CLUB AFFAIRS, December 1950



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The Bristol MA:. and L.C.C. enrolled its 500th member in Oetober ; he was presented with a free club badge. * *

The newly-elected Secretary of the Cambridge University C.C. is 0. I’. Hart ree (Christ’s College), 9, Glisson, !toad, Cambridge. * * * The .‘lvis Owners Club (as distinct. Itegist et.) is trying to get reestablished. Details front R. Birks, 201, Yeo !Jane, 1:XeleSiielfl. Slkellie1(1,

II. Iies1 LAW, Roden Street Works, Ilford. Essex, is anxious to start a club. for owners of Alfa-Romeo cars.

The NAV. London )l .C. Gloucester Trial starts front and hashes at t he ” Bear Pool” café, Rodborough Common, Stroud. (start 9.30 a.m.) on December 2nd. The 57-mile course will be taken in two loopsto avoid congestion. * * *

After an interval of ten years, an enthusiastic motor club has rceonuneneed at Leeds University, canprising 110 members, Whiell eaters for both the motor-epic and car owner. On enrolment. day they had as an attraction the loan ()flack I iret t ‘s Jut sior Manx Norton. Former illiellther$ are asked to contact the present Secretary, at The University Union, Leeds, 2.