arrastrong.Siddeley) doing it very neatly. Next there was a forwardreverse-forward-reverse affair, where the modern Vauxhalls all did polite curtsies, Rolls-Bentley drivers fumbled for reverse, Austin A90’s brakes squealed and on many cars reverse was an elusive ratio. The rain soon made the Editorial notebook sodden, so you are spareti. the page by page report we used to write pre-war. Suffice it to say that Cluspinan’s Chapman-Special was fastest in the second test, in 14.0 sec., beating Wharton, who missed a gear-change, by 0.6 see.., and a Railton and Allard by a clear second. Appleyard also missed a change. The third test was a simple parking affair, which nevertheless entirely defeated 259 drivers. Even Wharton overshot the braking line and Moss was confused. Cars were then examined for defects, eighteen being penalised, Cramp’s Allard lofting 30 marks. The Rally lutd been well-run aud appeared to j?leas, majority, adthotigh some protests were made about t let Marshalling and layout of the tests and delays at liwleh. The latter would seem a natural Rally hazard and Moss Was reported to have gone up at some 70 111.Phs passing .other ears! The M.C.C. has whetted our appetite for next yetir’s It.A.C. International British Rallylila we still think better use could have been made of British rough stuff and we wish impartial observers could ride in each car and deduct marks at every stop, to a pre-arranged schedule of penalty, as they used to do in similar evesas many years ago. Nevertheless. G. R. Holt and A. Asbury deserve great ‘Credit for bringing I heir ” TO ” M.G. through seven inarks ahead of the Appleyards’ NI: 120 jaguar in the Rudy as at whole,

–W. B. Results :

WINNER (Irrespective of class).-0. R. Bolt-A. Asbury (Is:so-c.c. MA.), 4,008 marks lost. IttniNER-UP. -E. J. Appleyard-Mrs. Appleyaxd (3,442-cm. Jaguar XK 120), 9,015 marks cid. NEXT IN MEst-r. -J. 0. Shaw-F. D. Lawton (1,250

cc. M.(I.), 4.229 marks lost. LA.infEs’ PR)ZE.-Mrs. E. Allard-Kra. R. Wood (4,375-c.e.. Allard), 12,622 marks lost,

:RUNNERC e. -Am. J. M. M. Cooke-Mrs. B. W. Cooke (2,088-c.c. standard Vanintanl). 13,093 marks lost. NEX.T IN NIER1T.-111188 S. Van-Damn-Mks, N. Van Daum (Lint-c.e. Sunbeam-Talbot), 13,578 marks lost.